Jman Posted January 10, 2017 Posted January 10, 2017 Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 10, 2017 Posted January 10, 2017 Won't watch, but the comments indicate SAO was in there. Really? People haven't gotten tired of bashing that series yet? Eh, whatever. Quote
Misaka Posted January 10, 2017 Posted January 10, 2017 #8 boku no pico I lawd on this #5 pupa ... well it was horrible I give it that Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 10, 2017 Posted January 10, 2017 I went into this thread expecting a well thought-out list for you primarily consisting of Toonami shows you don't like. Turns out it was just a shill for those guys who distributed the Nostalgia Critic videos. Quote
DragonSinger Posted January 10, 2017 Posted January 10, 2017 Nope, no video clicks from me for a list that sounds like bull from the comments. Quote
Jman Posted January 10, 2017 Author Posted January 10, 2017 I went into this thread expecting a well thought-out list for you primarily consisting of Toonami shows you don't like. Turns out it was just a shill for those guys who distributed the Nostalgia Critic videos. I'll make my own. It'll be labeled as Jman's list specifically. Quote
EyeOfPain Posted January 10, 2017 Posted January 10, 2017 I went into this thread expecting a well thought-out list for you primarily consisting of Toonami shows you don't like. I was just expecting Boku no Pico and the sequels enough times to fill out a list of 25. Quote
Chapinator_X Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 To spare others from needing to watch 48 minutes to get the full list: 25. Clannad The Motion Picture 24. Evangelion's English Dub 23. Evangelion 3.0 22. Ef: A Tale of Memories/Melodies 21. Sword Art Online 20. This Ugly Yet Beautiful World 19. Code Geass R2 18. Haibane Renmei 17. Hellsing 16. Sin: The Movie 15. Rumbling Hearts 14. Shigurui Death Frenzy 13. Tekken: The Motion Picture 12. Mars of Destruction 11. Skelter + Heaven 10. School Days 9. Violence Jack 8. Boku no Pico 7. Wicked City 6. Gantz 5. Pupa 4. Dance in the Vampire Bund 3. Samurai Gun 2. Reign the Conqueror 1. Gilgamesh The only strong objections I have are of the Evangelion dub, Haibane Renmei, Violence Jack, and, for its artistic merits and contributions to animedom, Mars of Destruction. I'm sure there's alot here that people can get extremely pissed at and I took him alot less seriously after he listed the Eva dub, but some of the choices here are fair game when it comes to notoriously bad anime. I will say though that I like how the dude here is more of an otaku Will Sasso than a neckbeard with a whiny voice like some of the anime commentators out there. Looks like an anime commentator you could have a beer with. Quote
granzchesta Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 I've yet to watch Haibane Renmei but I'm surprised to see it on there. Honestly surprised I didn't see Aku no Hana on this list. And I loved it. Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Aku no Hana's source material was great. The rotoscoping art style of the "anime" was very polarizing. I land on the side that considered it unwatchable. Also looking at the actual list I've only actually watched 4 or 5 of those, though am aware of the infamous endings for a few others. SAO's hate is still exaggerated imo, and Ugly Yet Beautiful World was decent enough disappointing ending aside, but Reign? Yeah, that was dog shit best left forgotten. Oh, and including EVA's dub? : Quote
granzchesta Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Aku no Hana's source material was great. The rotoscoping art style of the "anime" was very polarizing. I land on the side that considered it unwatchable. Also looking at the actual list I've only actually watched 4 or 5 of those, though am aware of the infamous endings for a few others. SAO's hate is still exaggerated imo, and Ugly Yet Beautiful World was decent enough disappointing ending aside, but Reign? Yeah, that was dog shit best left forgotten. Oh, and including EVA's dub? : The anime was what got me to read the manga actually. As unique as the rotoscoping was, I felt the slow pacing and the soundtrack really fit the tone for the plot. It's too bad we won't see a second season ever because of these I'm sure not many people would mind. As for the Eva dub. Double the eyeroll. I personally like it. Quote
scope Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Haibane Renmei on a worst anime list? What a joke....don't quit your day job. Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 The anime was what got me to read the manga actually. As unique as the rotoscoping was, I felt the slow pacing and the soundtrack really fit the tone for the plot. It's too bad we won't see a second season ever because of these I'm sure not many people would mind. As for the Eva dub. Double the eyeroll. I personally like it. Yeah I think it largely depended on which you were first introduced to. As a longtime manga reader when I saw that rotoscoping my reaction was: And yeah, my eyeroll was supposed to mean EVA's dub was fine. Quote
Top Gun Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Haibane Renmei on a worst anime list? What a joke....don't quit your day job. I had to skip to that part of the video just to see what level of bullshit was being peddled, and the entire argument boiled down to "I didn't understand anything that was going on and refused to engage in any level of speculation and connecting pieces so therefore the show sucks." Holy shit he is awful. Quote
