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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I left around 2012 so I’m not sure how much longer it was up. I ended up joining Random Curiosity early 2017 after grad school finished and realized I didn’t have many hobbies that kept me busy. RC’s podcast efforts have been on-off ventures so there’s a handful sprinkled throughout the site. I have an episode I did with another writer on the site, but neither of us had the time to edit it. As far as anime podcasts go though, there aren’t many public anime personalities I’ve become attached to enough to follow their podcasts. Voice actors usually do streams instead, and ones based on websites usually also have a few one-off episodes aside from the old ANNCast. Im looking through Spotify’s search list and I’m unsure if any of these ones resonate: I usually listen to movie podcasts so none of these dudes have shown up on my radar. I know of CR and Reddit, but I really don’t know if I can say they’d have quality discourse.
  2. Pepperoncini Kettle Chips or Korean Honey Butter Chips
  3. It’s the illusion of eating healthy by ordering the bowl when you’re still eating a slopbowl full of play doh.
  4. “Who doesn’t pick up the ball and throw it when it gets stuck in a sand trap. The fuck you supposed to do about it? Swing at it? I bet you’ll tell me that carrying the ball and dropping it into the divot doesn’t count as a Hole in One. I got Tiger and Shinzo Abe with that trick, the stupid fucks.”
  5. But this... does put a smile on my face. Between this and the reactions to her character design, this has been a fun season to watch people lose their shit over a slice-of-life from across all isles.
  6. Carrie, inspired by the character from Sex & the City.
  7. Is this the one where we found out he told the author about the amount of children he’s diddled, the one where he suffered a series of mini-strokes on a busy night, or the one where he talks about taking orders from the Kremlin?
  8. It’s a good movie, but it works better knowing that it was based on old diaries. It gave me a better appreciation for it knowing that the story in the film would be the kind of urban legend that would be used to discourage people from going into the woods. It gets lumped in with horror, but it’s more ominous than scary because you’re dealing with eerie music and the occult creeping its way into a household. But The Witch does a better job at building dread than being terrifying.
  9. The Witch. It was nice and atmospheric even if it wasn’t as scary or unsettling as I would’ve hoped.
  10. Be a part of a serious role like how Adam Sandler was able to get acclaim for his role in Uncut Gems. It was actually a Polygon article, but they seem to think Kevin James has it in him to take on a serious role. https://www.polygon.com/2020/4/24/21233278/kevin-james-youtube-movies-uncut-gems-adam-sandler
  11. Either Crest or Arm & Hammer
  12. There was some Op-Ed earlier in the year that really wanted him to get his own version of Uncut Gems and thought the weird thriller film that was one of the few films to be released to drive-ins this year would be his chance.
  13. Soooo LIST-EN up,
  14. What shocked me is the kind of food they have at Magic Kingdom, which is quadruple the price of a neighboring Wild West park, but still serves predominantly concession stand food. Aside from pineapple soft serve and turkey legs, only the occasional stand will have something beyond what you could get at a ballpark.
  15. I’ve contemplated writing college essays as a side hustle but legally, it was too dicey for me to commit to.
  16. The conundrum is that unsweetened doesn’t taste the same if you mix your own sugar, but sweetened is pure corn syrup.
  17. And for some reason, restaurants only serve hot dogs & churros.
  18. I got the HD collection last year and it’s been fun. I’m wondering how they’d make an anime out of it since so much of the game revolves around pulling aside your neighbors to talk to them. I could see the fun surreal moments like Ryo asking around for sailors or profiling Chinese shop owners being cut short because the plot barely progresses until you have access to the shipyard. The dub would be necessary though. There’s no way I’m watching this anime if it’s not given an awkward dub.
  19. I saw that in the store recently, but wasn't sure how it'd be because I'm not as familiar with 19 Crimes wines. I end up going the dirt-cheap route with wines by getting Two Buck Chuck versions of Shiraz & Sauvignon Blanc.
  20. There isn't a Bojangles in my area, but I have a feeling that'd be the best option aside from Wendys. I usually get nachos from Taco Bell once a year for old times sake, but as much as I enjoy it, I feel like absolute shit afterwards. And then there's the inner dread I get everytime I eat their ground beef. I really need to order online so I can replace that dreck with beans or something/
  21. In a perfect world, it'd either be Everyman Jack's Cedarwood gel or the Yardley soap bars, but I usually just go for plain Ivory or Irish Spring bars since they're more reasonably priced. Back when gyms were more readily available, I'd go for the Method gels at Target. Juniper + Sage was the best.
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