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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Risotto is kinda there. Actually, I might’ve been thinking of Orzo. Orzo is definitely there.
  2. Seeing Hello Kitty dressed as All Might really made my morning. Her big fluffy head attached to his ultrabuff body is some hilarious imagery.
  3. I use iPhones, but I’ve had miserable experiences with their desktops and laptops. Using Apple for doing college assignments on-campus felt like it took twice the time because you had to play by Apple’s rules if you wanted to publish this file and convert that file. There’s a dire lack of customization that makes it horrible to try to continue off of a document you were doing on a Windows computer back at home or the library. The laptops seemed like a luxury our highschool had, but every time the cart came around for classes to borrow laptops, half of them were either broken or lost their battery charge within 15 mins. It’s there where one of my English teachers called them “Crapple” because of how it was like winning the lottery to get a laptop that worked.
  4. Funimation appears to have taken the mantle on making the DVDs/BluRays along with some of the other Bandai properties, but some of the manga and novels look like they aren't coming back. That reminds me that I still need to see Disappearance. I was obsessed with the first season, but that second one left too much of a bad taste for me to check out any Haruhi stories afterwards.
  5. Eating at home is nice. I like going out for the atmosphere and discovering new cool restaurants, but I’ve gotten a lot more comfortable with either picking up food and eating it at home or making something.
  6. I’m not sure how Leo showed up, but I am surprised that David Lynch didn’t show up on mine since I follow a couple movie accounts.
  7. Liking anything remotely to politics really causes the algorithm to go all over the place. But I can see how some of this makes sense.
  8. Or as in “I hope she loves her life enough to let me use her to frame my opponents and keep her mouth shut about the children I’ve procured from her.”
  9. Sudowoodo cause he’s just a small groovy tree.
  10. Chapinator_X

    Woo SMT finally

    SMT V is exciting, but the news does remind me that I still need to finish Nocturne.
  11. If it’s missing from a list of amenities in a new home or apartment, then you’d definitely want to reconsider moving in.
  12. “How dare you make fun of me for shooting both my feet! I bet it’ll trigger you if I shoot the rest of my legs!”
  13. Oh shit, they haven’t forgot about that one game they made a trailer for ages ago. And Nocturne!? Now I don’t have to boot up my PS2 to play a real Shin Megumy Tensei game.
  14. The era where they packed the Saturday block with cheap reruns of Pee Wee’s Playhouse and cartoon vehicles for Chuck Norris, Mr. T, and Gary Coleman.
  15. Saiyan women are notorious for being tough to the point that Goku and Vegeta gravitated towards their wives exclusively because they are ball busters. Chichi and Bulma don’t have the exact power level of women like Caulifa or Gine, but had everything been fine with Goku’s home planet, the ideal Saiyan family would likely be bodybuilder parents trying to dom each other every night.
  16. Fighting is the only way to assert dominance among Saiyans, and because Goku had long eclipsed him, Vegeta can only express impotent rage about his status as Second Best. His crowning achievement is building a stable household with Bulma and smashing her regularly enough to have Trunks as a son. But in the world of Dragon Ball, having a domestic life is a sign of weakness. Gohan was given the shaft for wanting to be a dad. Meanwhile, Goku is a deadbeat father on par with Ging Freecs, but happens to be the strongest being in the galaxy. You’re rewarded with power for being a piece of shit in this world, and Vegeta didn’t have the balls to go as far as Goku did.
  17. Then I’m the Prime Minister and actually have authority over this nation. The Royal family is merely a formality we keep out of tradition.
  18. E.X Troopers was pretty fun back when it came out. It was all in Japanese and they didn’t bother with an English translation because the cutscenes had Japanese dialogue bubbles to style it like a manga. But they took the bones for both a Lost Planet spin-off and a potential MM Legends sequel and made a fun game where you shoot giant monsters while you charge into the room on jet packs. Not sure if they credited the jet packs or the monsters as their link to Lost Planet, but it’s a shame that they didn’t have the motivation or interest to translate it.
  19. At the very least, it wasn’t Crackle and we won’t have Jerry Seinfeld duplicating parts of himself like Tomie. But throwing it on Quibi was more than enough proof that they had no faith in the project and tossed it there to be DOA.
  20. Tekken prepared me for this moment
  21. If you cough or sneeze, you don’t get a Chopped Cheese.
  22. Randy and The Missus The Bumper Sticker Brigade J. Crew Mafia Artwalk Warriors Blue Flags Williams and Sonoma
  23. I already knew of Wikifeet but there are a lot of pics that don’t fit in. Like red carpet images where one toenail shows so it’s automatically going into the gallery because we’re really trying to add an image for the one dude that’s trying to see what one random soap opera star’s foot looks like.
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