moose Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 I'll make my own. It'll be labeled as Jman's list specifically. No, please.... we don't wanna hear it. How about you make a top (something) list instead? Something positive for once? Quote
StarPanda Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Evangelion Dub gtfo, CG R2 was ok and 3.33 I could think of worst things #1 Gigurameshhh thanks for making the list chappi Quote
naraku360 Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 I had to skip to that part of the video just to see what level of bullshit was being peddled, and the entire argument boiled down to "I didn't understand anything that was going on and refused to engage in any level of speculation and connecting pieces so therefore the show sucks." Holy shit he is awful. I listened to maybe 10-15 different shows (skipping arounfmd to different places) and I swear 90% of his complaints are "It has.....INCEST!" *thunderclap* I don't think he's capable of watching shows with contentbhe finds objectable, such as anything sexual or violence [with Ninja Scroll as an exception]. It made nearly every single segment I listened to ultra-cringey. Quote
mochi Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 I'll make my own. It'll be labeled as Jman's list specifically. I anticipate Yuri! on ice to show up on your list Quote
Chapinator_X Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 I listened to maybe 10-15 different shows (skipping arounfmd to different places) and I swear 90% of his complaints are "It has.....INCEST!" *thunderclap* I don't think he's capable of watching shows with contentbhe finds objectable, such as anything sexual or violence [with Ninja Scroll as an exception]. It made nearly every single segment I listened to ultra-cringey. I skipped around the video, but I noticed alot of his complaints were either he had a low attention span or he was squeemish towards the content. Not many would argue that some of the shows there like Reign or the old Hellsing anime are great, but some of the things he claims are outrageous like School Days' Nice Boat moment or Boku no Pico in general (funny thing was that the ending he described with Tokyo Tower was in the third OVA when only the first one made it on the list) have been overplayed hundreds of times by the most basic of anime fans, and are low hanging fruit when there are other shows that eat significantly more shit. Quote
HardcoreHunter Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 I think he is being way to harsh on the eva dub. I actually liked the dub, and for the 90s it's one of the best of the decade. As I'm rewatching outlaw star I can say that the eva dub is far better than some of the stuff that they tried to fit in outlaw star. The damn bird aliens talk like Foghorn Leghorn! Not to mention Tenchi where a lot of the cast is pretty bad, especially Tenchi who sounds like Kermit the frog. I'll agree with the 3.33 film, it just wasn't a good follow up or stand alone film. For the most part the guy seems pretty weird who is reviewing. He seems too easily bothered by suggestive and gory imagery, and doesn't seem to have the focus for plot heavy shows. Super cringe levels of autism on some of his gripes as why not to ever watch something. He seems like the kinda guy who probably watches a lot of moe blob and moe lesbian shows, as none of those types of shows really made his list. Quote
BUU8800 Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 He seems like the kinda guy who probably watches a lot of moe blob and moe lesbian shows, as none of those types of shows really made his list. Naw, then he'd have GOOD taste! Quote
Chapinator_X Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Him and alot of other anime commentators come off more like they only enjoy anime that Adult Swim or Toonami has been playing since Yu Yu Hakusho. Anything he's watched outside of Adult Swim were recommendations from basic friends who either have a basic show to get him hooked on, or a popular shock anime to use as a weapon to troll him mercilessly. Quote
Jman Posted January 12, 2017 Author Posted January 12, 2017 It's funny because being on ASA and recently Toonami is a sign the show is shit. Quote
pail Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 Casshern Sins and Dragon Balls Super :420: Quote
naraku360 Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 I skipped around the video, but I noticed alot of his complaints were either he had a low attention span or he was squeemish towards the content. Not many would argue that some of the shows there like Reign or the old Hellsing anime are great, but some of the things he claims are outrageous like School Days' Nice Boat moment or Boku no Pico in general (funny thing was that the ending he described with Tokyo Tower was in the third OVA when only the first one made it on the list) have been overplayed hundreds of times by the most basic of anime fans, and are low hanging fruit when there are other shows that eat significantly more shit. Definitely low hanging fruit. I mean he basically admitted so much during his inclusion of SAO, by stating that all things considered it's only really there because fans told him to include it. As insultingly terrible as SAO may be, there's clearly an audience for it, otherwise it wouldn't be among the more popular mainstream series, thus defeating the purpose of "nobody should watch this". Quote
