High Ground Posted September 6, 2019 Posted September 6, 2019 2 hours ago, mochi said: supposedly Vic lost his case against Jamie marchi so...there's that Honestly though, the Marchi part was pretty unnecessary since Marchi was just being a cunt, but she wasn't contributing to things nearly as much as Soye and Rial who were actively working to destroy Vics career. 3
The1gairon Posted September 6, 2019 Posted September 6, 2019 "Big shock to fans". NOOOO. REEEELLY?? /sarcasm
Daos Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 1 hour ago, EmpressAngel said: You know damn well Vic fans don't leave their houses. If you can name the game that's from you win one internet.
Daos Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 36 minutes ago, Hello There said: Honestly though, the Marchi part was pretty unnecessary since Marchi was just being a cunt, but she wasn't contributing to things nearly as much as Soye and Rial who were actively working to destroy Vics career. We kinda had a whole discussion in this thread months ago about how defamation, Libel, and Slander are all extremely hard to prove. Telling people that you actually witnessed inappropriate behavior from a person and then that person being fired is in no way legally actionable and doesn't fall under any of those. Why do you think he's going to win this case again? 1
PokeNirvash Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 Oh wow, I actually accidentally memed the end of this endless trial into existence! 1
Top Gun Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 Oh man, just read some of the details of Vic's clusterfuck of a lawyer. Fantastic. https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2019/09/06/in-animes-metoo-moment-vic-mignogna-a-no-show-at-tarrant-county-hearing-and-his-case-is-mostly-an-unholy-mess/ 3
Daos Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 At one point in Beard’s arguments against Marchi, Chupp said, “I don’t think you have any evidence and that’s your problem.” Well duh. 4
DragonSinger Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, Daos said: This is going to come as a huge shock to Vic fans. There has been about 10 youtube channels all dedicated to the idea that Vic was winning this big time. Fun fact that I learned today that was alluded to in the video of tears, some courts will allow you to have your phone out if you have a Bar card. Nick R-whatever, who is totally a real lawyer, didn't have a Bar card for some reason, so he was unable to livetweet that fiasco. Mignogna's supporters had to get their info from the terrible SJWs who had multiple people there with Bar cards. 😏 Edited September 7, 2019 by SorceressPol 2
Top Gun Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 Here's an alternative video that properly explains things: 2
DragonSinger Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 25 minutes ago, Top Gun said: Oh man, just read some of the details of Vic's clusterfuck of a lawyer. Fantastic. https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2019/09/06/in-animes-metoo-moment-vic-mignogna-a-no-show-at-tarrant-county-hearing-and-his-case-is-mostly-an-unholy-mess/ "In contrast to the buttoned-down, PowerPoint-proficient defense lawyers, Beard was not ready for a stage like this. Too often his response to Chupp about an exhibit or fact was “at this time, I can’t find it.” Beard later reacted with surprise when Chupp indicated he had dropped all the claims against March: “Wait, defamation was dismissed as well?” “Yes, I said that a long time ago,” Chupp had to point out. In another exchange, a slightly exasperated Chupp said, “Am I not being clear?” Beard responded, “No, your honor, it’s that I’m not listening“ -- to which the judge said, “It would help if you would.” When your so-called friends hook you up with a lawyer like this, who needs enemies? 😂 1 2
Daos Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 Remember that Vic's gofundme raked in about 200k. So this guy knew he didn't have a case, just took it for money and to raise his profile. Worked on both counts. 4
High Ground Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 1 hour ago, Daos said: We kinda had a whole discussion in this thread months ago about how defamation, Libel, and Slander are all extremely hard to prove. Telling people that you actually witnessed inappropriate behavior from a person and then that person being fired is in no way legally actionable and doesn't fall under any of those. Why do you think he's going to win this case again? Like I said though, things with Jamie were pretty weak. She mainly just rode the wave of all Monica and Ron were doing, while also being a gigantic idiot. She wasn't the one calling up cons and demanding they break things off with Vic. I haven't had the chance yet to look into all the things that came out today, from what I heard the defamation and conspiracy claims were the weaker part of this whole kickvic ordeal, so them nixing those parts don't really matter. Not saying that Vic is winning but I ain't saying he's lost, and I don't count this as a win for Ronica and Funi, since there's other parts to all this that are still going strong. 3
