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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Is it possible that, besides the color, there is another aspect noted on the package to these particular balloons that differ from your normal selections, that you might not have noticed while purchasing them, since you've never purchased them before?
  2. Wait, you were thinking of Life of Brian? As great as that movie is, hardly anyone quotes it, especially to the degree they quote Holy Grail.
  3. 8 doesn't divide evenly into 60 so we'd have to do away with minutes and hours too.
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. The thing is "What's a message board" is basically a vote for no, so it's like 61% no vs 39% yes.
  6. I'll say it for you because it's also my pick: Monty Python and the Holy Grail Also The Naked Gun.
  7. They don't call them "soccer hooligans" for nothing.
  8. He could have signed a bill that made railworkers get no less than 4 paid sick days, but no.
  9. I myself don't at all recall World Peace.
  10. I guess I should amend that to the present day KKK, unless living my whole life in a blue state has me too sheltered.
  11. I refuse to believe he is doing anything other than trolling the whole planet as hard as he fucking can. Even card carrying members of the KKK aren't this brazen about it.
  12. Yay, Robocop IRL.
  13. I highly agree with you on King Star King and Mongo, but I liked Ballmasterz a lot. Kinda sucks its supposed to be the conclusion, but I guess this kind of storyline can't be driven too far without jumping the shark. Hopefully Karacas will make something new for AS, and it be more along the lines of Ballmasterz and less along the lines of Superjail.
  14. For whatever reason I wasn't into it on the first run it had on AS, but when Toonami merged with AS and they brought it back I gave it another chance and I liked it a lot.
  15. Are you talking about the giant space robot vacuuming?
  16. Well that's certainly a hot take. Care to elaborate?
  17. Could also be a groove metal band's album cover.
  18. A tele? Boooooo Also is that a framed picture of a chicken?
  19. I don't think I've ever had caffeine free Diet Coke, but I have a hard time believing there's a worse soda out there than Storm.
  20. Why does Elon look like he had a stroke?
  21. Did Elon have to pay the $8 to have that blue check mark?
  22. This is making me think of "I accidentally a Coke bottle."
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