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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I imagine people kept crawling up to him about this because he rotoscoped the LotR, but forget that he didn’t rely on rotoscope for art theft purposes like with AI bros. People will just shout “corner-cutting” towards both rotoscoping and AI as if there wasn’t an egregious reason why AI is more hated.
  2. Something tells me the curse will continue and it’ll get cancelled again until another new promising director take the helm once again. Soon, it will either be Ari Aster, Chloe Zhao, or the Safdies’ problem.
  3. Sephiroth is no longer a fan of the number 7
  4. Welcome! I just popped back in and it feels pretty sobering to be in a forum again.
  5. Edgy music sings to the soul when you’re an angry kid. As you get older, you either take it with you, reject it, or embrace it way too enthusiastically.
  6. The Big Glopper Chelsea “The Chest” Chester Pierre LeGaye Chad Gaines Texas Shooter Straight Up G Goldman Stephen J. Walker The Malibu Dude Adolf Jackson Marla Fatty
  7. I still need to finish it. Date is such a fun scumbag character.
  8. It’s a relief they were rescued. I remember that one horrifying story where someone at a Hersheys factory flat out died after falling into a vat for melting/mixing chocolate.
  9. I don’t do it, but I know some folks add sugar while they’re cooking tomato sauce for spaghetti. I’ve only had grits with cheese, but if it’s plain, I could see trying to fix it up like oatmeal with cinnamon & sugar being a possibility. No sour cream in chili, but I’ll add hot sauce. I’ve only had cranberry sauce on turkey burgers, but can’t imagine it on a beef one. I’ve had weirder things on beef burgers though like peanut butter.
  10. I’ve only heard his voice during hurricane press conferences and he sounds like Buffalo Bill if he was telling people to stay indoors.
  11. Once you internalize the whole “every object has a soul” ethos from Shinto faith, every shonen anime starts to make sense.
  12. I’m digging this JYB renaissance with Ichigo & Vash returning.
  13. These are the only two I’m the most familiar with, so I’d go with those as well. Shiyan Pin Jiating (Frankenstein Family) was pretty neat, but I’ve only read the first couple chapters.
  14. Drink up, me hearties, yo-ho! For a more ethical answer, Hulu has the most balanced anime library even though the ads are miserable.
  15. Starry: This Soda Slaps! I guess if there ever were a soda that wouldn’t be missed, it’d be Sierra Mist. They wanted to compete with Sprite, but Mountain Dew & 7-Up are more relevant as alternative lemon/lime sodas.
  16. Kanopy, but if HBO Max wasn’t gutting most of their catalog, they’d be way up there.
  17. Of course, Zeni would be the first guy here to put all their eggs in one basket over Bitcoin.
  18. They were one of the better boy band groups out there. Also, The Corrs.
  19. I thought she passed away shortly after Joy Behar took over for her on The View. Her and Pope Palpatine died close to each other and I also thought he died shortly after Pope Francis came in. They were both very old so I figured they’d only retire if they knew their health was declining severely.
  20. There’d be way too many fat people at church if that was the case.
  21. I’m surprised it’s not the leading cause of five different life-threatening diseases like every entry on Web MD.
  22. I watched a couple fight at a restaurant, so I know at least two people who are making the most of the new year.
  23. I remember in 2016 he had two songs on the radio; one that stole the chorus from “Everyone Falls in Love” and one that stole its chorus from “If You Love Me”. They tried shoving him on the charts out of peer pressure because at the time, The Weeknd had his breakout hits and Drake was preying on a crapton of other upcoming Canadian artists to collaborate only to steal their clout. Tory was Drake’s self-proclaimed rival and tried to act tough about being Toronto’s second best singer/rapper, but if you’re yodeling in autotune on Lil Dicky’s “Earth”, shooting a woman’s foot is the only way you’ll look tough to weird online stans.
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