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Ever since my last relationship nearly a decade ago, the only kinds of people I tend to attract are noisy bitches or people who are generally unpleasant to be around.

I can't even go to one of my local hangouts anymore because one of them keeps stalking me. I may end up having to tell her off, but I don't want to ruin any rapport I have with the other folks there. FUCK>:(

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I watched the local news last night and learned that I apparently live in an alternate universe where instead of growing up into Sheldon Cooper, Young Sheldon grows up to be a weekend sportscaster.

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Life reminded me that my past self has failed my present self today and I GET THE MESSAGE.

I can't even cry about it. Instead I put on an insane rage/restingbitchface and stomp around like a little kid.


Workshop guy: "Everyone in this room was selected because we believe you are most likely to use up your unemployment benefits before you are rehired or find a new job."

Me, a person in the room: 😅


The one time I'd really like the meds to work at least a little bit, they do nothing but prolong the dumb-numb in my jaw and the headache I've had since 5a.

I just want to sleep for 12 hours straight at this point. Is that really too much to ask? 

  • Sad 1

Note to self - you can't shake an Epson cartridge in order to get that last little bit of apparently so-vital-the-rest-of-the-printer-won't-function ink to register. I'M NOT PRINTING PHOTOS, YOU MASSIVE 'TARD. THERE'S A BRAND NEW BLACK INK IN THERE. YOU DON'T NEED THE DAMN B/W PHOTO OPTION CARTRIDGE! >:(

In other news, I'll be trying out for the part of 'Cheetara' in a future live action version of the classic. -.-; 


Sonic Executive #1: "We need to come up with a new menu item."

Executive #2: "What if we just threw some jalapenos and shit on tater tots?"


  • Haha 2

love how shit always pops up a week before you're supposed to be leaving on vacation. i spent $500 on some emergency dental work for the wife, and now her car needs work that could run anywhere from a couple hundred, up to god knows how much. and i can't get the car in til late next week, because i had to cancel two different appointments this week because wife was getting emergency dental work done. and we're supposed to be taking her car on vacation. oh, and we'll have to re-work the vacation budget if the car costs too much to fix. 


i just want to go sit on the beach for a few days in peace. that's all i want. is that too much to ask?

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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, DragonSinger said:

That is just so fucking sad. And it's always the sweet ones who go quick.

For specifics, a young artist, Qing Han, died recently. She had heart problems and cancer, and doctors hoped she had at least a year left, but...nope.


Edited by DragonSinger
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You can’t expect the entire office to pay attention to your presentation if you are unprepared and spend a majority of the time fucking around with Google to find the different pages you want to show us.


I'm not gonna fucking make it....4 1/2 hours to go and I'm fucking starving.

I have lab work in the morning and I can't eat.....The plan was to eat at midnight, and sleep until the lab opens......I ate a 6 inch sub,  but that barely hit the spot.  Now since this fucking insomnia decided it wanted to play tonight, I'm up and hungry...Can't fucking sleep because I'm starving....Can't dank myself out because then I'll be extra hungry.  Tried to stave it off with water, but all that has done is make it more impossible to sleep because i gotta keep getting up to piss.

If it were 2 hours, I would be confident I could grind it out.....But 4+ hours and no sign of sleep....I'm fucking dying.

Why do they say all you can have is water or black coffee.....How the fuck does coffee not fuck with the results and i can't even have some goddamned fruit.

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Someone stole my lunch at work. Brisket tacos that I made by hand with melted cheese, pico de gallo, and all the fixings.

If someone wants to play that way, fine. I can handle hot stuff pretty well, and I have hot sauces that burn, but go really well with brisket. I wonder if the motherfucker who stole my food can do the same?


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  • Haha 3
7 hours ago, Gyaos said:

Someone stole my lunch at work. Brisket tacos that I made by hand with melted cheese, pico de gallo, and all the fixings.

If someone wants to play that way, fine. I can handle hot stuff pretty well, and I have hot sauces that burn, but go really well with brisket. I wonder if the motherfucker who stole my food can do the same?


