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Fright Night(1985) - Of course, I've seen it many times over the years, but watched it again last night. Still a pretty solid 80s flick, and a loving tribute to the horror films of old. 4/5 or 8/10.

  • 2 weeks later...

The Magnificent Seven [8/10]


Solid flick with solid actors...it was a little bit thin in some areas but a good overall watch for what it is...


Hands of Stone 6/10


Bland narrative and one-dimensional characters but it's Roberto Duran so I mildly enjoyed it.....there are much better films about boxers tho


Jason Bourne 7/10

Started out good than got a little flat but had a good ending act still the first3 Bourne movies are the best


Sausage Party 8/10

Solid comedy had some good laughs definitely worth a watch



Star Wars Rouge One 8/10

I liked it it was a nice change of pase from the original story.

Action was great that ending was awesome an all out battle with blasters and ships. A lot of characters in this and they were all likeable. Yeah they dint stand out but they did a good job. Like any movie i dint like a few things but nothing major. I'll say I enjoyed this movie better than The Force Awakens


Jason Bourne (2016)


So, um, there's this evil CIA plot to spy on people, yeah?  And something something stop it and stuffs.  Also action scenes.  And, y'know... stuff!






Bourne is no Bond.  Yeesh, I actually came close to falling asleep on this one.


Fargo (1996).


10/10. Objectively the best Coen Brothers movie, even though Raising Arizona is still my favorite. Also, anyone who gushes over strong female characters in movies and TV today don't know shit about Sheriff Margie Gunderson, the strongest female movie protagonist there is.


Rogue One:  A Star Wars Story - 7/10.

Good but not great.  I liked  Star Wars: The Force Awakens much more.

Although I probably liked that more since it had the awesome Star Trek director and I've always liked Star Trek more than Star Wars.



The Little Prince  [5 out of 5]


I can't say enough great things about this movie. It's too bad there were issues with it's release because it's got a stellar voice cast and a beautiful story with A+ animation. It's on Netflix now. Watch it.


Breathe (Respire)



What I thought was just going to be a teen angst lez romance/drama, turned into nice boat.

I was shook. :D

Good job, France.


La La Land




Came in with higher expectations since I <3 musicals.

Was disappointed >.> wtf.

Neither Ryan or Emma can sing....or even dance.

The cinematography was good, the colors were nice.

But the actual plot and music = snorefest.

  • 2 weeks later...

Not gonna rate it because musicals aren't my thing, but I saw La La Land yesterday and I understand the hype.


Also saw Lion. Liked it for the first 30 to 45 minutes, then it became tedious (spending half the movie on Google Earth crying isn't the most compelling thing in the world).


I'm a heartless monster.


Grave of the Fireflies, 6/10.


Had some very good scenes, but the intended message ultimately was the damning factor. I do understand the point to be anti-pride, but there wasn't much in the way of conflict between pride/no pride, and the end result was largely frustration with Seita rather than sympathy. There's a line where pride stops being pride and becomes stupidity, and after crossing that line it becomes very hard to empathize with Seita, especially when he's consistently taking the wrong path. The major detriment isn't that he makes mistakes, but because there's no good argument made for why he's making the choices he does beyond an overtly vague "pride". Because we aren't given enough breathing room to look at how he became so prideful nor even posing reasonable justification for his behaviour, the message ultimately fell flat for me and left me wanting to punch him more than anything.


That isn't to say his actions were unrealistic, I can believe a person his age might act that way. More specifically, I had a problem with the narrative construct of Point A to Point B. There wasn't enough connective tissue vetween one action to the next.


All that aside, I did feel sympathy for Setsuko and many scenes were absolutely heartfelt. Despite Seita's poor execution, it did manage to well up some solid emotion. So I can't call the movie bad as much as underwhelming and not quite up to task with what I hoped for.