Jman Posted January 12, 2017 Author Posted January 12, 2017 Oh there's assuredly an audience. Basement dwellers who identify with the power fantasy. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 And those who want to do to anime what MST3K did to low-grade movies and riff the everloving shit out of it. Quote
Satou Kazuma Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 thanks chaps for providing a list. i hate videos that don't have a list of supposedly lists of good or bad stuff. Quote
CaptainStarwind Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 The Eva dub? Is he fucking serious? I understand how somebody might have a problem with Eva itself, but I didn't think the dub was bad. Not perfect, mind you, but not bad. ZOMG SAO IS THE WORST THING EVER is like beating a dead horse at this point. The show has problems (aside from Lord Sugou-sempai), but it's definitely not one of the worst anime ever. Quote
HardcoreHunter Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 He may have been better off making a most overrated anime ever list. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 Won't watch, but the comments indicate SAO was in there. Really? People haven't gotten tired of bashing that series yet? Eh, whatever. I didn't think it was possible to get tired of bashing SAO. Although since last year I prefer to bash Ghostbuster 2016. I'll be bashing that movie until I die. Quote
naraku360 Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 Oh there's assuredly an audience. Basement dwellers who identify with the power fantasy. A terrible audience, no doubt. But an audience regardless. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted January 14, 2017 Posted January 14, 2017 Thanks for braving the video on others' behalf. I've already seen five of those, and I would only call two of those bad. I also intend to see three, maybe four of the others at some point. Quote
Gyaos Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 I can name several that are worse than many of the anime on his list. Guyver: Out of Control (1986) -- Dub or sub, the story deviates so much from the Guyver a bad way. It has very awkward pacing, characters appear out of nowhere with no background as to why they exist, and is filled with more fan service than plot. Gives the manga a bad name. Ghost Stories (2000-2001; Original Sub) -- The dialogue was such garbage that ADV ended up writing their own crazy dialogue for this series when they still had the rights to distribute it in North America. I've seen both. The crazy English dub is superior... Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation (2016) -- Most of the anime resembles a high school comedy, instead of the fucking game it was supposed to be based on. That didn't sit well with me. Granted, I dropped it after the first two episodes and found this out later. Its reception is mixed, but the negativity from would-be fans can be described as volatile. Baoh (1989) -- Gonna' be honest, it probably wouldn't go with this guy's list because it's that "good" kind of bad. So bad, you can watch it with friends. Some of the characters are laughable, especially the English dub. Also, there's plenty of gore. Quote
EyeOfPain Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 Guyver: Out of Control (1986) -- Dub or sub, the story deviates so much from the Guyver a bad way. It has very awkward pacing, characters appear out of nowhere with no background as to why they exist, and is filled with more fan service than plot. Gives the manga a bad name. Watch the 1991 live action movie instead. Quote
Gyaos Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 Watch the 1991 live action movie instead. I did. It pales in comparison to the 1994 sequel Guyver: Dark Hero. Quote
Daos Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 Everyone should see school days. The ending is amazing. Quote
HardcoreHunter Posted January 18, 2017 Posted January 18, 2017 Everyone should watch Boku no Pico, it's an important part of meme history. Quote
Daos Posted January 18, 2017 Posted January 18, 2017 Been hearing people mention that, what's the deal with it? Quote
naraku360 Posted January 18, 2017 Posted January 18, 2017 Been hearing people mention that, what's the deal with it? It's best experienced, not described. You should check it out. Quote
CaptainStarwind Posted January 18, 2017 Posted January 18, 2017 It's best experienced, not described. You should check it out. Experience... yeah, that's the word for it. Quote
Chapinator_X Posted January 18, 2017 Posted January 18, 2017 While we're at it, Mars of Destruction should be something that everyone experiences at least once just to have a sense of the contributions its made to anime history. Quote
Daos Posted January 18, 2017 Posted January 18, 2017 According to wikipedia it's 8 year olds having gay sex. Is that about it? I was hoping for tentacles. Quote
EyeOfPain Posted January 19, 2017 Posted January 19, 2017 According to wikipedia it's 8 year olds having gay sex. Is that about it? I was hoping for tentacles. You're hoping for 8 year olds having gay sex with tentacles? That's pretty hardcore. Quote
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