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Well then, I stand corrected.  I still don't understand what ratings are good for One Piece's slot, but apparently they aren't good enough for Adult Swim. 


Whatever, it's just business.  One Piece has a good run, so it's time for it to go.  I hold no grudges.

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You know they make DVRs for this reason


Funny you should mention that... my family got a DVR just this week and I used it to record yesterday's episode of GiTS. I'm saving the copy of it on there for an indefinite period of time; maybe I could upload it to MySpleen if somebody wants an HD version of the show without audio issues.


What the hell did Ben say that I'm just not seeing in these quotes? Something super secret that I don't know about?


It was a quote from DeMarco's Twitter.  Ben just quoted the info and didn't type anything outside of the quotebox, so when I quote the post it looks like nothing.  This is what should be in the quotebox:



"That's not why. Tokyo Ghoul will be airing at a different time than OP did. Short answer:ratings."


Well then, I stand corrected.  I still don't understand what ratings are good for One Piece's slot, but apparently they aren't good enough for Adult Swim. 


Whatever, it's just business.  One Piece has a good run, so it's time for it to go.  I hold no grudges.

adult swim can put whatever poop plaster nonsense at late hours themselves with their originals and not get pissed when they bring in poopy ratings


guess it helps most of their originals are cheap and what seems like a shoe-string budget...


i do wonder what will happen when DBZ Kai ends it's run...not just any show can replace that and it would really show adult swim's obsession if that's where they put FLCL S2...(something nobody was really asking for)


One Piece will not be among them.


Because it failed!  Whine and complain about the other shows, but it was One Piece that failed!  It failed because it wasn't popular!  You lose!  Good day sir!




"That's not why. Tokyo Ghoul will be airing at a different time than OP did. Short answer:ratings."


That is what  I want to hear! :D  It would be stupid to premiere a new Toonami show at 2:30 AM.


I have arrived.


I see Roman was Roman. That doesn't really work when he admitted to us that he's been trolling. If he's being at all legit this time, I feel his pain. Maybe I feel more than his pain.


The status of One Piece in America has brought me emotional turmoil several times. The day 4kids announced the license I failed the final of my Logic class because I my mind was reeling over that. The day the 4Kids dub premiered and all of my fears were realized, I cried to my friend over the phone. When CN announced One Piece for Toonami I didn't even know what to feel at the time and watching the 4Kids dub air on the block was dreadful. When Cartoon Network pulled the show off the air after we finally got a good dub I was devastated because that could have been the end for One Piece here entirely and we had no way of knowing if it would live on. This time there's really no reason to be worried about One Piece because it sells well and streams well. None the less this weekend the knowledge that One Piece was leaving the air for a third time hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm not going to blow it out of proportion but it hurts me to see this happen again and I do expect it to come back again.


It's nonsense to even suggest One Piece is a failure here. It's the #3 anime on Hulu behind only Shippuden and Bleach and #2 on Crunchyroll. Considering Shippuden is #1 and it's also barely getting by at 2AM on Toonami the ratings of either of those shows does not prove one a hit and the other a failure. The gap is that wide but there is a gap and no matter what Toonami tried (everything short of I dunno swapping it so One Piece got to air ahead of Naruto for once) did not work.


One Piece just doesn't appeal to the dude bro audience of Adult Swim and any good will built up for the brand was destroyed by starting with Foxy and filler, it did nothing to prove One Piece had a serious bone in its body. It's a show that was originally intended for children and it shows but unlike with Dragon Ball Super and Shippuden, there is no deeply routed nostalgia. You can thank Toei and 4Kids bonehead decisions for that. They tried to market a hack dub in an age when any kid in the US could see what they were missing by reading Shonen Jump magazine or going online to watch fansubs or read up on what was cut from One Piece. Kids in 1998 didn't know DBZ and Sailor Moon were heavily censored and didn't really care. Had One Piece arrived in 2001 with a hack dub it probably also would have hit big but by 2004 those kinds of changes were only going to get a show ostracized. For the record I blame Toei and 4Kids almost equally for how One Piece was butchered. Compared to the handling of Naruto by Viz it was night and day. No wonder kids and teenagers turned their attention to Naruto and left One Piece behind. FUNimation's dub was too little, too late but CN was going to kill off even Naruto regardless of performance so I think One Piece was actually holding its own on CN in 2007 and 2008.


So seriously, Jman stop calling One Piece a failure in the US. It certainly isn't that. Not being as popular as Dragon Ball and Naruto =/= being a failure. The sales and streams are great. FUNimation has been selling this show here for nearly a decade and Viz has been selling the manga here for even longer than that and the sales have increased rather than decreased. One Piece is good business for FUNimation and Viz Media here and that is the measure of success not how well it does once a week on the anime ghetto that is Toonami.


