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18 hours ago, SwimModSponges said:

Nah I hear ya.

But y'gotta watch out for that Mutually Assured Distruction.

It'll getcha every time.

also meant to post this song because its a great goddamn song.

Excellent video too.


2 hours ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

Wait, Dan Quayle is the smart one in all this?

Remember, he only misspelled "potato."  Don Jr. posted emails of him communicating with Russians on Twitter to get dirt on Hillary.  Don Sr. committed treason in asking for Russia to drop dirt on Hillary on a televised debate.  That one official in Georgia tried to hide evidence by deleting Trump's voicemail asking him to find votes and left the voicemail in the Deleted Items folder.

Dan Quayle being the smart one isn't that hard to believe.

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Posted (edited)
On 7/27/2021 at 7:33 PM, 1pooh4u said:

It’s 2 Senators stopping the government  from ending the filibuster. Sinema and Manchin.  


On 7/27/2021 at 7:35 PM, NaBabby said:

Nope it's way more people than that.


On 7/27/2021 at 8:13 PM, 1pooh4u said:

Explain like I’m 5 



Who are the moderates?

There is a small group of moderate Senate Democrats who have largely avoided choosing a side when it comes to eliminating the filibuster, which requires 60 votes to proceed on most legislation. But others object to partisan legislation on a case-by-case basis.

Swing-state freshman Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., and Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H. — both up for reelection next year — are among the few who have refused a position on the filibuster in recent months.

Others, like Sens. Jon Tester, D-Mont., Chris Coons, D-Del., Tom Carper, D-Del., and Angus King, I-Maine, all voted against instituting a $15-an-hour federal minimum wage. Others have quietly avoided commitments on legislation such as the For the People Voting Rights Act and the finer details of the negotiations on an infrastructure package.

Manchin and Sinema have given other Democrats who may share their views consistent political cover to dodge questions and refuse firm commitments on legislation. The razor-thin majority in the Senate means that as long as one Democrat is willing to publicly block a bill, nobody else has to join them unless they want to.



There's plenty of Dems in the Senate who don't want to eliminate the filibuster bc they don't want to do all the things that they should be doing for us. They don't have to explicitly say any of that because Machine & Sinema are doing that loudly and proudly, so they can just sit back and chill and let them take all the heat, but even if the Dems had twelve more Senate seats (62) they would still not be able to pass good legislation w their filibuster-proof majority bc it isn't just those two who oppose any of the good things that might come out of eliminating the filibuster. 

Also...Joe Biden. Joe Biden opposes eliminating the filibuster. He isn't pressuring his Senate to get rid of it, not publicly. He says that he wants to reform it, to salvage it so we can still have a filibuster, and appears willing to sacrifice everything we want to protect it, waiting forever on ten good Republicans to show up and vote for the Democrats' agenda.

Edited by NaBabby

At first I was against getting rid of the filibuster because at some point what democrats do out of necessity, Republicans will do just to abuse the shit out of something. 
now I’m like “fuckin do it already. The Republicans will the first chance they get”

  • Thanks 1
  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, PenguinBoss said:

So it was an impromptu insurrection.


Most white supremacy rallies are impromptu for the same reason.... they're too cowardly and stupid until there's someone else there to blame for it.

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There’s quite a lot of effort going into the past administration’s attempts to stall the investigation.

If they didn’t encourage and instigate the insurrection, they’re doing a bad job at not implicating themselves for any wrongdoing. 

If you’re innocent, you don’t have to worry about a full investigation. If you’re guilty, you’d want to do as much as you can to make sure a full investigation never happens. Since 1/6 happened, the remnants of the last administration have been doing far more of the latter.

I mean, when you have a number of Republican house members and senators implicated, there’s no fucking way they’d want to incriminate themselves by outing their involvement. They’ll just hope the general public falls for “The Narcissists Prayer” mantra while they do what they can to stonewall the investigation. Not exactly the strategy of people who wouldn’t try to escalate a rally into an armed insurrection. 

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  • Thanks 2
1 hour ago, André Toulon said:

Just for the record...D'jingo isn't that stupid....he just thinks y'all are.

No he doesn't, there's a whole book about nazis that directly describes how and why he do what he do.


Sartre deploys his concept of bad faith as he develops his argument. For Sartre, the anti-Semite has escaped the insecurity of good faith, the impossibility of sincerity. He has abandoned reason and embraced passion. Sartre comments that, "It is not unusual for people to elect to live a life of passion rather than of reason. But ordinarily they love the objects of passion: women, glory, power, money. Since the anti-Semite has chosen hate, we are forced to conclude that it is the state of passion that he loves."[2] He chooses to reason from passion, to reason falsely "because of the longing for impenetrability. The rational man groans as he gropes for the truth; he knows that reasoning is no more than tentative, that other considerations may intervene to cast doubt on it." Anti-Semites are attracted by "the durability of a stone." What frightens them is the uncertainty of truth.[2] "The anti-Semite has chosen hate because hate is a faith." He has escaped responsibility and doubt. He can blame anything on the Jew; he does not need to engage reason, for he has his faith.