High Ground Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 19 minutes ago, stilgar said: Lol. Going strong. Lol Getting woke 3
High Ground Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 I do want to share this here, At 1:10, past his introductions and promotions. Him reading the commentary from one of the people that was present at this. The news have been spinning all this to make it sound as bad as possibly can be for Vic and his case but according to this person's account of how court went puts more context into things, and seems much more fair than the way other sources (kickvicers) are reporting it. 3
Top Gun Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 Red caps in a video thumbnail are cruise control for cool. 2
stilgar Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 (edited) 32 minutes ago, Hello There said: I do want to share this here, No one cares. Edited September 7, 2019 by stilgar 4
High Ground Posted September 7, 2019 Posted September 7, 2019 16 minutes ago, stilgar said: No one cares. Your mom cared 1 1
High Ground Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 1 hour ago, CountFrylock said: why does vic still have fans? 1
The1gairon Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 4 minutes ago, Hello There said: #imagesyoucanhear
High Ground Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 34 minutes ago, elfie said: That judge is a character. apparently the judge is coming under fire during this. apparently with judge Chupp he has a history of throwing cases out just to get through trials as quickly as possible. I've seen some people say that Vic not showing up for the trial was him "admitting defeat" though that trial was a no win possibility for him with how much the mainstream news decided to focus on it, how they had pictures of Marchi and Rial standing together and united, victims of sexual misconduct standing strong against their assaulter, and etc. This is the point where I'll agree this shit exploded a lot more than it needed to be. One of the big things Funi has been going on about is stating that Vic is a public figure, while in reality he isn't (since the anime community doesn't really garner that kind of interest or exposure to the general public), the judge ruling that Vic is something called a limited use public figure, it's meanings being something like he gained that level of attention because of legal proceedings, or something. I'm pretty sure that's because of all this, as well as his GFM amassing over $200k
Ginguy Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 Wonder how long it will be until a "racist" tweet from Monica Rial emerges....
Gina Szanboti Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 12 minutes ago, Hello There said: the judge ruling that Vic is something called a limited use public figure, it's meanings being something like he gained that level of attention because of legal proceedings, or something. Arguing that he's not at least a Limited Purpose Public Figure was silly to begin with, when half of the complaint is that the defendant's actions cost him money from public appearances where people come specifically to see him and get his autograph. They did that before all this hit. Tons of people nationwide don't pay to see people who aren't celebrities/public figures of some sort, or pay to get their autograph, or create fan clubs for them. If cons announced you as a guest, people would go, "Who?" When cons announced Vic was a guest, people went, "I gotta go meet him!" The judge just remarked that the packed courtroom was enough evidence, knowing that all the other evidence they were preparing to show on that point, like the GFM, was already in their filings and would just confirm what his eyes were telling him. 1
High Ground Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 (edited) 12 minutes ago, Gina Szanboti said: Arguing that he's not at least a Limited Purpose Public Figure was silly to begin with, when half of the complaint is that the defendant's actions cost him money from public appearances where people come specifically to see him and get his autograph. They did that before all this hit. Tons of people nationwide don't pay to see people who aren't celebrities/public figures of some sort, or pay to get their autograph, or create fan clubs for them. If cons announced you as a guest, people would go, "Who?" When cons announced Vic was a guest, people went, "I gotta go meet him!" The judge just remarked that the packed courtroom was enough evidence, knowing that all the other evidence they were preparing to show on that point, like the GFM, was already in their filings and would just confirm what his eyes were telling him. When it comes to what is and isn't a public figure and celebrity now of days, I myself wouldn't consider Vic to be a celebrity. I guess to some degree he should be considered a public figure. In his deposition video they asked him that many times about him being a celebrity, Vic not agreeing with that, and then saying he doesn't consider himself to be one. Honestly I don't see Vic, or the the majority of folks in the anime VAing industry to be celebrities. Public figures maybe, but not celebrities. I'd say the closest those in the VAing industry can get to being considered celebrities would be those that went into the video game industry and made it big there, such as Troy Baker and Laura Bailey. To some degree I'd consider them to be celebrities since they made their names pretty known with their roles in video games, and also their roles in Marvel's cartoons. Edited September 8, 2019 by Hello There 1