And Roman if you're reading this. You have my condolences but get some real help.




I'm gonna miss One Piece. It always lifted the block for me. Regardless of anything else they were airing, because they had One Piece I was content.


Now I've got JoJo and Hunter x Hunter so I have some other horses in this race but I will still miss watching One Piece on Toonami. I guess it wasn't a mistake to recently plow through Amazon Lily and Impel Down. I was saving most of Sabody for Toonami but so much for that.


This is the nicest place they could potentially stop One Piece. The whole crew has been assembled and their off on their next adventure. If they dropped it within the next 130 episodes it would be far worse. Especially if they pulled it directly after the end of Sabody. That would be devastating and no One Piece fan deserves to have that happen to them.


I feel for the people who don't have adequate internet who were only following One Piece via Toonami. Now they'll have to buy the DVDs (because BDs don't exist) to continue it or pay whatever it would take to get a good enough internet connection to watch it on FUNimation's site. Sad to say I don't think that many people will have that dilemma but some will.


It is very apparent that most of the people who watch One Piece watch it subbed.  The majority of the fandom does not bother watching the dub at all much less once a week on Toonami.


Close to 4 years is a hell of a run. That's longer than One Piece and Naruto lasted on CN.  Get it straight: Case Closed is a failure here. Shin Chan is a failure here. SGT Frog is a failure here. Toriko is a failure here. One Piece is not a failure here. One Piece sells here just not to as wide an audience as Naruto and some other anime/manga.


I just realized I didn't talk about the "why"


Well Jason says it's ratings and some other factors he can't get into.


It's very likely that while the ratings One Piece has gotten might be okay for a short lived series that gets cycled out, it's not pulling a high enough number for something that has been airing for four years, nearly 200 episodes and has no end in sight. We can't even pretend that One Piece ever did particularly great and at 2:30AM it has continued to maintain the sizeable gap between it and Naruto. It wasn't going to grow an audience at 2:30 in the dang morning but it had to at least maintain the one it had and signs pointed toward it not managing even that. To say nothing of the retention from Naruto, it is one of the only shows on Toonami in the past 2 years to have been outrated by the shows after it more than a couple of times. Reruns of AoT, KLK and OPM all beat it more than once as I recall. Parasyte probably never did but it was a nicher show than the other three. That just plain doesn't look good when you're arguing to keep a never-ending show on TV late at night.


I'm figuring Adult Swim allowed Toonami to pick up Thriller Bark thinking maybe a shorter arc than Water 7 could produce better results but things stayed largely the same and Toonami was allowed to grab more long running series and no doubt that was expensive. When the time came to decide whether or not to renew One Piece again for Sabody, they saw little reason to continue One Piece and opportunity to switch it out for shows that might do better. At the very least they could put Shippuden at 2:30 and probably get better ratings than One Piece would. Adult Swim for the most part had a lot of patience with One Piece and even tried it outside of Toonami briefly but it didn't ever take off for them and Toonami can't entirely be a vanity project that doesn't bring in ratings. The probationary period at 2:30AM didn't change One Piece's behavior so it was finally time to cut it loose.


Either that or Toei wanted more money for a show at 2:30AM or had some other demands and Adult Swim was not gonna indulge them. Toei has been known to muck up many a deal in any number of ways and usually by looking for more money.


All three posts, all well said.


I personally think it was a mix of your two reasons: Toei wanted more money for One Piece episodes broadcast here, but the ratings weren't good enough to convince [as] that it was a worthwhile deal.


this still is a shock because it puts every other anime on high alert if they start dippping poorly in the ratings they could get axed forever like one piece


this is the first time i can recall on the toonami reboot a show was shelved due to poor ratings...i don't even recall toonami canning that many shows in this manner to begin with so it just amazes me when this happens at a time when expectations for ratings are rather low


i mean it's like The CW(where they air supernatural)it's not a huge major network like FOX NBC ABC Or CBS So expectations are rather low so it takes a lot to get canned


when your running a late night anime block  garbage ratings that get worse over time are guaranteed  nobody's gonna stay up that long for anime and very few anime can convince people to shrug off sleep to watch it weekly at such a time


I'm getting kinda sick of the "One Piece is gone now Toonami is doomed!" talk.  One Piece is gone because it couldn't cut the fucking mustard.  It had numerous chances to get a casual audience and blew it every single time.  We have ratings data over four years.  And we have One Piece constantly, frequently the weakest link.  And getting rid of it means Toonami is dead?  Getting rid of it was smart.  It doesn't make Americans stupid for not wanting to watch an overly silly, painfully so at times, long runner.  And the constant "Durr, Muricans are stupid and Toonami is dead because they didn't watch OP" makes me go "Fuck One Piece.  It had more chances than a lot of other shows and never worked out.  So good riddance!"


