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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Weird chuds latched onto this dude, but if his advice was actually useful, he wouldn’t have had to hole up in Romania for being a sexual predator. Even that didn’t work out because he was so obsessed with dunking on a young girl that he didn’t account for getting his ass completely blown out until he got so flustered, he doxxed himself. It’s also a riot because this was the end result of Elon’s obsession with letting all of the creeps back on Twitter. Andrew was given a second chance to espouse his pickup artist garbage and his first course of action was getting humiliated by Greta Thunberg and snitching on himself.
  2. Of all the Tenchi’s, they went with this one?
  3. I don’t know how a guy who sings cover songs in shrill autotune managed to have such a pull in getting weirdos to slander Megan for getting shot. Like people hate women so much that they’d ignore evidence and create conspiracy theories that fit their worldview about this trial.
  4. McDonalds would rather turn their restaurants into oversized vending machines than pay their employees a livable wage.
  5. AI is going to be a difficult tool for Trump’s team to navigate. It’ll be the first time his hands are drawn TOO accurately.
  6. I’m surprised it hadn’t happened sooner since every new game forces the anime studio to throw Ash into a new world with new replaceable companions and the latest starter Pokémon. I’m guessing the pitfall is how to create characters that can fit in naturally in every new game. The Ash/Team Rocket dynamic was universal enough to be malleable for most worlds. We’ll have to see if the new protags, rivals, and crime syndicates can naturally transition from game-to-game.
  7. I’m livid because there is so much manga and anime in the world, but a lot of big name anitubers (aside from MB) will keep on talking about as if it’s a hidden gem or a guilty pleasure is this pathetic romcom. Waifu wars are still happening over this, as if it even has a “best girl”. Telling people it’s a “hate watch” only goes so far when they keep giving it more free advertising than any good manga. Like how has it become a legit running joke in modern anime fandom that it jumped the shark with Kazuya’s pool cuck fantasy?
  8. It’s perfect material for a contemporary J-drama, but a Netflix show? A Netflix version of this story?
  9. This is how they’re recreating the explosions for the new Oppenheimer movie.
  11. Playing the same games that I was in October, but I got Sonic Frontiers during Black Friday. I might get tired of it at some point, but I really enjoy how they pulled off the open world hubs and traveling about on rails. Giving Sonic an acceleration button like he’s a sports car is a game changer.
  12. This is Spinal Tap Walk Hard Black Dynamite Clerks Pineapple Express
  13. The important takeaway is that the right wingers who were left uncomfortable by Kanye’s antics aren’t disturbed because they’re philosophically different from him. They’re disturbed because he took their dog whistle and fired off a louder bullhorn in its place. “Nnnnnnooooo! You’re not supposed to say you like Hitler! You say there’s a Jewish mafia out there that’s wants to cancel us! Big difference! Big!” Kanye has been too far gone for anyone to redeem, but he’s openly embraced the same messages spread by prominent conservatives to the point that he parrots their true meaning right back at them, as if they’d happily agree. So now, the stochastic terrorists who elevated his message have to save face and pretend they weren’t quietly encouraging people to harass the families of shooting victims or bring their finest Nazi regalia and weaponry to their nearest drag brunch or Disney park. Like how the fuck can Jewish conservative personalities act as if Kanye’s “DEFCON 3” tweet was a slam dunk victory for free speech only to be offended once he elevated Hitler? What was Hitler best known for? What’s a good Top 5 of the people Hitler hated the most? And why are they currently considered boogeymen by American conservatives today? How long does “I got mine” last before your privilege runs out as a devil’s advocate for prejudice?
  14. They saw blood in the water after re-editing Super Sentai shows struck gold with the Power Rangers. But their big flaw was thinking that anime could be easily repurposed the same way when their push to incorporate live action forced them to have to make their own animation on the cheap. I’ve been saving all the newer discoveries for a special day because I’ve been waiting to see if anything would come of this for a while. Ever since I discovered Sailor Mercury had a magical wheelchair because her human self has a wheelchair, I had to see what they had in mind for the American adaptation.
  15. I wound up watching it in out-of-sequence fragments because of how infrequently it was re-aired on Adult Swim. I did see AO, but there were diminishing returns from constantly trying to revisit an otherwise charming surfing mecha anime.
  16. If they really want to live up to the “House of Mouse” name, they should adapt his mouse art next.
  17. Huey Lewis & The News is The J. Geils Band for people who can’t stand jokes with cursing.
  18. I’ve had it with these monkey-fighting snakes on this Monday-to-Friday plane!
  19. We’ll find out during the next primary when JFK Jr. shows up to the debate.
  20. I don’t think there’s been a day since the takeover when anything trending wasn’t just spam. Just weeks old news about Balenciaga, engagement farming, and grifter spew. It feels like how pop radio is nowadays where they got so cleaned out by TikTok and Spotify that they’re playing music from 10 - 30 years ago. It doesn’t matter if pop stations are now practically oldies stations because all they know how to do now is play the hits. Hobby Lobby & Chick-fil-A discourse can only keep Twitter alive for so long by playing the hits before people leave en masse.
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