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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. I heard this gem in Home Depot.
  2. Cabbage.
  3. Tomato soup and grilled cheese.
  4. I feel like this is a Seinfeld reference about the guy opening the restaurant but I would need to re-watch it.
  5. I really want to just say, what have the Romans done for us.
  6. Zenophobic even. What have the poor Pakistanis ever done.
  7. Hammers and power drills?
  8. You're welcome.
  9. We are all wizards now.
  10. No pain, no gain, also more pain....extra gain?
  11. Bruh, whatchu bench
  12. The dentist gave me steroids. Who wants to go work out with me....serious gains are coming my way bruh.
  13. 5am every morning, cup of coffee outside on the porch, morning coffee shit, work.
  14. You forgot the pot leaf and fat joint hanging out of her mouth.
  15. I would settle for another Them crooked vultures album before John Paul Jones dies.
  16. you decide, jack black secret track.
  17. That song and the warlock. Are amazeballs.
  18. Da bess https://youtu.be/o9j8bXMgnpk Sometimes it shows it, sometimes it doesn't.
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