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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. My only familiarity with her was with her role in Zack & Miri Make a Porno, but she was from a time way before I discovered porn. She might’ve shown up on an episode of Real Sex, but by the time I became familiar with porn stars like her, Stormi Daniels, and Jenna Jameson, they were better known for being in regular movies and TV shows than actual porn.
  2. Bulma was his lifeline since being a husband/dad was the one thing that kept him grounded so that people would know him more for being whipped than for committing genocide. It helps that by the time Frieza and the androids join the picture, he gets more pity for having a number of devastating L’s. It makes you feel bad for him for being lesser than Goku, so you feel like they kinda owe it to him to at least keep him around so he can keep showing you how far he fell from his former villain status. “Don’t worry sport, you’ll regain your former glory one day. Just be the first one to fight this arc’s villain. We’ll just say you softened him up for us!”
  3. Just beat Persona 5 Royal recently. I’m going to dip into my backlog with Tekken 7, MK11, and possibly restart SMT Nocturne before THPS 1+2 comes out.
  4. This dude types like Mr. Demartino from Daria. "Toonami goes POLITICAL! Calls its Audience RACISTS!?"
  5. I’m more of a Glasslip kinda guy
  6. It’s the cowlick on someone’s hair.
  7. The idea of baby spiders always reminds me of the time I beat a video game and during the ending credits, I killed a spider, which bursted out thousands of baby spiders. I made the horrifying decision to vacuum them all up, but I had to see if there was a post credits scene. The game was either Final Fantasy VII or Shadows of the Damned, both of which had post game cutscenes.
  8. It makes me want to scream into the void and see how far the echo travels.
  9. I still need some time in the lab for fictional stories, but I write a lot of blog entries and have an academic paper under my belt. At the moment, I’m using fan fiction as a means of getting practice for developing a few stories I had in mind, but I might eventually try to branch out and get a story beyond the planning stages.
  10. Unless you live in hub cities for Scientology, it feels like a religion you have to go out of your way to join. Jehovahs Witnesses have an easier time recruiting the weak and gullible than this weird scifi faith for the rich.
  11. It’s devastating. He was a real shining light in this wasteland and the world took him away. It’s also insane that he tricked through all of the films he made since 2016 knowing he was fighting a private battle with cancer.
  12. I can write pretty well.
  13. I’ve got Don Delilo’s “White Noise” set aside for when shit really starts hitting the fan.
  14. I think Eye Drops from Tech TV used to air weird shorts like that.
  15. Face/Off gets a lot of mocking, but I love that movie. There aren’t any other bad movies I can think of that I’d defend too hard. I didn’t think Terminator Genysis was too bad. I also had a good time watching parts of the Twilight movies because of how goofy they were. It is a lot more sobering to watch it knowing most of the actors were taking the piss out of the material they had to work with by playing up their characters’ worst traits.
  16. You gotta use your own hot sauce to make it work. The Taco Bell sauces are too mild to avoid the dog-food taste.
  17. Treason is a mini caramel wrapped in chocolate.
  18. It was one of those movies my dad would always watch on cable, but whenever I got around to it, I’d always catch the tail-end of the movie. I’m not in as much of a rush to watch it as other great films I’ve put on the backburner for later like Heat, Eraserhead, or Moonlight, but it is one I probably owe myself to watching someday.
  19. Sounds like it’d be styrofoam. But the sad thing is that as much as I like Wendy’s spicy chicken, it’s only spicy because there’s enough salt to make it zesty.
  20. Unless the manga is dramatically different, I usually start where I left off in the anime and only read the previous chapters if I feel like it.
  21. The c is silent because the s is violent.
  22. I don’t agree with the blatant disregard for the Prince Albert crowd
  23. It does look like psuedo-Avatar, but these character designs are leagues better than some of the other clones just by not giving wonky blue/green eyes to most of the cast. Also, Asturs’ Fire Nation ladies 👌
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