Update: On further investigation,  I like Seita less. I looked into how the author created Seita and found that it was largely an apology to his real sister who died under basically the same circunstances, him being essentially Seita. I knew all that, but what I discovered is that Seita is also a combination of how he acted with fantasies of how he wished he acted implanted, namely that in the film Seita would bring his sister food but in reality he had scavanged for food but impulsively ate it instead of sharing, and immediately felt remorse and eventually resulting in his survival and the death of his sister.


Making that kind of change isn't necessarily an inherently bad thing, but that's a very shitty way of apologizing. The character representing his bad choices gets sugarcoated to being a better person amidst an apology for sacrificing his sister to survive. That's bullshit.


La La Land: 6/10


Can understand why people like it because it doesn't deny it's love for old fashioned movie musicals, but it was pretty shallow, couldn't get invested in the characters, the few songs and musical segments in there weren't on-par with some of the more high quality movie musicals (especially the whisper-singing), the story outside of the music didn't give me any incentive to feel much from it, and alot of it looked and felt artificial.

  • 2 weeks later...

THANK YOU imchapp.in[/member] !


La La Land is overhyped.

I don't get it >.> has no one ever watched a movie musical or old hollywood musical?? Because it was SHIT in comparison. -_-

If that movie wins a lot of Oscars, it'll be like Beyonce not winning for album of the year all over again, jfc.




The Love Witch


It was fun; betch seemed like a Pisces.

This movie was full of "do it for the aesthetic", probably could play Lana Del Rey songs in the background of the whole movie.

I enjoyed it, found it funny and fitting for the 60s/70s theme they were going for.


Manchester By The Sea



Casey Affleck is trash but the movie was nicely done and I enjoyed watching it.

At first I was bored and confused but the movie developed the characters more.

I can see the hype, but I will always think poorly of Casey >___>




Another good movie.

Denzel and Viola do an excellent job in this one.

You can tell it was adapted from a play :D But I found this one well done too.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows - 7/10.


I'm surprised it wasn't complete junk like the first movie.  I had to fast-forward the scenes with April and Casey Jones (the actor

playing him was really bad), but that wasn't a big deal.  Once you do that, it's watchable.  The guy voicing Splinter sounded like Tony Shaloub.

Edit:  Just looked him up on wiki.  Didn't realize he voiced Splinter in that movie.  So it was intentional.  Nevermind.


Guest squirrelygod



Worth the hype, and be prepared for him to actually use his damn claws as intended.


The Nice Guys. 9/10. The movie definitely delivered on the trailers, that's for sure. Main complaints were how dumb Gosling's character was at times, and how annoying Amelia was when she actually got some decent screentime.



As unlikeable as he was, I'm glad John-Boy killed her.



Wow... that's a nice choice, Poke. I watched The Nice Guys some months ago when it was fresh in the Redbox and I also quite enjoyed it.


Okay, so here's my contribution to the thread... Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'. Though I didn't actually watch it until today, I bought it from Best Buy using a gift card back on the second day of the year, along with a Mello Yello which was drank long before. But I liked the soda and the movie. It was certainly more action-packed and "serious", though still managing to fit quite a bit of comedy in. And the fights blended CGI and traditional animation in a pretty good way; I just wish the former didn't take up a majority of the runtime.


A lot of stuff in it seemed to just happen without prior explanation. At the start with Pilaf's crew (for their only appearance in the film, which I found surprising) basically giving Sorbet and the other Frieza minions a straight shot to the Dragon Balls, they were introduced to each other so abruptly I thought there was a scene missing. Also, I could have used at least a little bit of prior knowledge as to when Goku and Vegeta attained Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan forms (and regular SSG for the latter).


I actually liked the ending. It's like... Frieza could have killed Goku right away if he didn't monologue and allow Vegeta to have a parting shot, but then Goku fucked up and didn't kill him in time so Earth exploded. But at least Whis was able to go back and fix it, because plot conveniences that are set up ahead of time are much better than vanilla plot conveniences. And that shot of Earth blowing up in general was not so much timely as it was pretty hilarious and well-animated, even for its CG-ness. So hooray for heroic hubris.


