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6:00 am alarm goes off. Hit snooze. Yell at Madison to get up for the next 5 5 min intervals as she keeps going back to sleep...me too

6:30 Madison finally gets up. I go back to sleep

6:47 I finally drag myself outta bed and rush thru morning routine

7:00 yell at Madison to put her phone down and we leave the house

7:10 drop Madison off and head to Starbucks for breakfast

7:20 eat Starbucks in parking lot and head to work

7:45 make it to work. Drag myself into the building and to my desk

750-825 bring up all my systems then sleep at my desk hoping no one catches me

8:30-10am log into my phone to take calls while I post on here

10:00-1015 break in bathroom to coffee pop while I post on here

1015-1215 back on phone posting on here

1215 yummy lunch time

1215-245 work and posting on here

245-300 pre break

3-5 posting on here, work

5 go home while listening to sleazy books on CD

5:20 home!

7:00 take meds and shower

800 yell at Madison to take her bath

900 bedtime...yell and threaten Madison into going to sleep

That's m-f anyway

10 minutes ago, crackymckrackin said:

5 am, no

6 am, nope

7 am, no chance

8 am, not posting anything that shows the internet where and what im doing.

9 am, yeah no.

Google already tracks me so the interwebs already knows


Get up...whenever I have to go to work so anywhere from 8am to 11am

wash face

put on makeup

get dressed (deodorant, perfume, ect)

feed cat

feed self

put together lunch

go to work

come home

work out


make dinner

watch tv/youtube or catch up on apps



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10:30am Alarm goes off stay in bed hitting snooze/looking at my phone

11:30am Get out of bed, use bathroom, wash my face, eat breakfast, and relax/use my computer

1:30pm Get ready to leave for work, brush my teeth, pack my lunch

1:40pm Leave for work

2pm-6pm At work try not to die of boredom

6pm-6:30pm (ish) Eat my lunch

6:30pm-10pm At work try not to die of boredom

10pm Drive home maybe stop at the store real quick if I need anything

10:30pm At home, make/eat dinner and watch an episode or two of something on hulu with my fiance

11:30pm Use my computer/hang out with my fiance at home

2-3am Take a shower/bath and go to bed


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19 minutes ago, fuggnificent said:

I think I need to pack a lunch and stop buying shit everyday

I always pack my lunch. At my last job I would buy a lunch an McDonald's or something like once a week as a treat. I also had the right to an hour for lunch at that job, and due to the nature of the job I could stretch that time quite a bit if I wanted to and not really get called out for it.

But now I only have a strict 30 minutes for lunch and it's a 5 minute drive to get to anything so by the time I can actually get food 1/3rd of my break is gone. I'll usually pack leftovers of whatever I made for dinner the night before and heat it up in the microwave.

10 minutes ago, Naraku4656 said:

wake up


long coffee break



second coffee break

work more

go home

go on computer

fap, depending on the day


Cool I used to go to the gym at my job before I became a lazy ass


whenever the fuck o clock: wake up

lay around for about an hour or so

probably go to my job after that

ease the monotony of the mind numbing tasks and dealing with people by letting my mind run on some pretentious bullshit about deconstructing ideas and philosophy bullshit

come home

drink and work on music

maybe read or study foreign language for a little while

pass out

shitposting is mixed in here and there

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I wake up at 6 to tell my boyfriend bye and go back to sleep until 7. I get up and let the dog out, make coffee, shower, and get ready for class. I go to class around 9, get some lunch after that, come home and let the dog out, read/do homework, work on my thesis, and then go back to school for a night class. I get home around 8, eat something, watch tv or some shit, snuggle, and usually fall asleep by 12. 

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I have different shifts, jobs, but days where I don't work mornings and days off are usually fairly similar:

7:30 AM Hit the snooze button if I don't have any real obligation to be up.
9:00 AM Finally get up.
10:00 AM Write/fuck around here and on Twitter
2:00 PM Finish writing. If I eat, I go to a deli and eat/drink/write until 2
4:00 PM Either work til 12 AM, or hang out at home, watch a movie, ride my bike, etc etc

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