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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I got a few volumes of Yuru Camp and Kiki's Delivery Service from their holiday sale. I messed up because I was gonna get Sabagebu too, but it's such a pain to deal with the wait that I'll either just go without it or impulse buy it with another DVD to justify the shipping cost.
  2. Holiday in Handcuffs already came out.
  3. At the very least, it’ll get more recognition than Motorola.
  4. As is Yuki Nagato, but she had a side salad with her holiday turkey.
  5. It adds charm to it, but in Deathly Hallows, the Hogwarts Express is scheduled to leave the day after Princess Diana’s death. The muggle world and Hogwarts were apparently just snoozing during one of the largest British news stories of the 90’s. There’s not even an acknowledgment that on top of all the tragedies caused by Voldemort in the book, the UK is in mourning.
  6. Everyone’s focused on the characters, but the table is where I’m the most confused. Ramen noodles and sushi with Thanksgiving turkey?
  7. There’s a lot about HP that’s ridiculous, but Snape being outed as a nice guy in high school ranks up there. What bothers me more is the timeline between when wizards shat on the floor and when Moaning Myrtle was killed by a basilisk in the bathroom. Or the basement demons they just stowaway to murder any unsuspecting children because they are Hagrid’s pets. Or how they tally points only if someone catches you in the act and is cool enough to give your House credit. Or how the story is a 90’s period piece and most of the cast died around the same time as Princess Diana.
  8. Snape took out more than a decade’s worth of impotent rage out on a child because he was cucked by his Chad dad. All it took for Harry to shut him up was finding out that he kept asking his mom for her feet pics back in high school.
  9. They sound a bit like Oasis.
  10. I also misread the topic and was gonna recommend a Burr grinder for coffee. I mean, a Burr might be decent for weed too.
  11. Rilakkuma single-handedly saved the anime industry for the past two years.
  12. I hope it won’t be too CGI heavy cause the premise sounds promising. Like a higher stakes version of Reincarnated as a Slime.
  13. I’d stand by the Machete Order for a rewatch because the first half of the 2003 anime and the second half of Brotherhood were fantastic. BH is better in the long run, especially if it’s your first FMA and you don’t want to face the terrible second half of 2003. But you do miss out on the emotional gravitas from the earlier twists and turns by completely ignoring the old anime.
  14. RIP to the man in the suit. He taught us all the valuable lesson that the net profit of a film is a myth.
  15. I’m trying to figure out the component of stuffing that would require almond milk as a substitute.
  16. I still use the “fabulous waste of money” line that Rivalz drops when he unveils the pizza. Yeah, the moments I enjoyed from Geass that weren’t absolutely ridiculous were the school-life scenes or episodes based around it like Kallen getting familiarized with the student council or the cat chase episode. The festival also had that great scene where Cecille was playing Whack-a-mole and enthusiastically singled out the one student that looked like Lloyd as her favorite one to keep hitting with the hammer. As time went on. I think Cecille and Lloyd really helped to keep me invested in R2.
  17. There was a lot less risk for Butch to save Marcellus Wallace than to try to get the butt-watch from his apartment while a Pop Tart is cooking.
  18. Nachos Mall Teriyaki General Tso’s & Orange Chicken Pizza Fried Okra Popcorn
  19. How dare they elevate these artist to such a high degree and then throw in “You’re the Inspiration” by Chicago.
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