Also, I really wish there was more to Frieza's fresh hell. It only showed up at the very beginning and end of the movie, there's a lot of potential to it. I also felt a little robbed that the girls from the idol group in the ED never got a chance to say any real lines. What a bummer... but then Funimation might have had to find more VAs for those particular characters, so perhaps it's better for their end.


Overall, I rate the film a 7.5/10, or a stars outta 4 in traditional movie critic jargon. And it's really hard for me to think of if I like this one or Battle of Gods better, since they both compliment each other excellently.


last few movies I saw were


The Outdoorsters:  enjoyed it.  It's like one of those movies that real people made, but with just enough of a professional sheen.   


The Windmill:  liked it.  A pretty standard supernatural slasher type deal ("the miller" oooo watch out kids he's going to make you eat your own sin and then grind ur bones to make flour or something).  But colorful kills and a fun ride, with a little bit of a "mystery" edge.  If you're a horror fan, nothing you haven't seen before.  But - then again, if you're a horror fan, you're used to that.  It's a good movie.


Viewer Discretion Is Advised:  Thumbs down.  an 80s movie that's a callback to 70s comic anthologies that wasn't released until the 90s.  some funny bits in it, but pretty damn slow.  Unlike the stuff it's based on (Kentucky Fried Movie and the Groove Tube), which was pretty packed with iconic jokes and humor, this one was a lot more sparse with that.  Not unwatchable.  But just not enough good moments to recommend it.


Alice Through the Looking Glass - 10/10 I didn't care all that much for the previous movie, so I was very pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed this one so much. Even more so because I don't usually care at all for way the time travel trope is handled in most movies or tv shows, but the way they boiled it down to make a very simple lesson out of it for Alice to learn in the end I thought was wonderful. I just recently lost someone very dear to me, too, so I've been really feeling kind of the same way she did at the outset of the movie lately, and so that message really hit home for me and brought a smile to my face.


Catch Me If You Can - 8/10 Love Christopher Walken. Didn't realize he was in this, or else I would have probably watched this a long time ago. Good solid movie, though kind of on the long side. Wish it had been a little bit more concise, as towards the end it really felt like it was dragging on a bit.


Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children - 8/10.

Good movie, but as a Tim Burton fan it wasn't as good as his earlier movies.


He's heading in the right direction though.  It was creepier than his last few films, but not nearly as good as the ones

I grew up with like Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands.


The actress who played Emma Bloom is much younger than I thought she would be.

I thought she was closer to my age.  Also it makes me feel old to know that I'm a day older than the actor who plays the main character's father.

I thought the actor who played the dad was in his late 40's or early 50's.  He didn't look like he was my age.


Power Rangers - 8/10.


Fun movie but I wish it had been more campy, less emo.

When I was looking at the credits, I noticed the original Pink Ranger Amy Jo Johnson was in the credits,

but I don't remember seeing her in the movie.  Until I checked wikipedia, I didn't know Jason David Frank had a cameo in the movie too.


He was my favorite ranger in the original series.  Kind of almost makes me want to go  see it again just to see him.

But I can probably find his cameo on Youtube.  I'm glad I found out from Cinemassacre that the theme song was barely in the movie or I would have been pretty disappointed.

He was right in the review that Zordon was a jerk in the movie and that Alpha 5 was cool.



