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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. Her or you?
  2. I was thinking Steven Merchant.
  3. I dun got soft selling real estate. My dad asked me to help him out a while back, aka do this for him because he can't tell anyone no. I am just stupid out of shape now. I remember a time when I carried water heaters on my shoulders. I would die trying that now. Also this thread is about older working americans now.
  4. Happy birthday Yackie!
  5. After installing a sewer today, I feel pretty damn old. I have a titty cramp.
  6. Mid to early 90s? I'm in my 40s.
  7. I went to 5 proms. I have pics in storage some where. Mine were WAY before 2002.
  8. I'm like 99% german and 1% english. Muh mom took a test so thats pretty close. My twin and my older sis share my dads traits and blood type. Me and muh mawm both have the same blood type and traits.
  9. It would have never made it to the floor. Strait to the trash with that stuff.
  10. I had something for this.......... And it's gone....
  11. I have to think real hard about this cause my memory is fuzy. Im sure ive done something similar. I'll get back to you.
  12. I can't, but then again I'm not bi-polar, aka making excuses for shit behavior.
  13. Charity starts at home.
  14. This sounds sexual.
  15. Catapult me some inner nets.
  16. Happy birthday lady.
  17. Ask her if she likes chicken nuggets, then take her to McDonald's. Ladies love chicken nuggets.
  18. I was and nothing happened.
  19. I can't remember if I ever banned Judy. Might have.
  20. It has nothing to do with the nodebb test board. It actually belonged to nodebb. It had completely seperate log in that was very loosely tied to [as].
  21. They never shut down the login. It was always separate from the boards. That way they people were able to log in to the boards and the site at the same time.
  22. Not at all. You're creepy ass mod chasing is just that.
  23. You could never reach the level of crazy that Misaka has. He bates every time Pat logs in.
  24. I couldn't read all that cause I was taking a nap. I'm a sucker.
  25. Sleep is for suckers.
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