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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Legalizing concealed carry at the same time you allow cops to arrest people without reading them their Miranda Rights is going to get so many people killed.
  2. Ah yes, the Big Milk
  3. That’s the only way this world could convince me to give a shit.
  4. You can also use Coca Cola to clean the rust off of a penny.
  5. Feels odd to continue the story without it being a fun periodic one-off like Badlands Rumble. Even more red alarms are going off with them announcing that it’ll both be in 3D and feature new voices. I know Land of Lustrous and Beastars are beloved, but it feels cursed to see Trigun like that. Aside from those who retired like some of the older English VAs or passed away like Meryl’s Japanese voice and Knives’ English VA, many of the Trigun actors are still active and even have roles announced for this year.
  6. He could’ve always gotten more duelers to fight by throwing a deck of cards into a gorilla enclosure and teaching them how to use them. Or better yet, build robots who are designed to duel.
  7. Got my preorder set up along with Fire Emblem Three Hopes so I’ll be eating good for a while. Mostly hyped up to finally have a physical copy of Darkstalkers, but I’m curious about some of the games I’ve never played like Red Earth and Cyberbots.
  8. I’d rather go for the nearly $10,000 copy of Tekken 2. The Tekken one was a glitch, but to get all of the content and costumes in Dead or Alive 5, you’ll need to pony up a grand to do so.
  9. Between this and the Oscars lumping in all animation with kids junk, it’s an uphill battle for anyone to be taken seriously in art. Like how do you have a link dedicated to comics that got adapted into TV shows and still have marketing that hones in on how “cOmIcS aRe lItErAtUrE’s iNbReD cOuSiN”? https://m.webtoons.com/en/collection/adapted-for-the-screen/488
  10. I’ve honestly had a rough time handling this. Within such a short span of time, he was able to bring out all of these hard hitting roles. Landing Josuke and Naofumi was already incredibly impressive. I still need to see Promare, but I was saving it for a watch night to find out all the stuff about the movie’s main two protags. I knew him best from his role as Maruki in Persona 5 and Nenji Ogata from 13 Sentinels. He was also funny in Fire Emblem Three Houses as Ferdinand von Aegir. He really brought a human element to characters who were either really compassionate or really silly. Nenji strikes this balance pretty well with his tough guy demeanor being mellowed out by his humble, down-to-earth empathy for those around him and the love he eventually develops with a girl who shares an acrimonious friendship with. Knowing how recent of a VA he was combined with getting regular updates of how he was doing is probably why I’ve been tearing up a lot more about this news.
  11. Candy Corn, Peeps, and Jelly Beans.
  12. I marathoned this manga a week ago. I’m far more hyped now that I was able to experience all that. Hopefully, CR will give a lot more resources for it to thrive than Netflix or old FUNi would’ve.
  13. I’m enjoying it, but I’ve been pretty slow at keeping up with it. I love Yor and the dynamic Anya has with Loid where she has to secretly pick up on the cool/scary details in his spy life.
  14. Netflix really loves its Kakegurui. I don’t think they’ll be able to top the live action one they got the rights to.
  15. It’s funny to think that Darth Vader still has the whole Mustafar fight living rent-free in his head, so he made a makeshift fire for Obiwan so he could experience burns too.
  16. Obligatory rainbow capitalist logos.
  17. Pink, orange, and purple.
  18. The flag of my people
  19. I still have a like / dislike relationship with this show. I’ll keep it on because it’s good background noise and warmed up to it after a Home Movies rewatch made H. Jon Benjamin always a joy to hear. But I despise Bob’s family way too much to pay attention to it or go out of my way to see the movie.
  20. I couldn’t think of a worse downgrade than going from a movie with the Wachowskis to a streaming show from Jar Jar Abrams.
  21. I’d imagine there’s a world of difference between the wagyu you could get at a store and the wagyu you could get from Arby’s. Some of the best steak I had was from a small tidbit of A5 wagyu that a ramen shop sold for $20.
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