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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/25 in Posts

  1. The monetary value feels pretty irrelevant when the social value is completely gone.
    5 points
  2. In Canada, liberals are red and conservatives are blue. Conservatives were almost guaranteed to win until Trump was inaugurated.
    3 points
  3. Paywalled. What exactly do they attribute to it making up what it lost and more than doubling its initial value? Did it go up every time a user said the N word? I'm sure it's a coincidence that it happened after Musk was given a position to cut funding to everything he doesn't like.
    3 points
  4. Republicans are so popular that Trump just signed an EO that would disqualify 50-55% of voters because valid proof of citizenship in federal elections is needed but the order doesn’t mention birth certificates as a valid form. Mentions passports though. Also all votes must be counted on Election Day. We know Trump is doing this to disenfranchise voters and because his precious mandate is called into question because over 50% of Americans did not vote for Trump but those numbers weren’t apparent until after Election Day. hopefully this gets struck down but the GOP is looking to disband some federal circuits to combine them with more conservative courts but hey Republicans are way popular and they don’t need a do all this under handed shit to win elections, right? fuckin stupid ass clowns
    3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. It's simple pooh, just throw out the constitution. That is their end goal anyway.
    3 points
  7. They keep playing the clip of Trump's awesome damage control and he sound like Packard blaming the technology
    2 points
  8. Tells people that he met Eddie Vedder at Applebee's
    2 points
  9. Tells people he got an A on one of his math tests in 5th grade.
    2 points
  10. I thought the UK would have to suffer at least two decades before rejoining the EU, but I think they can leverage America's nonsense into rejoining sooner. It probably would be best for all of Europe. It would be extra lulzy to happen around the 250th anniversary of the US.
    2 points
  11. Tells people that she used to be a member of Jem and the Holograms
    2 points
  12. tells people he was a roadie for john denver
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. tells people his grand dad was the original mr. peanut mascot.
    2 points
  15. It's horrifyingly easy actually. They'll just make the poor kids do all the labor and the parents will probably roll over and let it happen because one of the many many other things they want to do is get rid of the federal minimum wage because 'it's bad for businesses' [ aka owners having to actually pay anywhere near a living wage to the people who make all their money for them means the owners get less money all for themselves ]. No federal minimum means less in wages, education being left entirely to the states means any red state could just make actual education too expensive = send the kids to the mines to help the family. Rich families won't have to worry about it because their kids will be attending very important but too expensive for anyone else school.
    2 points
  16. The cruelty is the point That's the point. Come back with something to post to "trigger" everyone and then sit back and laugh at how people seem to, like, show empathy? Whatever that is. I just hope any R with any actual shred of empathy recognizes this and jumps ship. Empathy strictly puts you counter to that cult's ideals. No amount of rationalization can smooth over that cognitive dissonance, of actually caring for any one or any group, and supporting this genocidal regime.
    2 points
  17. Ahhh, okay I think I understand now. I was puzzled by the including him on purpose part, but I see what she meant. That someone else on the call wanted to leak what was taking place and added the reporter to do it. Thing is we know exactly who it was that added him. Mike Waltz. So I mean, really hard to believe he'd do that cuz if anybody's gonna take the heat for this it's him. Pretty ineffective way of letting someone else be the whipping boy. Guess nothing's that unbelievable at this point though.
    2 points
  18. I can only speak anecdotally about the child labor thing, but are we going to "force" them to fill these roles and just accept subpar quality, because you cant get a current teenager to flip burgers, muxh less pick fucking oranges or wetf they do in Florida. And while on the surface, its annoying.... logically, these kids aren't conditioned for those jobs anymore. They are definitely better trained for content creation and online scams...cant imagine how that happened🙄. Point being, these kids dont know how to do shit that the guys you deported can do.
    2 points
  19. All of the violations to the Constitution and human rights violations are so fuckin hilarious. Hard working federal employees losing their jobs illegally, and then being belittled by Trump is so hysterical. Mishandling secret information. That’s just comedic gold. Never mind that screeching of “BUT HER EMAILS” is all we heard since 2016. Egg prices are up. Inflation is up. Employment is down but hey, as long as we all have a good laugh.