The anti-Semite is a prime example of a person who has entered into bad faith to avoid responsibility. He attempts to relinquish his responsibility to anti-Semitism and a community of anti-Semites. He "fears every kind of solitariness… however small his stature, he takes every precaution to make it smaller, lest he stand out from the herd and find himself face to face with himself. He has made himself an anti-Semite because that is something one cannot be alone." (p.22.) Anti-Semitism is a way of feeling good, proud even, rather than guilty at the abandonment of responsibility and the flight before the impossibility of true sincerity. The anti-Semite abandons himself to the crowd and his bad faith, he "flees responsibility as he flees his own consciousness, and choosing for his personality the permanence of the rock, he chooses for his morality the scale of petrified values."(p.27.) [2] He pulls down shutters, blinds, mirrors and mirages over his consciousness to keep himself in his bad faith away from his responsibilities and his liberty. The anti-Semite is afraid "of himself, of his own consciousness, of his own liberty, of his instincts, of his responsibilities, of solitariness, of change, of society, and the world – of everything except the Jews." He is "a coward who does not want to admit his cowardice to himself." (p.53.)[2] The anti-Semite wallows in the depths of an extreme bad faith. "Anti-Semitism, in short, is fear of the human condition. The anti-Semite is a man who wishes to be pitiless stone, a furious torrent, a devastating thunderbolt – anything except a man." (p. 54.)[2] This is his bad faith.


Now tell me that ain't jingo.

Posted (edited)

So the philosophical argument about what defines a group of people as opposed to another group of people aside, Sartre's description of what foments a bigot is still accurate. As is his belief that bigotry harms everyone, not just the target of bigotry-

“Not one Frenchman will be secure so long as a single Jew – in France or in the world at large – can fear for his life.”

Weird how posting Satre is seen as comparable to discussing porn.

Really weird. 

Edited by SwimModSponges
On 10/9/2021 at 10:14 AM, SwimModSponges said:

So the philosophical argument about what defines a group of people as opposed to another group of people aside, Sartre's description of what foments a bigot is still accurate. As is his belief that bigotry harms everyone, not just the target of bigotry-

“Not one Frenchman will be secure so long as a single Jew – in France or in the world at large – can fear for his life.”

Weird how posting Satre is seen as comparable to discussing porn.

Really weird. 

His descriptions of the Jew are antsemitic af. What other group other than the Jew could be defined by an outsider or what constitutes hate towards us defined by them?  I feel because a Jewish group of people are fine with Satre’s anti Semitic take on antisemitism (seriously it’s like he’s saying “to hate those big nosed filthy Jews is a blight”.  


Posted (edited)

Satre was about as pro-semetic as European philosopher's got at the time.


What other group other than the Jew could be defined by an outsider or what constitutes hate towards us defined by them? 

Chairs, as the philosopher puts it. Its an esoteric question. Literally everything when posed that question.

Like, a chair has certain specific things that make it a chair? But we call it a chair because we call it a chair.

White people. They used to say the irish weren't white people. They say latinos are white people. Eastern europeans? Groups of people are defined by groups of people.

And the question of bigotry is formed around antisemitism because in the lead up to WWII antisemitism was the prevalent source of bigotry in europe. The work is centered on jewish people but can be extrapolated to literally any people defined as an out-group.

Post civil-war southerners determining whether or not someone of mixed race was still black or not.

It isn't just Judaism where the outgroup is defined by the in group, its literally every out-group.

Edited by SwimModSponges


"In a case involving a Jan. 6 Capitol riot defendant, a federal judge held the District of Columbia's corrections director and jail warden in contempt of court Wednesday and asked the Justice Department to investigate whether inmates' civil rights are being abused.

U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth had summoned the jail officials as part of the criminal case into Christopher Worrell, a member of the Proud Boys who has been charged in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. He has been accused of attacking police officers with a pepper spray gel and prosecutors have alleged he traveled to Washington and coordinated with Proud Boys leading up to the siege.

"It's clear to me the civil rights of the defendant were violated by the D.C. Department of Corrections," Lamberth said. "I don't know if it's because he's a January 6 defendant or not."

The judge ordered Quincy Booth, the director of the city's Department of Corrections, and Wanda Patten, the warden of the DC Jail, to be held in contempt of court. While he did not impose any sanctions or penalties the judge said he was referring the matter to the Justice Department to investigate whether the civil rights of the inmates in the jail are being violated. "


Not that the DoJ will do anything, but the good news is that the statute of limitations on civil rights abuses is rather lengthy.


  • D'oh 1

Crazy, this is exactly how ISIS started. 



"I do think the fact that the J6 defendants who are currently being held pre-trial... having them all together where they can seemingly communicate by newsletter, is likely to foster continued feelings of anti-government mentality among those individuals who are being prosecuted," Jonathan Lewis, a research fellow at the George Washington University's Program on Extremism, tells the publication.

Added to this, the MAGA rioters being held at the facility are the ones that judges deemed too dangerous to be let out ahead of their trials, including members of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, as well as rioters accused of the most violent assaults on Capitol Police officers.


On 10/26/2021 at 8:03 PM, Nabreezy said:

Lmao at this never ever going anywhere. 

Jan 6 committee is the new Mueller investigation for Trump-obsessed Democrats. 

I honestly hope y'all are at least enjoying yourselves, bc that is all that this is for. 

I'm hoping they get desperate enough to play another T**** impeachment. 

See what I did there?

I censored his name.

Which is something that actual real people like Stephen Colbert actually really do on their show. 

Because they're insane. 

On 10/29/2021 at 2:49 AM, Clownpernicus said:

I'm hoping they get desperate enough to play another T**** impeachment. 

See what I did there?

I censored his name.

Which is something that actual real people like Stephen Colbert actually really do on their show. 

Because they're insane. 

I think they do it to piss you off....troll successful

  • Haha 3
1 hour ago, André Toulon said:

I think they do it to piss you off....troll successful

Is he back from breakfast yet? He usually is at his intellectual peak about twenty minutes after eating and just before he takes his mid morning nap.


Lmao this guy is so dumb. Usually can't stand his stuff even in a fascinated disgust way but this is just too nuts. Yeah that's why everyone hates Biden, because he isn't talking about the 1/6 op enough or calling them terrorists for walking around and doing what the President told them to



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