All three posts, all well said.


I personally think it was a mix of your two reasons: Toei wanted more money for One Piece episodes broadcast here, but the ratings weren't good enough to convince [as] that it was a worthwhile deal.


hope they pull naruto soon once it starts dipping worse than one piece in it's new time slot because otherwise that would be hypocrical of them to remove one piece for ratings and then ignore it when Naruto's ratings fail and spiral out of control


I'm getting kinda sick of the "One Piece is gone now Toonami is doomed!" talk.  One Piece is gone because it couldn't cut the fucking mustard.  It had numerous chances to get a casual audience and blew it every single time.  We have ratings data over four years.  And we have One Piece constantly, frequently the weakest link.  And getting rid of it means Toonami is dead?  Getting rid of it was smart.  It doesn't make Americans stupid for not wanting to watch an overly silly, painfully so at times, long runner.  And the constant "Durr, Muricans are stupid and Toonami is dead because they didn't watch OP" makes me go "Fuck One Piece.  It had more chances than a lot of other shows and never worked out.  So good riddance!"


Yes Because I'm sure people will flock to their tv screens to watch Tokyo Ghoul AKA Edge Lord The Animated Series


replacing one piece with a show that tries desperately to be adult with all the darkness and horror and cannibalism....seems a bit laughable


No Other Network would kick down the doors over poor ratings on a show airing in the middle of the damn night


what are they gonna do when naruto preforms just as badly if not worse in that very same time slot? are they gonna remove it too and shorten the block


any anime with actual stories tend to get ignored in the favor of the meat head shows that are all flash and no substance


they want constant explosions and fight scenes  any time there's slow down or a long period where characters are just talking that's when people tune out


they want nothing but action flying at them every other second





Except Naruto always gained on OP.

and I'm sure It'll gain at 1:30 AM.....


I'm not sure why it gained when practically everyone here can see that naurto for months has been terribly  boring "Emo Sasuke And Friends"


do people really like Naruto Filler that much? do they really like Sasuke Whining and bitching about everything....because that's what we've had for several months now it seems


Sasuke Crying And Moping along with his ragtag team of idiots


Naruto himself is barely relevant in his own series these past couple of months...in a show called naruto!  instead we're dealing with His Man-Crush Sasuke and seeing why he's such a dark brooding asshole  that fangirls love to gush about him despite him being one of the worst characters on the show




this still is a shock because it puts every other anime on high alert if they start dippping poorly in the ratings they could get axed forever like one piece


Now this is exaggeration. One Piece was 400 episodes behind Japan while on Toonami. How long/far behind is anything else they're currently showing or could show that isn't Naruto? Nowhere near as far behind. And I'd definitely support Naruto going, but that probably won't happen as it's always been bigger than OP in the states. I mean One Piece still aired nearly 200 episodes on Toonami right? Certainly over 150. What other shows could they even air with that high an episode count at this point that would need to worry about getting booted before finishing? Hunter maybe if you count it but that's already 40+ episodes in and has about 100 left so I wouldn't. Super? That's 75 episodes behind which imo is too many and it should have come sooner, but c'mon, that ain't leaving. Nothing else over 50 episodes comes to mind that they even COULD air. And they won't boot a 12 - 24 episode series mid-run on its first run, they just won't. So the One Piece comparison really makes no sense.


Excuses to make OP look good and everything else including the block look bad.


Your show failed the ratings litmus test because people thought One Piece sucked.  It wasn't because Americans were stupid, or people didn't get the "genius" at work, it was because they thought it sucked.  End of discussion.


Now this is exaggeration. One Piece was 400 episodes behind Japan while on Toonami. How long/far behind is anything else they're currently showing or could show that isn't Naruto? Nowhere near as far behind. And I'd definitely support Naruto going, but that probably won't happen as it's always been bigger than OP in the states. I mean One Piece still aired nearly 200 episodes on Toonami right? Certainly over 150. What other shows could they even air with that high an episode count at this point that would need to worry about getting booted before finishing? Hunter maybe if you count it but that's already 40+ episodes in and has about 100 left so I wouldn't. Super? That's 75 episodes behind which imo is too many and it should have come sooner, but c'mon, that ain't leaving. Nothing else over 50 episodes comes to mind that they even COULD air. And they won't boot a 12 - 24 episode series mid-run on its first run, they just won't. So the One Piece comparison really makes no sense.


yeah i guess it doesn't make any sense but considering at this point all the shows except DBZ Super And Samurai Jack Suck Complete ass.....making sense is probably the last thing i can do


After Jojo Leaves i just have Sam Jack And DBZ Super left to entertain me  that isn't enough to keep me on board


Excuses to make OP look good and everything else including the block look bad.


