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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. *cough* musicals *cough*
  2. my paydays are weird, I get paid the 4th and 19th of every month
  3. nobody likes the kind of movies I like
  4. I wish it would rain here, it keeps looking like its going to for hours at a time, then never does
  5. I don't have a snarky referencing remark, I just really wanted to post this
  6. Because fish fuck in it
  7. i'm aware, and I told mum the exact thing to bring up tp service men, but the only thing she tells them is that: "the ac doesn't turn on"- not true, it just doesn't get cold and she goes on and on about how desperate she is to get it fixed, making sure that they jack the price up as high as possible for her
  8. more times I wish people lived closer to me
  9. if I had an air mattress, i'd put it on the basement floor, stays cool down there, but concrete floors aren't fun
  10. no, never seen one, but used to see ads for jack in the box when I lived in Columbus, and I tv here plays carl's jr ads ad nauseum
  11. I grew up in RI, then lived in Columbus, OH, living now in the middle finger part of WV
  12. I considered that today, but I don't know if I wanna spend $150 on an ac unit just to spend another $100+ to pay the repairman in a couple days
  13. I've never lived in a region that had it, or a hardees/carl's jr
  14. my ac has a part that burns out every year and since mum is usually the one that calls a repairman to fix it, she can never remember who she called the previous year to know what exact part it is and if I knew that exact part name/model number, I could fix that shit myself
  15. and my bedroom feels like an oven, even with all the windows open and fans running full blast the soonest a repairman can get to my house is in two days and I hafta find a way to force myself to sleep in this heat so I can be up super early to work in the mornings FML
  16. I've never had jack in the box
  17. I work five days in a row starting tomorrow and next week's schedule hasn't been made yet so it may be 5, 6, 7 or 8 days in a row
  18. i'm afraid to live
  19. the film is basically the monsters of shield
  20. living longer sucks just eat what you like and enjoy your short life
  21. tomorrow there will be a spiderweb in the corner with the words "Some Load" weaved into it
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