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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. they have a pepsi 1893 flavour that is ginger and a regular one that is supposed to be an original cola recipe, but it tastes awful
  2. i sell that stuff, along with the white label, black label, and the spiked varieties also, pepsi 1893 is garbage
  3. but..............can I still have my pudding?
  4. what'd I miss?
  5. i'm dying for laser surgery, but i'm not a good candidate for it
  6. I had a spare pair that my ex bf threw away, he decided I didn't need them, then he declared that I was to only wear painful contacts from then on
  7. I found them!!! they've been missing since Thursday morning and I just now found them, they ere in a dresser drawer stuffed underneath some clothes what the fuck am I doing in my sleep that they ended up there? now that I have them i'm gonna look at stuff so hard, i'mma read all the fine print
  8. before I went to sleep, I put them on the pillow next o my head along with my phone, I wake up and the phone was there, but no trace of the glasses, I've torn my room apart looking for them, but they are nowhere to be found I called for an eye exam (which I needed new glasses anyway) and the soonest they could get me in was june 1st, and then I know it'll be at least another week before my new glasses would come in FML
  9. Rabble-Rabble Mother fucker
  10. could be pre-menopause that can start as early as your early 30s
  11. my boyfriend drinks these things they're expensive for a four-pack and I don't know anyone else who drinks them
  12. beer is an acquired taste just like vagina
  13. the voice of the caramel in the caramel m&ms commercial? sounds a lot like him and he does do a lot of voice work
  14. CooooooOOOOOOOOOkie Crisp!
  15. i just transplanted my tomato plants outside i'm hoping for rain
  16. rotisserie chicken
  17. hallmark is a fucking joke the cards and the channel
  18. no afterlife, no consciousness whatsoever like dying is just peacefully falling asleep into nothing
  19. what do you mean? i'm naked now
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