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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. people are always dumb, it just becomes more apparent at holiday-time
  2. i'm dying to get a room in a hotel that has a pool, preferably an indoor pool and children aren't allowed there
  3. Adventure . . . Day?
  4. Only have a SNES system, but its a gift for my bf anyway, our anniversary is coming up
  5. I just bought an old copy of Robocop Versus Terminator
  6. without you guys to entertain me at this hour, i'm watching the AVN porn awards
  7. i'm a Capricorn
  8. I remember one night years ago at mine and my ex's apartment he had teenage children from a first marriage that their mother kept away from him the eldest one met him first then brought the others with her for a big family gathering in the apartment I sat it out, I sat in the bedroom doing puzzle books to keep me entertained (I had no internet or tv in there). They were in the kitchen and didn't know I was there and in earshot. There were pictures on the fridge, a couple of my ex and one of me. The eldest daughter had met me and pointed out the pic on the fridge. She said "She looks ok in that picture, but she's really ugly in real life" and they all had a good laugh, my ex included. I bring it up the next day to my ex, and he forces his kid to try to make nice with me, the first thing the girl said was "I didn't mean it" Fucking Bullshit. She went out of her way to say it when she thought I want around. And, no, she wasn't drinking at the time, she's just a bitch.
  9. Mondays are my fridays
  10. I prefer penne rigate with a chunky tomato sauce with lots of basil
  11. the meatloaf would do anything for love but it wont do that
  12. scaturday, the official day of scat-porn
  13. spinach
  14. this isn't mine, but its one of the best I've seen
  15. he didn't seem to know he theorized about the scenarios of the leak being in different places in the unit, but said in any case, it would need replaced
  16. not a student, midget working in a school
  17. 7. Because they can do this and you are what you eat
  18. Update the repairman came to look at it and said the AC unit has no refrigerant in it, like there is a leak in it somewhere, and the whole unit would need replaced to the tune of $3400 i'm totally fucked
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