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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. About here.
  2. Hmmm.......nicely done.
  3. Man…..Hell of a talent. One of the reasons I loved The Wire. Never gave a bad performance, in my memory.
  4. ……..Not sure I should give you my real answer. So……thinking about how I should walk out of my job once I get accepted to the new one. That, and that “poop” is a funny word, because it is a word people are comfortable saying just to say. Also, people who wear socks that are higher than their ankles bother me…………immensely.
  5. I miss that dude. I miss a lot of people from here.
  6. Yeah. This one hit me hard, too. RIP to a supreme badass.
  7. Right now? My buddy TekForce's new album "Child of the 80s". It's on Bandcamp, and soon on iTunes, Spotify, and other services.
  8. Fine. I’ll buy tacos.
  9. As someone with a LONG career in retail….MOTHERFUCKING THIS
  10. Never underestimate the stupidity of America. I learned the lesson with my 10 years at Apple.
  11. I was talking about getting your hands on a Steam Deck, but…..congrats on THAT, too. Serious feat.
  12. Japan was like “All right, let’s showcase the best music from our country for the world.” *playing JRPG musics* Gamers everywhere:
  13. This actually just happened in Dallas. Last night. Then, he started “No Russian” in real life. The reason it didn’t make national news is because the body count was “too low for a mass shooting”, which is sounds ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INSANE.
  14. It’s a damn near everyday thing for me now.
  15. I have seen it. I saw it done for….I don’t want to say the right reason, but…..Buddy just said it… This is why the guy removed it. He kept getting hit on while he was (very obviously) waiting on his wife. Like it was obvious he was waiting on someone, and women kept approaching him and talking to him. Took off his ring, and it was like instant Thot-B-Gone. Put it back on when he saw his wife come in the door.
  16. @katt_goddess That is Texas, as well. SAME. EXACT. THING. It’s happening in northern Texas in a park outside of Denton.
  17. Yep. Texas is gonna Texas. Texas may be big snowflake country, but Oklahoma has them beat, BY FAR. I literally had a dude melt in front of me yesterday about the fact that he wouldn’t spend $200 on his kid for what the kid wanted for their birthday. Conversation went like this: Me: “Welcome in, what can I do for ya?” SF (snowflake): “Getting my kid a video game-something called a Swatch?” Me: “Ahh. Okay. A Switch? What quest-“ SF: “It for [their] birthday. I wanna know how much.” Me: “They start at $200.” SF (melting down): “What? That’s just stupid. I can get more guns for that. They ain't worth that much.” Me: “I get it. They are no-“ SF (still melting down): “I can’t believe kids want this. They ain’t…no. I know guns. They gonna get a gun and be happy. They can protect themselves against ni-“ (he looks at me) Me: SF: Me: SF: “I d-d-did-“ Me: “Have a wonderful day.”
  18. Wow. You got old all of a sudden. Congratulations on that, though. That was a serious feat.
  19. I……I…..I’m….Shit, that’s good.
  20. Yep. The woman who was promoted to manager was died over this, too. It’s fucking dumb.
  21. 45. It’s easy to warm up. I’m in a house that is constantly 80-85 degrees right now because of an idiot. So yeah, 45.
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