Daos Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 If he's not a public figure.... why do we have a 500 page thread about him on here? 1 1
Daos Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 2 hours ago, CountFrylock said: why does vic still have fans? It's ok to be a fan of Vic's work. I'm a fan of Michael Jackson's work. I just remember that no matter how many good songs he wrote he was a terrible person who molested dozens of children. 1 1
High Ground Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 3 minutes ago, Daos said: It's ok to be a fan of Vic's work. I'm a fan of Michael Jackson's work. I just remember that no matter how many good songs he wrote he was a terrible person who molested dozens of children. 1
CountFrylock Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 3 hours ago, Daos said: It's ok to be a fan of Vic's work. I'm a fan of Michael Jackson's work. I just remember that no matter how many good songs he wrote he was a terrible person who molested dozens of children. who says he molested dozens of children? the only people who say that were money grubbing weasels trying to smear his name and garner some attention for themselves Wasn't He Under Investigation at one point and nothing suspicious was found....so why act like they missed something? 2
Daos Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 (edited) Quote who says he molested dozens of children? The overwhelming evidence? Nothing suspicious was found? Are you out of your fucking mind? Jesus Christ. He's an innocent man I tells ya! http://www.sbscpublicaccess.org/docs/ctdocs/011805pltreqaseemd.pdf Edited September 8, 2019 by Daos 1
CountFrylock Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 overwhelming evidence my ass....if there was overwhelming evidence You think The FBI Would have simply looked the other way? notice how none of this really got brought back up until after his death..... 2
PokeNirvash Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 (edited) 9 hours ago, Daos said: It's ok to be a fan of Vic's work. Tell that to the person who chewed me out because I thought Rohan was a fitting final role for him. 😒 I mean, just because you hate Vic with a burning passion across the board, that doesn't mean you can attack people who think slightly otherwise. Edited September 8, 2019 by PokeNirvash 2
Daos Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 7 hours ago, CountFrylock said: overwhelming evidence my ass....if there was overwhelming evidence You think The FBI Would have simply looked the other way? notice how none of this really got brought back up until after his death..... How did they "look the other way?" They raided his house. It went to trial. He paid off enough witnesses to win. That and juries are so in awe of celebrities that unless there's video they don't care. In the case of R Kelly even a video wasn't enough. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2351783/Michael-Jackson-spent-35-million-silence-dozen-boys-abused.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6724465/Michael-Jacksons-maid-breaks-silence-really-went-on.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2327415/Maid-claims-saw-Michael-Jackson-shower-Wade-Robson-8-agrees-testify-new-lawsuit.html "Michael Jackson's former housekeeper has agreed to back in court a choreographer's claim that the pop superstar molested him in the shower when he was a boy, it has been claimed. Blanca Francia, 57, says she walked in on The King of Pop showering with Australian Wade Robson, then eight, and has at last summoned up the courage to describe what she saw to a judge. Robson, 30, claims he was abused by Jackson for seven years who told him he'd go to jail for the rest of his life if he told anyone about it." Eyewitness account of showering with young boys? Pfft you call that evidence? 1
Guest Alien_Nation Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 Michael Jackson has been in the ground for over a decade. The only reason people keep pointing out on the doll where the star-studded glove touched them is because his estate isn't bankrupt. They can smell money so they're putting on a show. If there was no financial gain to be sought you wouldn't hear a peep out of these supposed "victims" - guaranteed.