I want a part 2

This is gonna be good 

Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, helpme said:

I want a part 2

This is gonna be good 

Yesterday, both tacos were gone. Only one was taken today.

I think it may have worked. I also informed HR that someone has been taking my food...

Edited by Gyaos
  • Haha 4
31 minutes ago, Gyaos said:

Yesterday, both tacos were gone. Only one was taken today.

I think it may have worked. I also informed HR that someone has been taking my food...

The douche level to take someone else's homemade lunch is so fucking high.

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I'm spending a lot of time in grocery stores lately doing delivery between jobs and I cannot fucking stand it when people are completely unaware of their bodies/carts like:

1. Don't leave your cart in a way that blocks the entire aisle.

2. Don't fucking stand right in the way of anyone needing to get by

3. Don't hover behind me while I put shit on the conveyor belt to check out - it doesn't go any faster and I will literally snap and punch you out. Someone started loading their shit onto the belt before I was even done putting my stuff up there so there was no room for me to put my remaining things, like what the actual fuck are you doing?!

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, avec said:

The douche level to take someone else's homemade lunch is so fucking high.

I agree. Also: My dad's side of the family takes pride in their Puerto Rican heritage. They showed me how to make food when I was in my teenage years.

A lesson they taught me was: Don't mess with a man or woman's food. Make your own or GTFO.

I've taken that to heart since I was a kid. If someone takes my food, I don't brush it off. I'd share my tacos with the person in question, had they simply asked. Instead, they stole them.

Edited by Gyaos
  • Like 4

Last Saturday, I had the displeasure of sitting near some of hell’s most prized demons. They were CEOs that mocked and celebrated the death of an overweight driver that the my tired, and kept going on and on about stupid shit like buying abusable meds from Mexico, calling a random dude “Jazzy Jeff”, wanting waitresses that have clothes saying “will fuck for tips” and celebrating a night of debauchery that will quickly follow their meal. They also went to an Italian restaurant with someone who either hates or is allergic to garlic. Real sadsacks who think they’re Jordan Belfort but are really just scum-fucking over-the-hill lounge lizards. If there’s ever a class uprising where we turn the rich into chum to feed to the dogs, I’d start with people like these fucks. 

  • Like 3
3 hours ago, Chapzilla_2000 said:

Last Saturday, I had the displeasure of sitting near some of hell’s most prized demons. They were CEOs that mocked and celebrated the death of an overweight driver that the my tired, and kept going on and on about stupid shit like buying abusable meds from Mexico, calling a random dude “Jazzy Jeff”, wanting waitresses that have clothes saying “will fuck for tips” and celebrating a night of debauchery that will quickly follow their meal. They also went to an Italian restaurant with someone who either hates or is allergic to garlic. Real sadsacks who think they’re Jordan Belfort but are really just scum-fucking over-the-hill lounge lizards. If there’s ever a class uprising where we turn the rich into chum to feed to the dogs, I’d start with people like these fucks. 



Fuck all kinds of duck.

Mrs. Baird's is a TX bread company that makes the BEST snacks.....Almost all the store around here carried their products and I would pass by those shitty Little Debbies and Hostess cakes for my home girl Mrs. B.

A few days ago I was craving one of her honeybuns and went to the Dollar General where they used to keep them on deck.....I didn't see any and I don't settle so I left and went home for cereal.

Sunday rolls around and I made Spaghetti....Wanted to make TX toast and while I generally keep Rye and wheat here at the house, TX toast was to be on Mrs. Biard's thick white bread so I head up to Homeland and look around....No Mrs. Baird's.....So I asked, where is the Mrs. Baird's?  The clerk looked and said "hmm, I guess we don't carry that" I was like "well, you used to....Are you just out?"  I asked because I saw no empty spaces where it should be.  She shrugged and I just said fuck it because what would I expect her to know and just got frozen garlic bread, because I wasn't putting forth the effort for Sara Lee.

Today, granted, I still haven't drawn any parallels to the recent events and I stop by my corner store.....Where they always have Mrs. B. and I go to where they should be....Aaaaaaaaand, nope.