Your show failed the ratings litmus test because people thought One Piece sucked.  It wasn't because Americans were stupid, or people didn't get the "genius" at work, it was because they thought it sucked.  End of discussion.

if they wanna watch sasuke cry for half an hour and try desperately to be anime batman then yeah i think they might be stupid


there's nothing intelligent or entertaining about Sasuke Focused Naruto episodes....





Your show failed the ratings litmus test because people thought One Piece sucked.  It wasn't because Americans were stupid, or people didn't get the "genius" at work, it was because they thought it sucked.  End of discussion.


This isn't inherently true either. Ignoring One Piece's special circumstances such as being 400 episodes behind, you don't have to go as far as to think something "sucks" to not watch it. Personally not finding something interesting doesn't always equal "this is total garbage." Mind you it certainly CAN and often DOES mean that, but your blanket statement comes across as a bit of an exaggeration and/or oversimplification.


I Don't See people praising DBZ's humor like it deserves an award


In 2003 I certainly did. Both see and say. Sadly that was long, looooong ago now. :(


Also I accidentally put this on your post at first Frylock, which is why it says I edited it. My apologies.


In 2003 I certainly did. Both see and say. Sadly that was long, looooong ago now. :(


Also I accidentally put this on your post at first Frylock, which is why it says I edited it. My apologies.


heh it's quite alright...


I Just wish JMan would get off my case about this  I'm just pissed because my favorite show on the block got cut and he takes that to mean it's just not for americans and toonami should never have picked it up in the first place


I'm so close to just dumping toonami at this point...If you were like me and only Cared About Sam Jack/DBZ Super  You'd probably stop watching too


heh it's quite alright...


I Just wish JMan would get off my case about this  I'm just pissed because my favorite show on the block got cut and he takes that to mean it's just not for americans and toonami should never have picked it up in the first place


I'm so close to just dumping toonami at this point...If you were like me and only Cared About Sam Jack/DBZ Super  You'd probably stop watching too


Well Jack comes on first so that would make dropping the rest easy were it the only show I cared about. Super I'm caught up with in Japan and am waiting for the home releases to even bother with regarding the dub. At this point I will only watch shows I haven't seen before on Toonami. And even then only ones I have even a little interest in. Thus I skipped out on Parasyte and will skip Tokyo Ghoul even though I haven't seen them. Honestly I'd skip Gundam too, which kinda blows, were it not sandwiched between the 2 shows I actually enjoy watching atm. I really wish JoJo would continue instead of Titan coming, but oh well.


Losing One Piece from the block sucks. It's bad enough they stuck my favorite show on the block so late at night, but now they axe it entirely?! >:( And to replace it with Tokyo Ghoul of all things, a show I was actually hoping they'd get like a year or two ago. Of course, that was before I saw the craptastic ending it had. Pfft. That's AS for you. I'd be saddened by this news normally, but having my cherished kitty die this past week, that's not possible right now as I'm already about as sad as I think I could ever possibly get. Way to try and pile on though AS. You guys sure know how to kick a person when they're down, I'll give you that.


That was a nice set of posts, Sketch.


I'm figuring Adult Swim allowed Toonami to pick up Thriller Bark thinking maybe a shorter arc than Water 7 could produce better results but things stayed largely the same and Toonami was allowed to grab more long running series and no doubt that was expensive. When the time came to decide whether or not to renew One Piece again for Sabody, they saw little reason to continue One Piece and opportunity to switch it out for shows that might do better. At the very least they could put Shippuden at 2:30 and probably get better ratings than One Piece would. Adult Swim for the most part had a lot of patience with One Piece and even tried it outside of Toonami briefly but it didn't ever take off for them and Toonami can't entirely be a vanity project that doesn't bring in ratings. The probationary period at 2:30AM didn't change One Piece's behavior so it was finally time to cut it loose.


Either that or Toei wanted more money for a show at 2:30AM or had some other demands and Adult Swim was not gonna indulge them. Toei has been known to muck up many a deal in any number of ways and usually by looking for more money.


