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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. Thats a pretty fair representation of my ass, except the tattoos, and roundness, and lack of hair, kknow what? That looks nothing like my ass.
  2. I don't mind it, I work from home.
  3. Just a side note, you can buy a cheap coffee maker for around what the vinegar costs.
  4. Run regular distilled vinegar through it. It will descale it.
  5. That would be a bearded clam.
  6. A clam
  7. Dude that sounds like my description of hell.
  8. It would be a video of Zeni being so alpha that all the legal aged girls panties fell off as all the beta cucks cowered in fear. It would kind of be like a DBZ power up.
  9. My class was so small like 80 people give or take. The vast majority either died or went to prison. The rest of us typically avoid each other. They didn't do a ten year but did do a 20 year. I didn't go to it. If they do anymore I will definitely be missing those as well.
  10. Don't listen to mistake up there. He has no idea what he's talking about. Custom ranks are on a donation basis and become permanent after you reach a certain level of donations.
  11. Tell her I said "duh huh".
  12. Mine would be carved smoked ham, american cheese...(freedom, murica) mayo, lettuce and tomato. You could slap a fried egg on it too. Thats pretty awesome. Awe shit yeah! Hold my beer.
  13. I just looked it up, they call it cyber in georgia. My kid did that school in Arizona. He loved it except we were super far away from a major city so all their outings were to far away to join. I wouldn't have thought it would get filled so quickly. The reason he hated Gps was because he was so far ahead of the other kids.
  14. Try K12, it's a virtual public school. There should be one. Gava maybe?
  15. My kid hated Georgia public school. We moved because it was so bad.
  16. Meh, I already live here. I bet they are selling it for a reason. Wet cave, allergies, shit falling from the celling.
  17. I had sex.
  18. Was there any blood in said poo?
  19. At least they got the pro series dildo?
  20. Dude no, never grill with gas. You grill with charcoal or wood.
  21. Also that white dude behind you looks pissed, "I just wanted to watch the fucking movie."
  22. That mustache makes you look like a cop.
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