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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. After seeing Rubicon last night, NOW I understand why it's on Toonami. Very action oriented, and made to look like anime.
  2. Why is this not in the memes thread?
  3. Is she calling neocons left wing?
  4. Can someone tell me why facebook is completely broken on my computer but works just fine on my phone? Fucking piece of shit.
  5. Yeah I know that was a conscious marketing decision. It's not funny, it's not clever, it's stupid and annoying.
  6. God I hate those commercials.... Mostly because Brad Garret insists on calling it Jimmy's John's every motherfucking piece of mother fucking shit time.
  7. I guess the Bush's just don't exist after all?
  8. Microwave for 30 MINUTES?????
  9. Especially when the line goes out and you have to find the ONE bad bulb that caused it. 😝
  10. Do you hang out with a bunch of basketball players?
  11. Nothing to see here
  12. I knew you weren't gemini because there would be no way in fucking hell he'd remember I have tiny hands. 😆
  13. BECAUSE of Boston, I don't think AS is going to attempt anything like that ever again.
  14. This was quite a while ago. Back in 1947 when it happened the government said it was a UFO, but quickly retracted that statement and claimed it was a weather balloon. Years later interest in it came back up, and I think it was somewhere in the 90s they said that both the UFO and weather balloon explanations were cover-ups for the REAL explanation: It was a spy balloon disguised as a weather balloon.
  15. Look at that giant shit-eating grin on that Orangutan's (?) face. He knows what he's doing.
  16. I mean the U.S. government LITERALLY said, "Hey, you know that UFO that crashed in Roswell? Well it was actually a spy balloon."
  17. Where did this person's eyes go?
  18. Thread being completely derailed by the same people that started the thread. Vintage IB. 😆
  19. Was it an external link in a China spy balloon article?
  20. What's habitual about the planet?
  21. Happy birthday!
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