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Razors pain you,

Rivers are damp.

Acids stain you,

Drugs cause cramp.

Guns aren't lawful,

Nooses give.

Gas smells awful -

You might as well live.

(Dorothy Parker, Resume)


gun to the head-Most effective and as long as you don't fuck around, pussy out, and miss giving yourself a massive head wound and making yourself a vegetable.


jumping from high places-Would not reccommend.......Seems like too much time to regret the decision.


hanging-This is how my brother offed himself......Put a dildo in your ass before you kick the chair so it'll at least be funny when someone finds you.


drug/chemical overdose-I think this would be my preferred way, but if there is a lot of pain from the OD, it's probably the shittiest way to go


face sitting by fuggz-The smell will kill you first


Judas Chair-Seriously, kill yourself


wrist cutting-also one I wouldn't reccommend based solely on the amount of time that will pass, but I guess if you attempt this one, don't do it like the do on TV.  Through the woods, not across the pond.....Or some shit like that.


electrocution-Can I watch?


The hanging method also sounds difficult. There is also time to regret your decision. The gun method is obviously most effective but scary.  There is lots of time to pussy out, which is what will probably happen after sucking on a shotgun or pistol barrel for more then 30 seconds..at which point the mission won't get accomplished anyways so what is the point.


I always thought the best way would be to shoot yourself in the head, as you're jumping off of something.


Between the two of them, the job is bound to get done, right?


I always thought the best way would be to shoot yourself in the head, as you're jumping off of something.


Between the two of them, the job is bound to get done, right?


This is dark but i tried to commit suicide in my 20s and failed. Then i read because of bullying an 8 year old killed himself. 8!


Piano wire noose around neck.

Heavy object attached to other end.

Wire goes across sturdy beam and object on high place.

Glue hands to head.

Make angry face and knock the object off.


You look like you got really mad and ripped your head off with your bare hands.


I'd probably have to say getting your head caught in some kind of industrial pneumatic press.


Those things can move pretty dang quick, so it'd be near instantaneous, plus it's going to reduce your head to the thickness of a sheet of paper so there's no worry about fucking up and becoming a vegetable.


Piano wire noose around neck.

Heavy object attached to other end.

Wire goes across sturdy beam and object on high place.

Glue hands to head.

Make angry face and knock the object off.


You look like you got really mad and ripped your head off with your bare hands.


Yeah but what if you get afraid at the last second? then you are gonna be sitting there like a retard with your hands glued to your face.


I'd probably have to say getting your head caught in some kind of industrial pneumatic press.


Those things can move pretty dang quick, so it'd be near instantaneous, plus it's going to reduce your head to the thickness of a sheet of paper so there's no worry about fucking up and becoming a vegetable.


Again though, it sounds easy on paper, you are gonna be sitting there staring at this big machine and you might chicken out. Also it requires energy to go out and find this big machine.


Waifu has no honor :(


Blasphemy, you hakujin.


If you want an honest answer, overdosing from barbiturates is the best way. It's like falling into a deep slumber. It's what's used in physician-assisted suicides.


I wouldn't want to die too fast. I'd rather bleed out super slowly or starve myself. I wanna feel life slipping away. If it happened instantly it might be confusing.


Judas Chair then. :fap:


There is no guarantee that will work outside of medical assistance. The pill method is really unreliable.


Are you reading that Lost all Hope website?


Jumping off a skyscraper. Human error doesn't beat gravity when you're up that high. Also, if I have any doubts, I might change my mind on the way up. If not, I got a nice view on the way down.


It's been a long time since I've considered suicide, but if I seriously contemplate it again, I don't want any fuck-ups that'll give me more health issues.


Jumping off a skyscraper. Human error doesn't beat gravity when you're up that high. Also, if I have any doubts, I might change my mind on the way up. If not, I got a nice view on the way down.


It's been a long time since I've considered suicide, but if I seriously contemplate it again, I don't want any fuck-ups that'll give me more health issues.


Decapitation seems quick.


I mean you'll live forever about 7-12 seconds but you feel anything.


I've never actually really considered it. Lately with the mental health causing problems I at least want the satisfaction to know there is a way out (only if need be). So I am not suicidal by any means, its just the situation currently has the potential for further future issues  and while unresolved is at the very least uncertain. So if unrecoverable obviously suicide is on the list of possible solutions. Upon further analysis suicide also is very unobtainable. The applicant must be responsible for performing the task- one time at a close friends house I stuck an unloaded shotgun in my mouth Kurt Cobain style. We were joking around of course... it was a terrifying experience even while it was unloaded... I don't think I could stomach the act.


Piano wire noose around neck.

Heavy object attached to other end.

Wire goes across sturdy beam and object on high place.

Glue hands to head.

Make angry face and knock the object off.


You look like you got really mad and ripped your head off with your bare hands.


I laughed.  But, it seems a bit improbable to do correctly.


Chug a bunch of sleeping pills, like 10-20


As you get ready to doze off, tie a bag around your neck


You'll die of asphyxiation and not even know it.

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