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Tokyo Ghoul huh? Maybe the worst show I've heard about them airing since Akame ga Kill

Yeah if they had to replace One Piece they could have picked something better for sure. The whole second season is filler. The whole thing is also very highly censored when I have seen much worse things not censored in anime.

Don't worry. If Moose ever leaves the boards, you'll probably start to praise the show again a year or two later without knowing it. :fap:


If you mean like Bebop, my contention was always it was overplayed. 


Which is why I bought the box set.


Yeah if they had to replace One Piece they could have picked something better for sure. The whole second season is filler. The whole thing is also very highly censored when I have seen much worse things not censored in anime.


DeMarco has stated on Twitter that it will, in fact, be completely uncut.


And let's be honest here. Did anyone really think it was going to be censored on Toonami after HELLSING?


So it will be uncut? The show is still sadly very meh and the second season is just awful. Wish we could have gotten Kekkai Sensen or Mob Psycho or My Hero Academia.


The only good news from this is that I won't be watching as late now. I can skip the last three shows(Not counting GITS). May tune in for GITS after those 3 though.


If you mean like Bebop, my contention was always it was overplayed. 


Which is why I bought the box set.


I'm thinking closer to Samurai Jack. I saw your posts on the old Lithium boards from when it was being added to Toonami, and while you weren't too happy about it, the trademark venomous rage espoused didn't come until after RanIsa came in and started annoyingly praising the series at every available opportunity.


Basically, that situation, but with Moose.


I'm thinking closer to Samurai Jack. I saw your posts on the old Lithium boards from when it was being added to Toonami, and while you weren't too happy about it, the trademark venomous rage espoused didn't come until after RanIsa came in and started annoyingly praising the series at every available opportunity.


Basically, that situation, but with Moose.


Kids show on an adult block.  I'm as hyped for tomorrow as anyone.


So it will be uncut? The show is still sadly very meh and the second season is just awful. Wish we could have gotten Kekkai Sensen or Mob Psycho or My Hero Academia.


The only good news from this is that I won't be watching as late now. I can skip the last three shows(Not counting GITS). May tune in for GITS after those 3 though.

I wish they'd get My hero Academia too


It'd be nice to have a version of One punch man that's NOT homophobic on the block someday


I made it through about 8 episodes of Tokyo Ghoul before I had to call it quits.


It sucks. Only the hype made me sit through that many episodes.


So how does it feel Jman, you are victorious after a long battle.


i guess this cements the bad luck of one piece forever


I wouldn't say close to four years' worth of One Piece airing on Toonami is bad luck. DeMarco and company made this show last for as long as they could, and we should all be grateful for it.


I wish they'd get My hero Academia too


It'd be nice to have a version of One punch man that's NOT homophobic on the block someday


Mob and Academia are so much better than Ghoul it's not even funny.


I made it through about 8 episodes of Tokyo Ghoul before I had to call it quits.


It sucks. Only the hype made me sit through that many episodes.


So how does it feel Jman, you are victorious after a long battle.

he's been victorious before, like when I wanted them to get Sailor Moon but they chose KLK instead


I ended up liking KLK but I still wish Toonami would show Sailor moon


Mob and Academia are so much better than Ghoul it's not even funny.

I'm witholding judgement till I see it. Toonami didn't choose it because it was good they chose it because it was popular

I'm witholding judgement till I see it. Toonami didn't choose it because it was good they chose it because it was popular


Get ready for 10 hours of conversation about eating flesh.


Well this is shitty.  I mean I held no illusions that the run would continue indefinitely, but I figured we'd at least get through Marineford.  Not getting to see Sabaody and Impel Down is a bitter pill.  (No Keimi?  Or The Punch?  Or goddamn Hancock? :() I know its ratings weren't exactly setting the world on fire, but you wouldn't think they'd really need to for something airing at the tail end of the block.  I guess it got too cost-prohibitive for DeMarco to keep grabbing new seasons.  Four years is better than nothing, and yeah I have probably like 100 episodes ahead on DVD, but it's far more satisfying to get the dub in HD with all of the usual block trappings.


The worst part, if you'll excuse the prejudgement, is that what we're getting instead just screams Hot Topic edgelord bullshit.  Didn't we already suffer through enough of that with how fuckawful Akame was?


The thing that surprises me about Tokyo Ghoul is that I figured it was a show they'd get when it was popular. I thought the ship had sailed for it after... eh, about the end of 2015, so I guess airing a little over a year later in the back half of the night is a fitting treatment.


But yeah, if it's as good of a hatewatch as SAO, I suppose I don't mind it.


The thing that surprises me about Tokyo Ghoul is that I figured it was a show they'd get when it was popular. I thought the ship had sailed for it after... eh, about the end of 2015, so I guess airing a little over a year later in the back half of the night is a fitting treatment.