I think it was primarily because Saobody and the chain of arcs that connects to it as a whole would have lasted for three years on the typical Toonami schedule, and there's no way [as] would have approved the show mooching on there for that long. And in regards to the ratings, they've faltered, but not too much outside of coordination with the rest of the block. So this could be a case of Toei or maybe even Funimation in the front wanting more money than they were willing to pay for a sustained block of episodes that might go even lower over time.


Well Jack comes on first so that would make dropping the rest easy were it the only show I cared about. Super I'm caught up with in Japan and am waiting for the home releases to even bother with regarding the dub. At this point I will only watch shows I haven't seen before on Toonami. And even then only ones I have even a little interest in. Thus I skipped out on Parasyte and will skip Tokyo Ghoul even though I haven't seen them. Honestly I'd skip Gundam too, which kinda blows, were it not sandwiched between the 2 shows I actually enjoy watching atm. I really wish JoJo would continue instead of Titan coming, but oh well.

i honestly think the hype for AOT on Toonami has died since the long wait for S2 began




how many times has toonami removed a show due to poor ratings in the past?


They relegated Tenchi Muyo GXP to 3 AM because they sorely misjudged what kind of show it was and it got poor ratings.  They allowed it to finish, but they never reran it.


The HD remastered tapes of Cowboy Bebop only played on Toonami for 4 episodes before the block was cut in half, and then so far, never again.


I'm not sure how frequent they kept taking shows off before they finished in the past though.  In this case, the OP anime won't end for a long time! So OP being taken off Toonami before they caught up to the dub was always extremely high.


Never in the  [as] era for a premiere, unless you count HD Bebop. Even Tenchi Muyo! GXP was merely death-slotted at 3 AM!


I mean I guess we technically can count HD Bebop, but even then, SD Bebop reran so many times that we can effectively consider HD Bebop a rerun.


Thanks for those insightful posts Sketch[/member].  As much of a sucker-punch as it was, I agree with the sentiment that this was probably the best point for a long while to leave off.  Going for another arc or two and cutting things there would have been absolutely brutal to first-time viewers.


And yeah, let's put the asinine notion that OP "failed in the US" to bed once and for all.  Failed licenses do not get get over 500 epsiodes (and counting) plus four movies (and counting) dubbed and released on home video.  Failed licenses are not one of the top-three most popular legal streaming anime (to say nothing of illegal sites).  Failed licenses don't get dozens (and counting) of volumes' worth of manga released.  Failed licenses don't continue to see physical game releases for major consoles.  Failed licenses don't return to cable against all odds and proceed to air an additional 200 episodes over 4 years.  Failed licenses don't have goddamn Arby's reference them in tweets.  Failed licenses...well, you get the idea.  By any objective standard, One Piece is a bona fide success story in the US, even more so given the horrific circumstances it originally found itself in.  So do let's consign any bullshit suggestions otherwise to the garbage heap where they belong.


Can we finally admit that One Piece...isn't that good?


It was first acquired as a tacked on requirement to another deal, Toei has tried to market it for years here with less and less success (see games going form physical releases to download only for one console).  It has been released over and over to a smaller and smaller audience.


The story is ham fisted, the pacing abysmal, the characters devlolved into utter caricatures at this point, the stories lacking depth and emotional resonance, and the art style has never appealed to the West.  It looks goofy and boring because it is.


Can we finally admit that One Piece...isn't that good?


It was first acquired as a tacked on requirement to another deal, Toei has tried to market it for years here with less and less success (see games going form physical releases to download only for one console).  It has been released over and over to a smaller and smaller audience.


The story is ham fisted, the pacing abysmal, the characters devlolved into utter caricatures at this point, the stories lacking depth and emotional resonance, and the art style has never appealed to the West.  It looks goofy and boring because it is.

no because it is, it just had a tarnished reputation in this country


I've told you this many times, just because YOU personally dislike something does not make it bad


terrible writing, unlikeable characters, and  marysue characters make something bad (**cough** SAO **cough**)


you aren't god Jman, your personal opinions are not gospel


If it is that good why has the series never made new fans?  It airs on Tv and people go "Oh.  That.  I don't like that."


Here's proof.



I'm just saying you gotta stop declaring everything you don't like as being inherently bad just on the grounds that you don't like it, you can hate it all you want but don't act like opinions are facts

no because it is, it just had a tarnished reputation in this country


I've told you this many times, just because YOU personally dislike something does not make it bad


terrible writing, unlikeable characters, and  marysue characters make something bad (**cough** SAO **cough**)


you aren't god Jman, your personal opinions are not gospel


Do we have reports how how the OP ratings in Japan are doing now?

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