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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. There's a TV commercial I see frequently, I can't even remember what it's for, but it includes "________ in the morning" and my brain always fills it in as "________ in the morning, ________ in the evening, __________ at supper time....." But when the commercial's actually on I can actually fill in the blank, lol.
  2. Apparently his fursona is really into old school Nintendo.
  3. @atomicinumatt Have you heard of High Priestess? A power trio of ladies in essentially the same genre as Acid King.
  4. I use nasal rinse to get rid of sinus allergies that aren't going away.
  6. It's funny when people cry they're being canceled when they deliberately do things that they know would get them canceled even well before "woke" was a thing.
  7. Oh man that used to piss me off. 😆
  8. Shows how good my memory is, I guess.
  9. I saw Tool on their last tour. At least I think it was their last tour. The one supporting Fear Inoculum.
  10. I mean... you must have been long acquainted with how hated Tim and Eric are, right? lol
  11. But you liked AS at one point, lol. If I remember correctly, you've said you joined in 2008, right? Because if I remember correctly, 2008 is when the very first bad show on AS debuted: Tom Goes to the Mayor. And then it all gradually went down the toilet from there.
  12. Earlier today the episodes revolving around revealing Cartman's dad is his mom were on. @The_annoying_one How you never liked South Park and yet you enjoyed Adult Swim enough to join their message boards perplexes me.
  13. Where do uncovered humbuckers fit into this comparison?
  14. I've always been a George fan. When I was a kid when the show was still in production, my favs were George and Jerry. I thought Kramer was really overrated. Seeing it again all these years later (watching on TBS then Comedy Central) I'm not sure why I was such a big Jerry fan, but George was still great. And as an adult, I've got a whole new appreciation for Elaine. So now my favs are George and Elaine. Kramer's the only one of the four that's never been among my favorites. Again: Overrated.
  15. Speaking of Seinfeld and soda, remember when George revealed that if he ever had a kid, he'd want to name them Seven, and then a couple friend of his who's about to have a baby, and they "steal" Seven from him, so George tries to convince them to name their new baby Soda instead?
  16. I'm a Mountain Dew junkie.
  17. Are those spy balloons the kind of balloons you'd want to have sexy time with?
  18. I am well aware, which is why above I was like "why the fuck is this on Toonami????" But Rubicon actually makes sense on Toonami, while the rest of the series doesn't. Also yeah, Rubicon was a lot less cool than the "regular" episodes of the show.
  19. After seeing Rubicon last night, NOW I understand why it's on Toonami. Very action oriented, and made to look like anime.
  20. Why is this not in the memes thread?
  21. Is she calling neocons left wing?
  22. Can someone tell me why facebook is completely broken on my computer but works just fine on my phone? Fucking piece of shit.
  23. Yeah I know that was a conscious marketing decision. It's not funny, it's not clever, it's stupid and annoying.
  24. God I hate those commercials.... Mostly because Brad Garret insists on calling it Jimmy's John's every motherfucking piece of mother fucking shit time.
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