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Guest The Hound

How about this:


SMF was designed by - let's call them the SMF people.  It's a software package.  I've pretty much configured most of it.  KN handles the server stuff.


The theme, which you claim credit for, is called "Facade".  it's called that because the person who designed it (not you) decided to name it that.


We had another theme that we were using because it worked with all the plugins.  You kept throwing fits because you wanted us to use Facade.  So I told you if you could fix the plugin errors, I'd use it. 


You fixed the plugin errors for facade.  Which is awesome.  But it was basically you doing stuff you wanted to do in order to get something you wanted.


And yeah, you seem to like to claim credit for the whole thing, and I shouldn't be letting you do it.  But fuck man.  It's hard to know whether to just let you run your mouth or step in and set the record straight.  Seems like neither option ends well.



That entire theme was basically re-worked by me and I was adamant about it because the other themes made this place look like it came straight out of 1999 and eeeeeeeeeeeeveryone else agreed as soon as I had the finished design. Nearly every bit of CSS was modified by me. Oh and did I mention I purchased Facade about 3-4 years ago for another forum? Nah. I didn't, because I didn't see how it was relevant.


Again, I'm not arguing with you I'm done with you. 

Guest The Hound

a MySQL database? i was thinking this thing was on postgres. no wonder K_N was having issues with it the other day. i'm actually surprised that's what this is running on

one of them.







its either or




Guest The Hound

I'll probably get hit with a ban soon.


Love you all.


The ASMB was shit


Pros: Some of the people were great, most were alright, some were some flavor of cunt. The fact that if you wanted to just post some garbage that hey someone will play along usually.


Cons: The admin and mod team, with a few exceptions were uncommunicative and/or power hungry trash. Mods that felts abused by the admin team because of the same bullshit. Odin was the only one I really respected due to his ability, health permitting, to actually interact with the fucking community. It went further into the shitter when there was no attempt to cultivate new users or keep current ones




But guess what


This place is the fucking same


Admins who don't communicate worth a shit, not just about the site itself but in general


have you seen our lovely announcements section?  maybe - check that out some time?

Power Hungry mod who was actually given power, yet feel abused because of the same bullshit, but due to how the fuck this mod is, constantly screams about it and threatens to put a Bender and make his own with hooker and blackjack, except no one fucking cares and all it would do is splinter the user base again.


he's not a mod.  I wouldn't make him a mod because he doesn't have the temperament.  He actually tried to do a little modding once and got into trouble for it, and got his permissions scaled back. 

Oh look, Rogue is a mod (I think), and he bullshits with us, not just about things that are going on, but in general. I don't really know anyone who doesn't like him. Well shit, it's Odin but without the blood shits! Respect earned sir.

There is no real attempt to cultivate new users or keep current ones or to even reach out to old ASMB ones.


that's been discussed also many times on the board.  actually if run right now to the announcements section, you should see there one of the most recent posts is about a new server.  the issue with new users is that we're on an old server.  so first step:  upgrade server.  second step: attempt to reach out to new users



Most of us are only here for the people, or what people remain because the user base here is small, and most the people that are missed left long before ASMB shut down. Most of the cool people are gone, most of the decent people are gone, yet every cringy cunt made it here and we only just recently got around to banning one of em.


I kinda like most of you, even though I don't show you know love ever


Those of us that are here don't even really care that this exists, it's only open in our browsers because our brains like this weird forms of interaction and know how the people here will end up reacting to the nonsense we spew here. Hell most of us are probably forum children, and are here because this is a type of interaction we grew up with.


Did the old board blow? Yes

Does this place blow? Yes.

Will any splinter board blow? Yes and it's been done before and sucked then.

Hell any other forums any of us used to/currently frequent probably blow to.



This is just the same broken fucking record again, and it will be continue to skip the damn needle no matter which one of you in is charge.


People will slowly continue to peel off, of quickly if this shit splinters again because shit is the fucking same.


And before someone gets all uppity, no I don't think I can do any better.


Now I'm going back to occasionally bullshit with people or troll some cringe bitch because fuck it, I like watching train wrecks. I will also do my best to avoid this thread because I honestly do not give a fuck about the crying, but I make no promises because I'm not a fucktard.


Give us a few months.  we got plans man.


They just get derailed sometimes by drama like this, which we shouldn't allow, but honestly it's tough to navigate when a friend just freaks out and not only turns their back on you, but actively tries to blow you out of the water.