So I ask the chick at the counter and since we're "kinda" like friends she actually gave me an answer....Hostess has pushed her out of most of OK.  I hadn't noticed the shift because they still have her stuff all over TX, and I spend most of my time there anyway....She said they haven't carried Mrs. B since November.

Wow, so now I'm pissed.....Hostess and their dry ass cakes have pushed my girl out of business here and I know it's because they are cheaper in bulk....BUT THEY FUCKING SUCK.

Luckily I'll be in TX tomorrow and it's time to buy some boxes.


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I demand Star Trek medical technology starting immediately. >.<

Left upper jaw work done this morning. I can still feel the semi-open needle/drill holes in the very back, I have a numbed sinus cavity that's slowly waterboarding me with my own blood, and I have a headache that no amount of pain meds is going to knock out. I can't nap. I hurt and I'm crabby. 

Just get to the point in history where we wave a humming wand over the bones and rebuild them already. Hell, I'd even drink Skel-e-Gro if someone could kindly import that into the 'muggle' world ASAP and ensure that it'll just shore up damaged areas. 

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Posted (edited)

The level of exploitation when it comes to money at the expense of workers (capitalism) combined with our shitty ass health system made me feel like the lowest of the fucking low today. Doing what I can to survive while building a foundation of trust, love, and support that I never had and just got shit on so fucking much today.

Edited by avec
  • Sad 2

Why you disappoint, batman toaster? 

You are supposed to burn the bat signal into the bread. You should be able to do the same on an Eggo, right? I was looking forward to bat-waffles. 

I did not get bat-waffles. Apparently the scorching technique is only good for flat bread products. 

Grilled bat-cheese sammiches and tomato soup just doesn't have the same ring to it. 

  • Haha 1

I want a really nice hot meal right now, but I'm too lazy to do anything besides nuke a couple burritos. Delivery isn't an option because what I want is too far away. I played myself watching those damn katsu curry videos.


asshole snowrain. slippery shit. i even wore my fancy traction shoes for winter getaround, and i still bit it when i got out of the truck at work this morning. twisted my ankle and pulled something in my shoulder. feeling (more) old and broken now. god damnit.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, wacky1980 said:

asshole snowrain. slippery shit. i even wore my fancy traction shoes for winter getaround, and i still bit it when i got out of the truck at work this morning. twisted my ankle and pulled something in my shoulder. feeling (more) old and broken now. god damnit.

Welcome to the North

16 minutes ago, helpme said:

Welcome to the North

i would fling poo at you if i could. i moved several hours south from where i grew up and am still technically in "the north". you're not helping.

  • Haha 1

I need to make more money than this chick out of pettiness. I'm so tired of people who buy their way in so easily, and then they'll always be on some 'If you work hard enough like me, you'll accomplish all your dreams too' bullshit when the majority of us don't have rich relatives filling our bank accounts like they do. 

  • Like 3
4 hours ago, wacky1980 said:

i would fling poo at you if i could. i moved several hours south from where i grew up and am still technically in "the north". you're not helping.

Want to come to Michigan and enjoy the potholes that eat semis on a daily basis? 

7 hours ago, wacky1980 said:

asshole snowrain. slippery shit. i even wore my fancy traction shoes for winter getaround, and i still bit it when i got out of the truck at work this morning. twisted my ankle and pulled something in my shoulder. feeling (more) old and broken now. god damnit.

We've barely seen a flake of snow this winter, and it's going to be almost fucking 60 next week.  Fuck this year.

Posted (edited)

Likewise, we've gotten zero rain in Jan and Feb, which are supposed to be 3-4" each, and it's pushing 80 this week.  Mountain snowpack is already mostly gone.  Doesn't look good for the coming summer...back to drought mode I guess.

Btw, this is the first Feb on record (going back 170 years) in which Sacramento received no rainfall.  Even Death Valley got a few drops this year.  We might get some rain on the 1st, but doesn't look like much.

Edited by Gina Szanboti
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