But yeah, if it's as good of a hatewatch as SAO, I suppose I don't mind it.

honestly, the hatewatches are the best part of Toonami

It's not nearly as coherent or entertaining as SAO or AGK. Also the MC is one of those chronic whiner MC's.


Prepare to have your hopes dashed.




OK, I haven't been on this side of the board for months, but I had to come over when I heard this news.


Man, Moose is gonna lose his shit.

see the above woman in the moose costume with hellfire around her that I posted

Oh well, I had hoped we'd still be sailing in the Thousand Sunny for a while now. I guess not. So it looks like at least for now [as] Toonami will only air seasons 4-6 of One Piece. Believe it or not, we're ONLY at the end of Season 6.


I will probably start a "One Piece A Day" thread on 3/19/17. Can still watch TONS of episodes on FUNimation NOW! Well, seasons 7 and 8 anyway! I for one want to keep it going beyond Toonami, because thanks to them showing 4-6 I'm intrigued!


It's surprising because One Piece has been a mainstay on Toonami since 2005 notwithstanding the first year that Toonami was brought back from cancellation, and it was airing in a graveyard slot anyway, so it really didn't even need good ratings. I wonder why they did it. There must have been a lot of complaints about the plot going nowhere or something.


man this feels like when X-Men Fans were raging at marvel for trying to phase out the mutants in favor of the inhumans


Both this decision and that one were ones made because they thought it was best for business...unfortunately for marvel they had to scrap their inhumans push once it became apparent that most inhumans book sold like garbage and people were pissed that they even thought of killing off the x-men in the back of their mind




man this feels like when X-Men Fans were raging at marvel for trying to phase out the mutants in favor of the inhumans


Both this decision and that one were ones made because they thought it was best for business...unfortunately for marvel they had to scrap their inhumans push once it became apparent that most inhumans book sold like garbage and people were pissed that they even thought of killing off the x-men in the back of their mind


You tell me how many LA movies were made out of OP.


Oh well, I had hoped we'd still be sailing in the Thousand Sunny for a while now. I guess not. So it looks like at least for now [as] Toonami will only air seasons 4-6 of One Piece. Believe it or not, we're ONLY at the end of Season 6.


I will probably start a "One Piece A Day" thread on 3/19/17. Can still watch TONS of episodes on FUNimation NOW! Well, seasons 7 and 8 anyway! I for one want to keep it going beyond Toonami, because thanks to them showing 4-6 I'm intrigued!

I was thinking earlier that we should try and get a group together to continue watching it here. The dubs are still out there up to a certain point.

Announced today during Toonami Pre-Flight at 8 PM.


I go here 3 hours later to find it already has 5 pages! :D  Brings a great feeling back.



... so obviously I am sad, but come on.  It has 700+ episodes with around 500 or so dubbed. You couldn't expect Toonami to air ALL of them!  I just wish this wasn't such a sudden announcement!  :(  At least now, my memories of those OP haters who kept frequenting the old board are now finally laid to rest.


Now I know NOTHING. About Tokyo Ghoul.  I never followed Funimaiton's dub of it, I never tuned in for either seasons in Japanese months before than.  So this will be interesting for me. I just hope they don't air it at 2:30 PM when they don't get good ratings.


I was thinking earlier that we should try and get a group together to continue watching it here. The dubs are still out there up to a certain point.


That is a wonderful idea.  I would need to somehow get my hands on the episodes though (preferrably legally), and also find the time to do all that.


Well... Well well well. This was certainly unexpected. Sucks that we won't get to see One Piece beyond Thriller Bark, but if they had to pull it off the schedule, temporarily or permanently, at any spot, they couldn't have picked a better place. Ending the Toonami Swim run with Brook settling into the crew seems like as good a send-off as any. At least, until they decide to revisit the show somewhere down the line. I still have hope, even if you all don't. :)


As for Tokyo Ghoul, I'll approach it the same way I did Akame ga Kill: fuck your negative opinions, I'm gonna enjoy this and you aren't gonna stop me. O0


Well... Well well well. This was certainly unexpected. Sucks that we won't get to see One Piece beyond Thriller Bark, but if they had to pull it off the schedule, temporarily or permanently, at any spot, they couldn't have picked a better place. Ending the Toonami Swim run with Brook settling into the crew seems like as good a send-off as any. At least, until they decide to revisit the show somewhere down the line. I still have hope, even if you all don't. :)


As for Tokyo Ghoul, I'll approach it the same way I did Akame ga Kill: fuck your negative opinions, I'm gonna enjoy this and you aren't gonna stop me. O0


My God I just realized.



Foxy introduced OP on Toonami.


Foxy ENDED OP on Toonami! :o

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