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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. Cheddar Cheese & Pretzel Combos or Synders Honey Mustard Prezel Pieces. Also Ruffles and Kraft Green Onion Dip is a mainstay munch.
  2. I legit forget it's on every single week despite being on this board and basically living in a chat full of people who watch it every week.
  3. Christopher Robin (2018) 7/10 - I do recognize that a lot of that is based on nostalgia. The Super (2018) 3/10 - A decent twist that I honestly didn't expect, but just real shitty overall.
  4. For straight up procedural I like Criminal Minds well enough. FBI is probably my favorite right now. It's really growing into it's own and it has a great cast.
  5. Hopefully this VIZ deal isn't as exploitative to young writers/artists as Tokyopop was!
  6. Like all the other Disney live action stuff... I'm on the fence and likely will be until I see it with my own eyes. I do like that they have embraced the musical aspect of these films and I imagine that much like the BatB film that they're going to be padding out this film with the Broadway original numbers.
  7. Tubi is pretty good. I have it on my Roku. There are quite a few free services with some pretty decent selection. Crackle has some FUNi stuff and PlutoTV has two free anime channels.
  8. The town I'm in now has two Dairy Queens. I went the other day to the newest one and got two Blizzards but didn't get the promotion (I didn't even know about it later that night when I saw someone share it on FB) but then I went on Friday to the other one and much frozen enjoyment was had.
  9. Rocking that man cleavage too. He also has a dog so I have totally headcanon'd that he has a box of treats in his desk for Hound Dog.
  10. It's not that my Caps Lock is stuck, it's that my Shift key in broken.
  11. One Piece 936 My Hero Academia 220
  12. "Are you a giant fucking nerd? Are you looking for other giant fucking nerds to be nerdy as fuck with? No? Join anyway." But really I would suggest users in their 20s-30s (or older) who are interested in animation (both Western and Anime), comedy, or creative arts/writing.
  13. I honestly forgot about this until the trailer dropped. I definitely remember the cast being announced and getting pumped, but I think the news that Lin-Manuel Miranda was producing a Kingkiller Chronicles series that pushed it aside.
  14. Should have been about 3 episodes shorter than it was. I don't understand why almost every Netflix show is so bad with the pacing. Is it the binging? Does that make it more noticeable? I wish they hadn't changed the manipulation of the White Violin from orchestra itself cause Leonard was a really shitty villain.
  15. I did. And I said yes. 💍
  16. Well I didn't watch it for basically a decade. I think it's just like any other hobby... sometimes you just take a break for other stuff and come back.
  17. I thought pulling a Spacey was trying to hide behind your sexuality by throwing everyone else under the bus so the straighties feel sorry for you.
  18. My Hero Academia: All Might Rising
  19. The best thing about all of these YouTubes getting linked is I know which channels to ignore.
  20. And it's also well within the rights of your employer to fire you for sexual harassment and to be removed from public functions at the behest of the organization which is hosting it which are literally the only new things that has happened here.
  21. Attack on Titan Season 2 1-2
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