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Post of a video of yourself doing something

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Doesn't have to be anything spectacular or interesting really (as you'll see with mine), just curious to see what you people can come up with


You don't have to show your face in the video, you don't even have to speak (I did, for several reasons)


Just show us what you got.




Dude that looks more fiddleback spider than a wolf spider bite.   


I'm not a spider expert, but that doesn't really look like a wolf spider bite.  Wolf spider bites can swell up like an ingrown hair, they don't usually leave holes in your flesh though. 


Dude that looks more fiddleback spider than a wolf spider bite.   


I'm not a spider expert, but that doesn't really look like a wolf spider bite.  Wolf spider bites can swell up like an ingrown hair, they don't usually leave holes in your flesh though.


Unfortunately I'll never know what bit me.


Btw update on my spider bite.


Mom wanted me to go to the hospital because her sister said the venom is in my bloodstream and could kill me (she's a whacko).


So I went and they said I've been doing okay at keeping it clean but to use antibacterial soap and water instead of hydrogen peroxide from now on.


Then they rxed me a couple antibiotics (probably more for my mom's mental health than anything else).


So yay foot's not gonna rot off yet.


Gonna have to wait for the beetus to set in fore that happens.


It's not my thing, but I get more entertainment from the comments. My favorite was 'not my proudest fap'.


I was being honest....it wasn't  :|


Shit I forgot to tell pail[/member] also again that you really need to use the peroxide and neosporin more liberally and cover that wound. You have the same level of trauma as like a 3rd degree burn.


If u don't it's going to scar. Not like it's in a critical spot where u might care about a scar but just saying.


Thanks for the advice but the nurse said just antibacterial soap and water.


The HP can actually damage the healing tissue.


Here's a video of me walking around a fair or something :|



I like little fairs like that.


They're fun to walk around and sometimes there's really good food too.


here's a short video of me playing a game :|


Is that Rocket League?


I thought it was just race car soccer but they have basketball matches now?


Oh I didn't hear u say despicable me. Basically the same thing just didn't hear u


I actually watched Minions because I was bored and someone had uploaded it to Spankbang (Mostly a porn site but sometimes movies too. Like I've seen Deadpool, Rings, Starship Troopers and Dr. Strange on there too).


It was a meh movie.


But little kids love those things for some reaason.

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