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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. That is a very wise observation.
  2. Personally I don't see how Ballmasterz is toonami. It's a comedy and it's American. There is slight action. Much more for laughs.
  3. That's a good question, lol. Did you not hear about all the hullabaloo a year or two ago how they got all the original cast on board except John DiMaggio who was holding out for more pay (claiming the entire VA cast deserved more pay)? Eventually they came to an agreement and its in production. Don't think it's debuted yet.
  4. I guess he's more than fortunate for the Hulu Futurama revival then.
  5. Am disappointed they didn't shoot it down, take a photo op with the debris, and claim it was a UFO.
  6. Billy West has been doing commercials for a while (how long a while I have no idea). He's the red M&M, and at some point was the Honey Nut Cheerios honey bee.
  7. THANK you!
  8. I hope Rubicon is an all new season and not just a one-off special. I thought they canceled that show, though. But I'm not complaining.
  9. Tonight at midnight AS aired / is airing two new pilots. I'm guessing they're bracing themselves for lack of Rick and Morty and trying to get some new shows some traction ahead of time.
  10. I don't see how the story about finding out there's not much porn for unicyclists can possibly be uninteresting.
  11. There's actually a third guy without a hat, who buddy named: Ron White. Although he has a bit how he got thrown out of a bar that started because he wouldn't take off his hat.
  12. I still want to know why he chose that specific phrase.
  13. There's porn for every kink out there, right? 😝
  14. That's Jeff Foxworthy. Bill Engvall's the "Here's your sign" guy.
  15. "They're touching me in.... places." "Yeah, they get around."
  16. I just bet way back when he first started doing that bit he'd explain it to the audience, but somewhere along the lines he either thought his fans already know what it means or he figures the bit works just as well without explaining it, which saves time on stage to tell more jokes.
  17. I ain't doing it, I'd rather keep my guitar skills than be able to paint, lol. Nothing against painting.
  18. I do know who Bill Engvall is and am acquainted with his "here's your sign" bit. But what I don't know is what "here's your sign" even means. Like, why is that specific phrase used to tell someone they're an idiot?
  19. Which one of us is the Robot Devil here? lol
  20. I still maintain my hands are pretty much exactly the same size. 😆
  21. Slow Children Playing.
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