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IP Banned from OKC on computer and cell phone

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Haha unreal. All because I asked a girl on a date, she replied with a curt "no", and I sent a message back saying "... What?" and then a follow-up message that said "Who do you think you're talking to?"



Smh lol. Unreal what these weak ass white knights have turned our great country into. Tough guys should rule this planet.


Damn, you gonna use one those IP changers and keep on OKCing?



Probably. This is ridiculous. What a bunch of spineless pansies lol. They're the same latte drinking weak boys who hide behind paperwork instead of facing up to somebody else like real men used to do back in the day. Why couldn't they just tell me what was going on and give me a time and place, so that we could *cracks knuckles* discuss it?


Are you sure that was all that was sent? >.>



Yeah, but I'd been banned before, so I think they probably recognized me as a repeat offender when they saw the "abuse" report.



Nothing I've ever said has been that bad, I've just gotten girls really mad because I've told them off and launched personal attacks in the past because I was a Zenigundam scorned!  :)


Haha unreal. All because I asked a girl on a date, she replied with a curt "no", and I sent a message back saying "... What?" and then a follow-up message that said "Who do you think you're talking to?"



Smh lol. Unreal what these weak ass white knights have turned our great country into. Tough guys should rule this planet.


Time to go on Tinder...


Fixed that for ya.

keep Zeni the fuck away from my sexuality


he's the last person I want being Gay, Milo Yappingpoodlepiss is bad enough


I was gonna say Black People Meet but...



After all this shit with OKC maybe he needs some Christian Mingle.

Maybe so.

My line of thinking about Farmers Only was if Zeni tried intimidating some of those women, they'd hunt him down, hog-tie, and castrate him.


Maybe so.

My line of thinking about Farmers Only was if Zeni tried intimidating some of those women, they'd hunt him down, hog-tie, and castrate him.


What do you think a black chick would do? :|


you have to fight back



Yep! They're not gonna punk me so easily. I'm gonna still get some hottie off of that site, and then I'm gonna find out where the OKC mods who banned me operate from and I'm gonna get up in their faces!!



Knew it was coming


Personally I think they did the right move

.... actually I did call this happening awhile ago




Nothing I did was ban worthy. They'll pay for this!  :)


Yeah man. Gonna log into OkCupid from my local library, cop a hot 18 year old chick or two, and then do some research to find the mod(s) who banned me so that I can knock him the fck out!!!! ?????


keep Zeni the fuck away from my sexuality


he's the last person I want being Gay, Milo Yappingpoodlepiss is bad enough

Aww man but you could be the one to finally turn Zeni into a human being.

Is that not a worthwhile goal anymore? : o

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