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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I finally tried birria tacos from a good taco truck I discovered this weekend and it was just as amazing as everyone here was saying. I’m glad I found it there and didn’t end up stumbling across it at a trendy hipster place. The only issue is that, between this and a some beers, it took forever to dump normally. I’d still get it again, but I’ll just keep hoping that my system’s kinder to me and won’t keep punishing me for enjoying spice. My body rebels against my taste buds, and it sucks.
  2. They’re acting obtuse and praise her for being a martyr because of the insurrectionists who fucked around, Ashlii was the only one who fucked around AND found out.
  3. Now I’m crossing my fingers that Netflix gets the Takashi Miike adaptation of “Like a Dragon”.
  4. I like the Beastie Boys music, but I think Sabotage ended up falling victim to being overplayed in movies and shows. Where instead of being hyped about a great rap-rock song, you’re reminded that the opening notes are there to let you know a wacky chase scene is about to start.
  5. That's pretty meta. There's an uncertain future for an anime adaptation of a game whose sequels have an uncertain future.
  6. I get that this season is mediocre, but a mural for an anime sequel that isn’t a massive shounen is a bit much.
  7. Looks like it has more Vision than those sequels, am I right? But I won’t lie, it’s an impressive list of studios they’re getting onboard for this project. Trigger and IG are neat, but it was great to see Geno Studios and Science Saru involved too.
  8. Probably at a parade sitting in lawn chairs until the fireworks began. It wasn’t until a few years later when I had some neighbors that would come together to do their own fireworks.
  9. I will still blame you for issues out of your control.
  10. I’ve only had the awful chalk ones that had since been rebranded to have the Hulk & Spider-Man on them, and the stogies made of bubblegum.
  11. If you think about the “30 minutes or it’s free” rule, the Noid was also class-conscious and wanted to make sure the delivery was late enough for customers to get free pizza.
  12. I was really upset when I heard about what happened. She was awesome as Taokaka from Blazblue and fondly remember her from Bobobo as Beauty. Now I’m even more upset because I’m thinking of all the funny lines she had as Taokaka. What a great character she helped make even better.
  13. Replace the word “Love” with “Wuv”
  14. I would freak out if Amazon ended up creating a completely different dub for the Rebuild movies.
  15. It looks great, but I’m hoping MAPPA isn’t stretching themselves thin making it.
  16. I ended up watching an LP of it because I was curious about the plot. I was heartbroken because I was thinking of buying it ASAP, but I don’t think I can do the Benviento house.
  17. Saran Wrap for any physical contact
  18. If he ends up being the spokesman for a condom brand, then that’d be just about all of them.
  19. All everyone had to do was not beat it to Beastars so hard.
  20. IX is also a weird one to adapt into a children’s film considering how it hid much of its darker themes of loss and acceptance underneath it’s cutesy visuals. I think VIII, X-2, and maybe V have been the closest Square has gotten to a FF that didn’t explore the main characters dealing with their own mortality. But between this and the World Ends with You anime, it is interesting how animation is mining through older Square properties nowadays.
  21. Looks like I’ll have to default to Quora for my question-based needs
  22. He’s low key into dudes.
  23. Some guy’s tier list of best girls in DBZ reminded me that I had a huge crush on the Snake Princess when I was a kid. Thinking about it, that might’ve even been my first weeb crush.
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