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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. I can't remember yesterday.
  2. It would be a wall if that was the case. A wall of cheetos.
  3. Only after the first 4 cups of coffee.
  4. It reminds me of the ultra tight security that the old boards had.
  5. It was God calling. Stop fapping.
  6. That looks like a zeni profile.
  7. Write a star trek fanfic that's a wings crossover.
  8. Orlando and Austin might be the closest. I might be in Tampa or Dallas those months.
  9. Happy birthday lady.
  10. This is how you get dick pics. Happy birthday asshole.
  11. Come at me bro.
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  13. I had her number until I upgraded my phone. Now it's gone forever.
  14. And there is this.
  15. You might as well take up hunting, you are practically married now. It's just a matter of time at this point. Buy a gun that's good at short range shots like a 30-30. Starting out you don't need to be aiming for a deer that's a mile away. If you decide to do archery, spend time and money to get set up with a bow and practice with it before you try to aim at an animal. Most of the stores (good stores) will have a practice range and staff that can set up your bow to your draw length and strength. A good bow can set you back around 500 without setup. The rifle will vary by brand and state. Something I enjoy is my 50 cal black powder rifle. Some states have special seasons just for black powder.
  16. Very.
  17. Meat taste better with suffering.
  18. Skip college, go to a trade school, save thousand, have a job waiting for you when you are finished.
  19. Who? Nerd.
  20. He was just an incredible guitar virtuoso. I also suspect he is @molarbear's father.
  21. This is real science, why cure disease or better humanity when you can just get your dick sucked.
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