    2 points
  20. Israel and Hamas are both committing war crimes. Neither of them are on the "right" side of history. They're taking out more innocent lives, too. More than Hamas are "starving and torturing."
    1 point
  21. Told Dudeco about Disco's feet OnlyFans but didn't say that it was her feet.
    1 point
  22. Tells people about zombie Jesus.
    1 point
  23. You text me and tell me to call you to set up a job interview. I call you literally 2 minutes later. But after an hour of trying, you won’t answer and there’s no option to leave a message. Just tell me this whole thing is a scam so I can move on with my life.
    1 point
  24. Refuses to say just where these rats came from….and why their eyes are red.
    1 point
  25. Right?!? Anyone thinking this valuation wasn’t literally beat out of whoever makes those decisions, instead of an honest valuation is a fuckin moron.
    1 point
  26. They’re doing the deny deny deny bullshit cuz Jeffrey Goldberg has, but won’t release, the receipts. He knew what time the bombs were gonna start falling and everything I wonder if JG was put in on the chat on purpose because of how they were communicating. They’re so cowardly that it’s believable that they would be a whistleblower but hide behind incompetence
    1 point
  27. lol back in the “bUt HeR EmAiLs” days
    1 point
  28. DRACONIAN REPUBLICAN POLICY LEADS TO RETURN OF MIDIEVAL LABOR LAWS Hoo boy I will be now posting a wall of text unrelated to this, but it will be long.It's been four months since daily life shut down, to be replaced by shelter-in-place, distance learning, hoarding for the apocalypse, and trying-to-work from home for a full-time job. Surprisingly, work has been the one thing that has felt the least disrupted since mostly I've been the keep-it-to-yourself-and-get-your-shit-done kind...and distance-working has fit into this anti-social mode just fine. I laugh (on the inside of course) every Friday afternoon at my group's "forced-socialization" sessions -- known to the colleauges as a Virtual Beer Bash; but lately there's been little beer, no bashing to speak of, and we all seem to be going through the motions miserably for thirty minutes pretending to be interested in the personal lives of people we otherwise couldn't care less about outside of work...if not for the Covid thing; heck, if we're lucky, someone might have some ice cream on their end of the Webex or something -- and I wonder if that's what this world is coming to: people seeking out solace in sharing stuff with others. But how meaningful is it really, when the people you socialize with are conveniently the ones you work with, rather than people of your own choosing? And similarly, what happens if due to circumstances beyond your control (*cough*covid*cough*), you have not been in any contact all for four months with those who previously brightened your days, one small innocous-transactional ping at a time? Video conferencing does a great job standing in for scheduled meetings and such; but not such a good job replicating the spontaneous unplanned interpersonal interactions that provide variety to an otherwise banal existence we call "the daily grind." Sad, really.
    1 point
  29. Well, that shit could cause seizures...ive never seen it happen but i remember sponges saying he blocked a sig because it was gonna make him seize
    1 point
  30. Seems everyone in the administration is predictably claiming this was perfectly "lawful" and that the chat "did not include classified information". Typical deny, deny, deny strategy. Trump's saying that an "oopsie" was made and that a lesson was actually learned somewhere in all this is so far the only significant admission on anyone's part I've seen that anything at all wrong happened here. Truly... pathetic. As usual, seems he's the only one stepping out of tune with the rest of the "it was a perfect call" choir. On a more serious note, thing that should really worry everyone about this is the fact that they're not even acknowledging there was a problem with any of this means we have every reason to believe they're just gonna keep on doing it, just without including any reporters in the chats -- probably -- in the future. Heaven forbid we ever actually do go to war with China, cuz chances are they'll probably know every move we're about to make before we make it. I was thinking about adding or Russia to that, but who are we kidding thinking that could ever happen with Agent Krasnov running the show.
    1 point
  31. The “but her emails” crowd is busy making memes about how funny it was that they leaked info on an insecure app. Bet any amount of $ they’ll still shout about those emails because all they do is double down on idiocy
    1 point
  32. why does this have to hurt my eyes so? cruel world... ***don't you dare remove the flashing! i'm ok..... i mean the whole thing is horrifyingly horrible, so really fantastic...put the flash back on.... ties the whole meme together.
    1 point
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