You shit on me and trashed on me for the last time Luuv.


One user.

One soft ban and you got your panties in a bunch.

You would have given buddy a temp ban for what he was doing that day back in lithium and nodebb.




When you find out it's really you, DIO, who is behind this madness


Guest The Hound

Ugh you are just the worrrrrrrrrrrrrrst kind of person.


I'm cool with everyone besides one person on here.

Sweet. Also, you're a friend of Rogue's, who's like the little brother I never had. A friend of his is a friend of mine.

Guest The Hound

Lmao yea Buddy. It's all because of you.



:D :D :D


I ain't even mad.

I didn't like what Luuv was doing to us at this place back then to begin with and I was very verbal about it in the planning board since the get go, and I always had part of the staff on my side.



Ironic tho, none of them want to speak up now that shit is hitting the fan.



Seriously tho it ain't that big of a deal.



Guest The Hound

Sweet. Also, you're a friend of Rogue's, who's like the little brother I never had. A friend of his is a friend of mine.

I've been friends with Ben for years and we have met multiple times and hung out and gotten absolutely hammered together.

I'll probably get hit with a ban soon.


Love you all.


you're welcome here.  It would make it easier on me if you wouldn't bash me or the board so much.  I mean, seems weird that - like everything's cool.  Then NOTHING IS COOL.  Then everything's cool again then NOTHING WAS EVER COOL.  Just let things be what they really are.  You probably need your own board.  You probably always should have done that.  The last time this happened, I think I said the same thing.

Guest The Hound

you're welcome here.  It would make it easier on me if you wouldn't bash me or the board so much.  I mean, seems weird that - like everything's cool.  Then NOTHING IS COOL.  Then everything's cool again then NOTHING WAS EVER COOL.  Just let things be what they really are.  You probably need your own board.  You probably always should have done that.  The last time this happened, I think I said the same thing.





Uh. Everything would have been fine if you contacted me directly after doing what I did to buddy, instead of going behind my back and never saying anything to me at all despite it being spread around as public knowledge on the boards.


Lmao yea Buddy. It's all because of you.



:D :D :D


I ain't even mad.

I didn't like what Luuv was doing to us at this place back then to begin with and I was very verbal about it in the planning board since the get go, and I always had part of the staff on my side.



Ironic tho, none of them want to speak up now that shit is hitting the fan.



Seriously tho it ain't that big of a deal.


I think again, you just wanted your own board.  Most of the other folks, are just into helping out.  But you want control of stuff.  So it bugs you more when stuff isn't going the direction you think it should.  I think that's because you kind of wanted to do your thing, not somebody else's.  There's nothing wrong with that.


I would say there's something wrong with the level of demonizing you're doing of me and this place.  It's misplaced and it's not particularly necessary.  I think what's real is you just want your own thing.  You don't have to stab anybody in the back for that.  Just go do it.

Guest The Hound

I think again, you just wanted your own board.  Most of the other folks, are just into helping out.  But you want control of stuff.  So it bugs you more when stuff isn't going the direction you think it should.  I think that's because you kind of wanted to do your thing, not somebody else's.  There's nothing wrong with that.


I would say there's something wrong with the level of demonizing you're doing of me and this place.  It's misplaced and it's not particularly necessary.  I think what's real is you just want your own thing.  You don't have to stab anybody in the back for that.  Just go do it.


Yea, no.

The issue originally is that I wanted to do it together with you, and not have just one person setting the rules, and everything else because there's no place for that shit in 2017 and there's absolutely no need for us to listen to just YOU or anyone for that matter. These forums should be a blank slate that represent what we used to have as best as it possibly can. But you don't agree, and I don't agree with you either. But you never listened. You never listened to any of us.

Hell we had to drag it through the mud to get zeni banned and most of us just wanted a temp ban - you went and permabanned him and this place sucks now.


But yea. You're right slighty. I don't like how you run this place and the way it implies how you really feel about us.





Uh. Everything would have been fine if you contacted me directly after doing what I did to buddy, instead of going behind my back and never saying anything to me at all despite it being spread around as public knowledge on the boards.


Humans got all kinda problems.  We have short attention spans and quick tempers and are easily distracted and all kinds of other stuff.  And yeah, it makes me mad when you go off like this.  But also I get it.  And I know it'll happen some more.  The trick lies in trying to understand the departures, and not letting things get so bad that you can't come back.


