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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. Hold my beer, What do you do with a dog who has no legs? Take it for a drag.......!!!!!
  2. Or 13 hours of crimping fittings for all the water in a house.
  3. Also I forgot that cabellas got bought out by bass pro but they still have the percolator I bought. https://www.cabelas.com/product/BASS-PRO-SHOPS-STAINLESS-STEEL-PERCOLATOR/2950518.uts?slotId=2
  4. I think walmart has a camp fire percolator in the camping section that works on the stove top but the one I got from cabellas was around the same price and better built. They are pretty easy to use, add water then put the basket in, fill basket with the coffee, turn on heat and perc until you get the flavor you want.
  5. My hands are cramping.
  6. You should get a cheap percolator for your stovetop until you find a good press. I have a stainless steel percolator I use sometimes just to change things up. But to be fair dollar general sells a cheap drip machine for 6 dollars.
  7. Mail it to me, I will set it next to my other two and they can have a three way. A veritable coffee orgy if you will.
  8. Eastern time zone is the worst.
  9. Where is that on this rotary phone?
  10. I work with my toes.
  11. It's the stab wound on the bottom right side of my palm that makes it look angry or the fact that my hand is 90% scar tissue. I'll let you decide.
  12. I grew my left hand back.
  13. I lost my hands in an unfortunate build a bear accident.
  14. Does it have Sony guts....
  15. Nighthawk or lincsys?
  16. Butt plugs were so much longer back then. Edit: You even looked like a cop back then.
  17. I want all my coworkers to know that I don't support them and I am indeed their mortal enemy. Jokes aside, no way am I wearing any tshirts to work to support anything. I don't know that I could work for a company that had that kind of policy. What I believe or don't believe is none of their business unless it effects my work.
  18. Nah, I didn't. Really, I didn't say anything. ANYTHING!
  19. I want so badly to reply to this thread but can't.
  20. I did so many things today......so so many. I can't say what any of it involved but holy shit am I ever just physically and emotionally spent.
  21. I only click profiles out of spite.
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