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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I played with a ton of female characters when I was in middle/high school because if I was going to stare at a character for several hours, I wanted it to be a girl. This was especially important for games where you could buy armor that looks like an impractical swimsuit. It also explains all my girl avatars from the old boards. I feel like gamers when into bozo idiot mode more if they heard a girls voice from a microphone than if they were male-presenting but chose a girl avatar.
  2. “Tekken” is trending on Twitter regularly, but it’s never for news on a new game. It’s always about some crappy midtier tournament nobody could possibly care about outside of the 16 people in Poughkeepsie or Ottawa who are participating.
  3. I will look up the spoilers
  4. Looks like the police department took a page from the Parkland cops and sat on their thumbs and twirled them as elementary kids were being brutally murdered. Not making a strong argument for arming cops to the teeth when they only mean mug in the face of protestors or black people. Literally any other job in America has harsher consequences for not working. The NRA made the Parkland shooting Rubio’s payday. Wonder if Abbott and Cruz are gonna get their pockets lined once the midterms roll around. I bet those fuckers won’t even use their dead kid money to fix the power grid. It’s not like these politicians have a roadmap to implement any policies to make mental healthcare easier to access than assault rifles. Mental healthcare bills get killed by the same people who say we need to focus more on mental health. Armed guards won’t do because when you back the blue, those colors run. And if they want to keep cutting funding for education, what in their right mind makes them think they can give teachers and students the gun training they’d need to survive a fantasy Mexican standoff with a mass shooter? They’ll just go back to saying that learning about slavery or finding out their teacher is gay or allowing a trans student to go to the bathroom is more harmful to kids than getting shot by an AR-15. Better burn the books because, apparently, the ideas in those are worse to have in a kid’s mind than bullets.
  5. I think it’s a rebranding of synthetic leather or pleather. Because it’s not made from real animal, it’s technically vegan, so it’s supposed to make people feel good for supporting vegan leather. But in reality, they’re actually buying rebranded flea market handbags.
  6. That’s like hiring an arsonist to unclog a toilet. Yeah, the toilet’s no longer a problem, but that’s because everything surrounding the toilet is now uninhabitable.
  7. As much as I like not being sober, drunk sex is a 50/50 situation on whether I can get excited for it or not. High sex is pretty great though.
  8. Going back to this, it also taps into redefining ethics and morality in our institutions. Any discussion of needing an investigation on finding the leaker or clerk is already a red flag with our current SCOTUS. Sending confidential documents to the press is made to be this unforgivably egregious act. But where does that leave perjury from a SC justice (all of Trump’s appointees claimed Roe was settled under oath), one of the same justices accruing absurd amounts of debt, and another justice playing a role in the January 6th insurrection? Do the rules stop applying once you’re appointed to the SC? People are already speculating on whether the leaker wanted the liberals to get heated up to fight back or intended for conservatives to get amped up and pressure the right wing judges to stick with their decisions. If Supreme Court decisions are getting the same kind of spectator sport theatrics that Congress and the House campaign on, then it’s clear that the courts have been compromised by the same petty politics and wanton criminal activity that ended the legitimacy of the legislative branch.
  9. I doubt the leaker was looking to gain references for the future prospect of throwing out the Thomas family’s sedition plans or disposing of the empty beer cans in Kavanaugh’s office. Much like the Trump administration leaks, the SCOTUS is experiencing this because they have been thoroughly delegitimized as representatives of the American people, and have fully accepted their role as an accessory for the Republican Party to roll back on our nation’s freedoms.
  10. We’re all dying out here from COVID and dead broke from rising costs, but the Supreme Court and Republicans decided that this was the best time to strip women of their rights. Better yet, Biden and democratic senators are asleep at the wheel as always, so now we’re facing more Republican-led sabotage even with 2/3 branches in control. On the bright side, Orrin Hatch ate shit before he could have the satisfaction of hearing the news.
  11. Hugh Gass Timothee Chalamet Sephiroth Johnson Daniel Mulder-Skully Sasuke Kairi Charles Kardashian
  12. I can see soup or hot pot being easy to eat like this in public.
  13. For the past few weeks, I’ve been tempted to get this so that I can finally have a physical copy of the Darkstalkers games. Getting to try out Cyberbots & Red Earth is another plus, as well as having Puzzle Fighters to tinker around with.
  14. Doolittle 2 is looking intense
  15. My bday is four days away so I was pretty close.
  16. No human with morals or values would vote Republican in 2022. It’s an ideology of spite and hatred for mankind with no end goal other than societal decay and reality TV stardom. They are more than happy to let their states’ citizens die from COVID and slide into poverty in favor of outlawing our freedoms all for a televised culture war. They are not human.
  17. The UFO Museum didn’t appreciate the whole “fondling the grey alien statue” stunt.
  18. Within the last couple years, I had an hour long philosophical conversation about fiction with an EMT at the manga section. It was kind of an odd, refreshing experience and felt great to recommend some good ones by the end. Ages ago, I also met some crazy pro-life kid in the biographical section who went on a rant about Roger Waters’ political views after I told him I liked Pink Floyd.
  19. Oh My Ghost is a great one. It’s part Patrick Swayze’s Ghost and part Kitchen Nightmares.
  20. The momentum might’ve started to slow down by that point, but it’s neat to hear about the internal reception of how a manga’s story is shaping up. Reminds me of how Jujutsu Kaisen was able to avoid cancellation because the twist that happened at the end of Volume 1 during the fight in the abandoned detention center.
  21. I think I’ve been mooching just all the streaming services I have except for Hulu and HBO Max. If Netflix or Disney ever implement any measures to block account sharing, I’d have no interest in getting them back.
  22. In Australia, ”space flavored” is pronounced “spice flavored”.
  23. Looks like he took Jared Leto’s method acting to heart.
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