You should definitely make your board this time.  I think you need to.


But you can come back.  I don't mean as a volunteer here or anything like that.  Just as a person.  You can come back.  And if you need us, we'll be here.

  • Like 1
Guest The Hound

Everyone stop before I lock this thread  :D

Don't you even dare  >:(
Guest The Hound

ladies, ladies. you're both pretty

NO I'm fabulous.
Guest The Hound

[yt autoplay=1]


You should probably see somebody about what you have going on.


It translates to light drama on the boards, but I imagine it'll have serious ramifications in your real life.






You should probably see somebody about what you have going on.


It translates to light drama on the boards, but I imagine it'll have serious ramifications in your real life.




This is why im not joining into any name calling etc. Hes going thru some real life shit.


yeah kinda what I was referring to......I make a point and get ignored by the only person I responded to, yet get a response from someone I was avoiding...luuv has done more posting in this shit than I've ever seen him do...I would like to see him interact with us more but he's only concerned with viper...and this whole thread is nothing more than 2 people who "aren't mad" but yet won't shut up....fact is y'all both are fucked...and this doesn't paint either one of you well...we all KNEW vipers temperament cause we all INTERACT with him...luuv we don't really know you or your temperament...and most times when we DO get a response from you it comes off arrogant...all I'm saying is you need to make a better effort with these people that you're supposedly here for...


You're just a fucking dipshit and don't connect with anyone here on any level.

And you get off to ruling over us.

Fuck you m8

Man you sure are selling your new potential forum by acting like a goddamn psycho.


Still catching up and finding more gems...


You essentially let me set this place up for you and then told me to go fuck myself.

NO Sir, YOU go fuck yourself.

I will be taking as many users from here as I possibly can and even those that do not want to come WILL eventually come.

I feel like most of us would rather communicate via carrier pigeons than join any sort of site founded on this idiocy.  Unless we do it to munch popcorn at the inevitable train wreck.

Guest The Hound

Man you sure are selling your new potential forum by acting like a goddamn psycho.

I mean.



Do you know the FB group that I'm giving a forum? They're like Babbling circa 2006

Guest The Hound

Still catching up and finding more gems...

I feel like most of us would rather communicate via carrier pigeons than join any sort of site founded on this idiocy.  Unless we do it to munch popcorn at the inevitable train wreck.

I mean we can communicate by smearing our own feces on walls too if you're down with that.
Guest The Hound

You know, I thought for sure that Viper would somehow miss this thread after a week.  Boy was I wrong.

A good 3-4 days. I've been house/dog/animal watching for a friend. Had people over and shit. I didn't have much time to post till the weekend was over.

Honest question for Viper though: I think Luuv already posts plenty around here, but just why is it a requirement that he's constantly buddy-buddy all over the place with everyone?  Does it make him less of an admin if he's not?  I have known multiple site admins over the years who were mostly hands-off with day-to-day interactions, but still did a fine job of hosting a community.  That's honestly all I want out of an admin, and anything beyond that as a bonus.  Hell, I have pretty fundamental disagreements with Luuv re: moderation philosophy, but I'm still fine with being here.


I hear so many cries in the distance of those channeling my power. I hear you, and I will see to it that all of you share equally in the ButtHurt.

  • Haha 1

Honest question for Viper though: I think Luuv already posts plenty around here, but just why is it a requirement that he's constantly buddy-buddy all over the place with everyone?  Does it make him less of an admin if he's not?  I have known multiple site admins over the years who were mostly hands-off with day-to-day interactions, but still did a fine job of hosting a community.  That's honestly all I want out of an admin, and anything beyond that as a bonus.  Hell, I have pretty fundamental disagreements with Luuv re: moderation philosophy, but I'm still fine with being here.


I don't know anything about being an admin, but I had a job as a nursing supervisor at one time, and it sounds about the same. You don't want a supervisor(or admin) who's an unapproachable twat, but at the same time, you don't want one who's too buddy-buddy with everybody, because they can't enforce the rules (or can't enforce them equally). It's a difficult line to walk; I don't want to try to walk it again, and I don't envy anyone who's doing it.


And Viper - I'm trying not to nag, just point things out, but at this juncture, you're coming across as too labile to actually commit to any complex, potentially long-term projects right now. It's not going to go away, and it's not going to get any better until you do something about it. And please - don't think I'm just being a bitch; you are on my cookie list after all.