High Ground Posted September 8, 2019 Posted September 8, 2019 you can tell helpme has nothing better to do when he goes through a thread disliking everything. keep up the good work man, you'll get there one day. 1
Daos Posted September 9, 2019 Posted September 9, 2019 9 hours ago, Alien_Nation said: Michael Jackson has been in the ground for over a decade. The only reason people keep pointing out on the doll where the star-studded glove touched them is because his estate isn't bankrupt. They can smell money so they're putting on a show. If there was no financial gain to be sought you wouldn't hear a peep out of these supposed "victims" - guaranteed. I think you missed the part where they raided his house and found his child porn. And the porn that he would use to get the young boys aroused so he could jerk them off. If that doesn't spell innocent I don't know what does. 2
High Ground Posted September 9, 2019 Posted September 9, 2019 1 hour ago, Daos said: I think you missed the part where they raided his house and found his child porn. And the porn that he would use to get the young boys aroused so he could jerk them off. If that doesn't spell innocent I don't know what does. he jerked those boys off in self-defense! 1
Daos Posted September 9, 2019 Posted September 9, 2019 14 minutes ago, Hello There said: he jerked those boys off in self-defense! They were coming right for him! Literally. 1 1
The1gairon Posted September 9, 2019 Posted September 9, 2019 We should change the name of this thread to Everyone Is In Trouble.
High Ground Posted September 9, 2019 Posted September 9, 2019 3 minutes ago, elfie said: We should change the name of this thread to Everyone Is In Trouble. I tried going to her page but apparently I'm blocked. I'm actually impressed really, I don't even remember ever tweeting anything to her. I'm also blocked by Monica, but not Marchi. I remember making tweets at them, but never to Dominique Skye, her quite literally being a nobody to me
The1gairon Posted September 9, 2019 Posted September 9, 2019 (edited) 14 minutes ago, Hello There said: I tried going to her page but apparently I'm blocked. I'm actually impressed really, I don't even remember ever tweeting anything to her. I'm also blocked by Monica, but not Marchi. I remember making tweets at them, but never to Dominique Skye, her quite literally being a nobody to me Well then she probably went on a blocking spree. I can access her page just fine. It's pics of tweets by a user GoldReaVer, who has threatened in countless tweets to shoot the judge as well as Vickickers in an unironically serious manner, as if talking about going ot the grocery store. People have been mass reporting him to Twitter in droves. People are worried that this could lead to an active shooter stemming from the once-save anime community, and wondering why Vic doesn't just SAY FUCKIN SOMETHING about this. .... this makes me wonder if you can access her page NOT because she blocked u specifically. When I try to go to Ron Toye's page, it says *I'M* blocked, even though I don't know him at all nor have I ever tweeted anything to warrant it. Edited September 9, 2019 by elfie
EmpressAngel Posted September 9, 2019 Posted September 9, 2019 God, imagine getting arrested because you started flinging around death threats after your favorite cartoon voice man lost a court case that HE STARTED HIMSELF. I've fucked up a lot in my life but at least I'm objectively better than Vic stans. 4 1
rpgamer Posted September 9, 2019 Posted September 9, 2019 Many twitter users, especially the targets of any sort of persistent vitriol, will just use blocking scripts or bots or whatever, commonly blocking anyone that's connected via some other account. As an example, pretty sure you can easily find such a script that will auto-block anyone that follows Trump.
Gina Szanboti Posted September 9, 2019 Posted September 9, 2019 You can still read it if you're not logged in. 1
PokeNirvash Posted September 9, 2019 Posted September 9, 2019 Kinda makes Monica Rial calling the cyber police and the state police on that one guy who told her to fuck off feel like a slap on the wrist, doesn't it. 1
The1gairon Posted September 9, 2019 Posted September 9, 2019 4 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: Kinda makes Monica Rial calling the cyber police and the state police on that one guy who told her to fuck off feel like a slap on the wrist, doesn't it. People are asking Jamie and Monica to hire bodyguards. Suddenly Monica's remark about getting her own bullet-proof vest doesn't seem like a bad idea.
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