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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. To quote one of the greatest movies in the history of cinema, " If you want sympathy, look between shit and syphilis in the dictionary. " How dare someone ask you to do the job you got payed for! </sarcasm> So this business is supposed to pay you for nothing because you made poor choices? Hell to the naw.
  2. I just looked it up. No one should ever look up any anticonvulsive. It shows that it's a mild depressant, Also it nullifies hormonal birth control.
  3. What about a free the nipple parade?
  4. Do some meth.
  5. Ask her to make out with you in the courtyard and when she agrees, take her there and just put your hand in her face and yell SERVED!
  6. Shit lives in the water.
  7. We can build one out of straw.
  8. Lets all go to the cabin instead.
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