I don't know anything about being an admin, but I had a job as a nursing supervisor at one time, and it sounds about the same. You don't want a supervisor(or admin) who's an unapproachable twat, but at the same time, you don't want one who's too buddy-buddy with everybody, because they can't enforce the rules (or can't enforce them equally). It's a difficult line to walk; I don't want to try to walk it again, and I don't envy anyone who's doing it.


Not sure if this adds to the discussion, but anecdotally...


I've been a chef for a few years now, which means being a manager or at least a supervisor in addition to the food stuff. I can take a step back and compose myself to be a leader and take care of business while still being someone my crew likes to be around. Respect has to go both ways for it to really work. That being said, I recognize that I am only behaving like that because I am being paid to do so, which is why I personally have never been interested in being an admin or mod for a forum/community. I'd never trust myself to deal with things on a forum because I would eventually, and sooner rather than later, make a bad call just because I felt like it. I think it's important to make that distinction. Just because I have the professional capacity to do it, doesn't mean I can just do it in all facets of life. Some people can be good admins/mods and some can't, regardless of other factors or experiences. Sometimes being too close to a situation can compromise things, as well, I think.


I wish I could find that thread where I said exactly this will happen.


I'll give credit where credit is due and also apologize for chiding you in what I remember is that very same thread.


You called it. Hats off.


In my defense, I was sober at the time and attempting to see the positive side of things. Won't be making that mistake again  :|




Sometimes being too close to a situation can compromise things, as well, I think.


Thank you - this is pretty much what I was trying to say. In any situation where you're in charge, there has to be a certain remove. I mean, the person in charge can't be so removed that they're almost ignoring you or that they're setting arbitrary rules and standards because they can and don't care what you want, but if they're going to be effective, they can't be everybody's best friend.

Guest The Hound

The few of you can believe what you want. I already have approached the group I spoke of and have been speaking about last night around 9pm.



There will be a new forum and you are all more than welcome to join - it will be at the least... much more active than this and 90% of the people joining are Adult Swim fans to some degree. I cannot moderate this new place, as rules will be slim or even non existent. Perfect fit for the lot of you.

Guest The Hound

In response to Poof and Thor in particular - I always react above and beyond what's necessary and have been this way for years.

My original issue with this place is it is not the "ASMB 2.0", and Luuv went entirely into this stating that from the beginning. That being said it has pissed me off more and more each time someone has commented on missing our Lithium days - when I know I can deliver such a place with my hands to you all. Luuv has never, ever wanted to do that - which completely baffles me.



This new place I'm making will also contain a ASMB within it, as even I have been told by K_N to setup my forum to be exactly that.



Luuv even originally tried pitching this place to Reddit and... well.

Why would Reddit join if it takes 5 minutes for any [as] subreddit user to realize, "Oh hey, this place doesn't look or feel anything like the original ASMB, and what's this weird forum game subforum there, hmm kinda looks like someone pitching an idea no one cares about"?



One last thing

I would not recommend referring to me as "Viperslayer" on this new forum, and tbh none of you will even be able to figure out which Admin account on there is me in the first place.  I have already stated who I want to be Admin for the ASMB part. And honestly directly attacking an admin verbally on this forum will most likely result in an IP ban with this group that will be taking charge. While I say there are no rules - seriously - big red flag warning, don't attack the admins - they'll actually DO something here.



One last thing

I would not recommend referring to me as "Viperslayer" on this new forum, and tbh none of you will even be able to figure out which Admin account on there is me in the first place.  I have already stated who I want to be Admin for the ASMB part. And honestly directly attacking an admin verbally on this forum will most likely result in an IP ban with this group that will be taking charge. While I say there are no rules - seriously - big red flag warning, don't attack the admins - they'll actually DO something here.


so we can shit on regulars...and admins can shit on us...but if we do it to an admin? Fuck that I'm not getting IP banned just cause they don't like my opinion...they aren't fucking god...their shit like the rest of us

Guest The Hound

so we can shit on regulars...and admins can shit on us...but if we do it to an admin? Fuck that I'm not getting IP banned just cause they don't like my opinion...they aren't fucking god...their shit like the rest of us


No one is going to shit on you because people outside of here are now where as cynical as most of you. Something with ASMBers makes them very, VERY cynical. The entire world isn't out to get you, it's out to get everyone. If you really think any admins are going to be rude to you on this forum I'm putting up... lol...



People aren't that terrible. Lol.

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