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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Mmmk, then. Whatever you say.
  2. No.........I just.....didn't know how to take this.
  3. I just...........
  4. I don't, either.
  5. No.......I mean....she had an OF forever......they are just NOW having one?
  6. Good for you. Guess he's cool.
  7. ..........Just now?
  8. ..........I ask the same thing about adults and these things....I literally have grown ass men buy 15 of them a DAY in my store.
  9. No more than I usually do.
  10. I’m in. I liked doing it before.
  11. I know I’m not supposed to laugh, because it might be real......but Buddy’s response......FUCK THAT WAS FUNNY AS HELL
  12. Eh.......you do lack a Y chromosome, though. He has a tendency towards attention seeking behavior for those sorts. Especially the young ones. Cradle robber, that one is.
  13. .................K
  14. I......kinda don’t miss it, honestly. Having to work (be the club DJ) for hours on end is exhausting. Not to mention things like fights, spilled drinks, possible hearing loss, people at the booth, and having to hassle for getting paid some nights. It’s something I don’t miss as much as I thought I would.
  15. Some semblance of mental health.
  16. It was successful. Gamed all day, slept for a good chunk of it, and was left the fuck alone. Finally have power back, too. I was so happy to make something to eat.
  17. Yeah. I know he did. It was my birthday, too. 2020 needs to fucking quit.
  18. .........Noted
  19. He can sprint like a champ. He runs in all his movies.
  20. I’m no good at painting.
  21. Yeah....I play football with that one.
  22. Those 2 things aren't mutually exclusive, you know.
  23. I don't. I know quite a bit about them, too.
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