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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. It looks a bit static and underwhelming. Like if the first “Oro?” looks like crap, it’s an instant drop.
  2. Not even sure how this would turn out given how ancient Onimusha is as a property and whether Takashi Miike could make the switch to animation.
  3. The PS5 port is out, but no physical copies so you’d have to get a PS4 copy for the upgrade. Apparently, it’s playable now, or at least the 5 hours I played was pretty decent back when they offered a trial run as part of their apology tour. I’m planning on getting it used soon, but I refuse to pay more than $20 for Cyberpunk.
  4. It’ll have to be on my holiday list because my backlog is packed and I’ve been neglecting that to play Guilty Gear. But I’d be open to giving it a shot since I hear it’s a huge step up in the series.
  5. It takes place in Britain so let’s go with a Dark type.
  6. If you dislike your job, being an overachiever only gets you more work with no raise. Phoning it in keeps you sane and composed, whether you’re a free agent looking for a new job or just trying to survive out here.
  7. Only if it’s solo material. Hell, it might give me some incentive to open up one of my own.
  8. I was a fool and got rid of them all. To make matters worse, all my demo disks were either given away or lost because only one remains. It had an awesome demo of Shadow of the Colossus. Burnout’s was good too and I had a surprisingly nice time with LA Rush and The Suffering 2. The Sly Cooper demos were some old freebies though and the One Piece game was pretty bad.
  9. I downloaded it once I found out it was free-to-play. It’s a bit awkward since I’m so used to Smash Bros that it feels odd to play the characters. So far, I think Jake’s the only character who resonated with me.
  10. I’d be superstitious of that kinda bad juju too. If I’m ever put in some position where someone wanted me to sign on a Death Note, they’re getting a fake name. They’re getting Raye Penbar.
  11. I’m hoping these are just documenting a few body mishaps and not one of those diaries you find in Resident Evil where someone who’s starting to go full zombie tries to write out their thoughts.
  12. Paying your employees is like shaking your fist at God and saying we know better as to what constitutes a livable wage.
  13. He always commits to attacking women who are past his age range.
  14. As if a self-driving suicide car that turns into a brick the moment the battery dies or the moment you can’t get out of theater mode wasn’t enough of a reason to avoid Tesla’s.
  15. Taking the big sip
  16. Happy birthday
  17. Dr Drew had Celebrity Rehab for the longest time on VH1 and that’s what mostly aired by the time MTV switched over to 24/7 Ridiculousness.
  18. They couldn’t quite get out of the funk they were in during the 2000’s with all their celebrity reality shows. Looks like it’s mostly Love & Hip-hop and Drag Race at this point, but at the very least, they’re farther from the days when Dr Drew destroyed the channel.
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