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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Nice. You’re not lying. My grandmother’s Kitchen Aid mixer still works, as well. The thing has to be at least 35 to 40 years old by now. I am still using some of their cookware from 15 years ago, too. They make good stuff.
  2. My recommendation is to hit up a library or a book drive. If you’re looking for more wholesale needs, rather than retail, I’d hit up like an Ollie’s or Half Price Books. The latter will have some magazines, as well. You could always hit up some doctors’, dentists, or hospital lobbies for some magazines, too. I am also thinking maybe someplace like bookoutlet.com or maybe thriftbooks.com. If all else fails, Amazon.
  3. Everything in that title is false.
  4. Took you this long to.....you know what? What happens next....I’m gonna let that be a surprise.
  5. Yep. Glad I waited. Mira still coming out in like 4 parts, though. This is just the first installment.
  6. The Jabbawokky has been slayed.
  7. Meh.....it’s fine. We needed a culling in this place, anyway.
  8. The man has hosted (going on) 12 seasons of Family Feud. We've been watching one long, slow mental breakdown. I'm not making fun of him.
  9. This one.
  10. Hmmmm......I think maybe he’s back for “Superbad 2”?
  11. I bet he would be over the moon to have Brady on his team. Not just that, but to also have them at home? I still think about what his reaction would be and the conversation we would be having right now.
  12. Yeah. A lot of companies pulled out of paying for commercials this year. Guess they didn’t want to lose their bonuses.
  13. Congratulations. That is a pretty badass feat. I salute you.
  14. No. I was telling you that I could’ve been, but didn’t because I assumed he wasn’t intentionally trying to fuck his own car up.
  15. Well, I guess you didn’t have any other choice but the side street? I’d be all on the city, if I were you.
  16. You’re welcome. I assumed you wouldn’t intentionally damage your car. I just understand that this isn’t your fault, because you can’t control the weather. I also know that something out of your control happened, and you got screwed because of it. I assume that is the truth of the matter. I COULD’VE been a major asshole to you and told you that it was your fault for parking in the street in the first place (instead of in your driveway), but I didn’t. Because I understood that you parked on the side street to let them plow, but wound up taking damage because of it. That was an unintended result. Instead of blaming you and calling you a dumbass piece of shit who should’ve known better, I decided to be a decent person, leveling with the fact that it was not your intention to have your car get damaged. I felt for the fact that you had to deal with extra BS from something that you didn’t do. I do understand that sometimes, it’s just hard enough being you in the day, and getting kicked while you’re down is pretty fucking shitty. So, yes. You’re welcome.
  17. I’m obligated to.
  18. Well.....I guess.... You know what? I’m not going to bother saying anything, since this is not your fault or anything.
  19. Hmmmm......as much as I want to let myself shoot you some bail and help out.....I simply can’t. You’ve proven yourself over time to keep playing the long con/troll. I really want to believe you, but patterns and experience have told me not to. I do wish you luck on your endeavors (assuming you ARE having issues), but I simply just can’t believe you in print. Not trying to be an asshole (as much as I want to be), just going with what I know and reading things as they were/are.
  20. I wanna say “This is what you get for being an asshole,” but that’s not appropriate here. The city fucked up in a big way and should be paying for this shit. Do you have like Ring cameras or anything on your place that caught it?
  21. Marinate for a day or so, then charcoal....low temp, and finish with high temp seat in pan with butter, garlic, onions. Medium rare to medium at most. (I used to only do medium well, I’ve since warmed up to medium steaks in my old age.)
  22. Hmmmm.......I could use another Beavis and Butthead or Beverly Hills Cop movie
  23. That progressed REALLY fast...
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