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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. You know he’s not going to get this, right?
  2. Yes. As well as the other way around. With you.....it’s a feature, nor a bug.
  3. Fucking TRUTH
  4. NIMBY.....got it. Makes sense. It’s the same out of OKC and Dallas too.
  5. Missed it by 3 planets there, man.
  6. Halfway right now. Getting my next one in some hours from now. Don’t know how to respond to this.
  7. I might lose sleep over this.
  8. You just......sigh.
  9. .............Did you wake up today and say to yourself: “Self, I want to take the biggest ‘L’ possible right now, how can I do that”? It seems like you did. To everyone else: You did not disappoint. Kudos to all of you. I’m proud of you.
  10. ......Just like that....you win.
  11. Clubs, nightlife, underground activity beneath the glossy veneer of the sandy beaches and exotic locale, police that really just don’t give a shit unless you’re overtly committing a crime, alligators, hurricanes, Florida Man, really sick shit.....
  12. All right. You got me. Fuck, I’m old.
  13. ...........No.
  14. Okay.....not gonna lie. This made me laugh when I read it.
  15. Oh.....yes. I was 100% about to rise in respect....then....the end. Wonderful. I see you understand better than I thought.
  16. Hmmm. You’re......wait. I’m seeing the same thing. It might have something to do with the mobile one?
  17. THIS. This is one of the most honestly depressing things I’ve seen in a while.
  18. Yes. Many of them. They increased.
  19. .................
  20. ........Go on.
  21. .......Are you planning on a bread empire?
  22. I have to ask this, because I’m curious. Which one did you go with? They added more stuff to their “Pro” series around then (at least, according to one my grandmother’s letters).
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