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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Comcast got rid of the channel and slapped it onto pricier premium cable packages. I learned it the hard way when I turned on the free cable that came with my home, and one day, Cartoon Network and a ton of my music channels were removed. Some hotels likely never upgraded their package to save on costs.
  2. I do a lot of writing. A mixture of creative writing and anime blogging to keep me busy and active. It’s really good practice while I’m busy with the more monotonous work I do. I also play a ton of games and like watching movies.
  3. What matters isn’t the drip. What matters is the plan.
  4. Banks should be slapped for all the crap they pull.
  5. These little purple guys
  6. With all the ingredients they add to their food, it’s crazy how all of their food comes out so bland.
  7. Bombast and camp are crucial to having a memeable song.
  8. Virtual film festivals from the past year or so have had that kind of format. SXSW 2021 is the only example I have at the moment, but they’re moving back to an in-person venue this year.
  9. He was supposed to be the last living actor in Hollywood.
  10. If you’re going to do a call teaching us how to do something, please have a functioning example of how it works prepared ahead of time. It’s unhelpful when you tell us to pay attention or else, but then we watch you fumble around for 30 minutes to find an example that properly demonstrates we’re supposed to learn.
  11. RIP. His music was pretty cool in my theater kid years, and he showed up in some neat movies.
  12. She’s a pretty fun presence on Twitter.
  13. I need to get into VR. I’ve been playing the PS4/PS5 update and it looks awesome on the TV with a Delta. I think I’ve got some other games that are compatible.
  14. My recent hobbies on Delta 8 have either been diving into the weird part of YouTube, watching Home Movies & Nailed It, or playing Rez.
  15. Kevin Spacey would probably be one of the scariest celebrities to directly ask for your company. Maybe Charlie Sheen or Chris Brown.
  16. I’ve got some cultured meat for them to inspect for approval.
  17. The new Cake Farts and Cinnamon Citrus flavors aren’t going to convince me to crack open a Mountain Dew for old times sake. I made that mistake when I got watered down Baja Blast at Taco Bell a couple years ago.
  18. Wasn’t sure if Glenn Beck was going to commit to refusing the vaccine given that he’s spent the past four years dunking his face into crumbled up Cheetos to let people know he’s a Never Trumper.
  19. Chapinator_X

    bah gawd

    Pokémon Go in these pants.
  20. To think Kazuya and Heihachi were fighting right there when it went off.
  21. The first episode is the worst the bullying gets. Once you get past the point where she tears into his wish fulfillment manga, she tones it down quite a bit and the show starts having more fun at her expense. The tone shift helps because she ends up being pushed to be kinder while a fire is lit under his butt to have more confidence in his abilities.
  22. Quite a lot. They're from the 1989 Super Bowl that the Bengals didn’t actually win. Nobody actually won though because an Elvis impersonator did the halftime show. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_XXIII
  23. I’d say, but I have a nondisclosure agreement from back when I briefly dated Pete Davidson a few weeks ago.
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