Ghost in the Shell 9/10



Lot better than I expected honestly. I knew from the trailer they were going to work in some parts from the first movie, but it brought a smile to my face when they had Batou's basset hound, who IIRC was only in the second Innocence film, show up. I believe they also used one of the music tracks, The Ballade of the Puppets, from the Innocence soundtrack, at the beginning of the end credits sequence, too. Saito got a brief, but key, appearance as well, along with Togusa. It was mainly the Major, Batou, and Aramaki from Section 9 who were showcased though. Wouldn't mind seeing a sequel, but chances of it happening probably aren't too great I would think. Still, easily the best American adaptation of a manga/anime title to date, though by itself that really isn't saying much of course. LOL



Ghost in the Shell 9/10



Lot better than I expected honestly. I knew from the trailer they were going to work in some parts from the first movie, but it brought a smile to my face when they had Batou's basset hound, who IIRC was only in the second Innocence film, show up. I believe they also used one of the music tracks, The Ballade of the Puppets, from the Innocence soundtrack, at the beginning of the end credits sequence, too. Saito got a brief, but key, appearance as well, along with Togusa. It was mainly the Major, Batou, and Aramaki from Section 9 who were showcased though. Wouldn't mind seeing a sequel, but chances of it happening probably aren't too great I would think. Still, easily the best American adaptation of a manga/anime title to date, though by itself that really isn't saying much of course. LOL



The basset hound appears in the first film though not as frequently, I think Mamuro Oshii puts a basset hound in all of his films (at least the animated ones) the only real significance is he owns one.


Ghost In The Shell

As a fan of anime a solid 6.7/10

As someone who might have never seen the source material a 7.5/10 or an 8/10


The visuals and CG were great, it had some good moments, it's a step on the right direction for anime adaptations but  still got to be cautious


Logan - 7/10.


I honestly didn't see that coming until the very end.

Pretty sad ending.  Patrick Stewart looks so old now.

Made me feel a bit old too just looking at him.  He looked so much younger in the first X-Men movie.



Train To Bus an 8/10


Aside from some scenes with pretty bad cgi and effects, this was a good zombie movie, that ending was pretty sad too. Definitely worth cheking out on Netflix

  • 2 weeks later...

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.


it was... definitely a more eccentric film than the rest of the franchise. I liked the acting (Felicity Jones was pretty good), authentic of the resistance plot, and the general sense of grandeur as the story hopped between planets. Also, the cinematography and general direction were great and very slick. I much prefer the more basic flow of the movie to those annoying iris-outs and fade transitions of the older movies and The Force Awakens alike.


Definitely an 8/10 movie, and I wish I had seen it in the theater.


Guardians of the Frickin' Galaxy vol. 2  :)


Love the music choices they made, and like the first movie there were some pretty hilarious lines, mostly from Rocket and Drax of course. The ultimate climax didn't feel quite as exciting to me as the one from the first movie, but in every other way it was just as, if not more, awesome than the original, so 9/10.


Drive 7.8/10

Finally saw this good flick. The music was great good action and drama.


Such a great fucking movie.


Saw The Lost City Of Z today. Incredible, epic film with a very "classic" feel. My only complaint is that it drags for a little bit in the beginning of the 3rd act, but not too horribly.


Guardians of the Frickin' Galaxy vol. 2  :)


Love the music choices they made, and like the first movie there were some pretty hilarious lines, mostly from Rocket and Drax of course. The ultimate climax didn't feel quite as exciting to me as the one from the first movie, but in every other way it was just as, if not more, awesome than the original, so 9/10.



I don't actually have anything to contribute, I just wanted to show my love for the movie.  ^.^


Such a great fucking movie.


Saw The Lost City Of Z today. Incredible, epic film with a very "classic" feel. My only complaint is that it drags for a little bit in the beginning of the 3rd act, but not too horribly.


that's the last movie I saw too


my only complaint is that it was way too long for my comfort


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2


8/10 fucking hilarious, i loved it.



my only beef...


i docked points because there was too much fam drama/love shit going on. i totally understand Quills story as it just IS what the story is about. however, i thought the sister drama between Gamora and Nebula was over doing it tbh. if they really needed it to implement Nebula, fine... but it was just over the top in descriptive dramatics, which came off as unnecessary and out of place to me. made it seem like a forced piece of script to give the two females extra screen time.


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