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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Sad Wings of Destiny is one of the greatest metal albums of all time.
  2. Phillies gets a job.
  3. No, kk downing.
  4. I'm reminded of the Barry McGwire character from Robot Chicken.
  5. Occasionally in elementary school French class we'd watch it in French.
  6. Is there pot in it? Sorry, that was bad.
  7. That's where zeni must be hiding the bodies.
  8. Happy Bouvreday!
  9. This. So much this. DJ Sona[/member] Admin[/member]
  10. Sounds like she thinks of them more as currency then treats.
  11. Hello first day termination and sexual harassment law suit.
  12. I started a college course on audio engineering in January if that helps.
  13. Neuro, that's an interesting strategy. If I am ever in the position again where I need to fret this chord on an acoustic (I was in a guitar class at the time I made this thread, I am no longer in it anymore) then I could try this.
  14. I don't know what kemosabe means, but I like to think this cartoon is true:
  15. Dude, the music and the graphics of Super Castlevania IV... epic.
  16. With the 30 lives code I could only make it to stage 3. >_>
  17. That did happen to me once. Just a speck though.
  18. According to every single TV show/cartoon/movie I've ever seen, all schools form elementary to high school are completely self contained in one single building where kids never go outside except for recess; "Gym" class is always called "Gym" class; and every single "Gym" class involves climbing a rope. Every single school I've ever gone to in my life had multiple buildings that you trek outside to go between, one you went outside to get from room to room in one building; "Gym" class is always called P.E.; and no single P.E. class I've ever had has ever had a rope climb.
  19. "YOU SPOONY BARD!" Is an immortal line, though.
  20. Whatever happened to ShowItTaMe?
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