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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. The fucked up thing is….I have both of those, as well
  2. You know what? Sure. I’ll play with you.
  3. Look at this dude with their disposable income getting body-altering tools and treatment. Look at this dude with the house and car and family and complete, full life.
  4. You can just…..you know what? It takes too much effort to bother. Just do whatever.
  5. You’re just a paragon of decision making, aren’t you?
  6. Yeah. I know what you mean. I was just thinking about the kid while listening to Backstreet Boys stuff from my music collection a few days ago.
  7. I’m not setting foot into any kind of cesspool that will land me on another watch list. My question was pertaining to why habeas corpus would become an issue. Was it an issue because of lack/breakdown of physical evidence?
  8. Does it fucking matter?
  9. Why, though? Physical evidence?
  10. Do you mean “statute of limitations”?
  11. My previous statement still stands. The last time she was relevant, the Super Bowl was relevant.
  12. Yeah….they do like them young….but only when they are in the womb….and then that tender age right as they enter high school (if the public arrest records are any indication).
  13. “I’m an unfuckable boundary-violating, homophobic, xenophobic fuckwit of a micro peen. Why won’t women date me? It has to be a socialist conspiracy on this app!” Well…no. It’s probably because you’re just a fuckwit, man.
  14. No fucking shit. So are Sundown Towns/Cities.
  15. She hasn’t been relevant in 10 years, so I guess this is her last ditch effort.
  16. I’m the opposite. I hope he DOES have plumbing. BUT, he’s forced to exclusively eat any/all food/supplement stuffs he’s promoted on his show.
  17. I’m REALLY surprised this dude stuck it out that long. Seriously. The ONLY reason I can think of why he stayed so long was that her vagina must have some sort of magical trick or grip. Outside of that, he should dropped her crazy ass a long time ago.
  18. It’s October 2, 2022. Has AMERICA figured this shit out yet? Asking for a particular skin color.
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