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Everything posted by Tricolor

  1. The best way is to sneak up on said sumbitch and stick your thumb in his dickhole. This prevents the specimen from running away and gives you plenty of time to do some docking
  2. The same way you get into every game...through the anus
  3. They're probably around gardening, staying away from zyklon B ...you know, regular shit
  4. Just drop some kerosene in some cake batter and you're good to go!
  5. I'm always laying down bikes. The burns on my crotch are horrendous🤔
  6. Is this from that catfish documentary?
  7. If this is true, then how come a round pizza comes in a square box,huh? I'm not paying for that air in the corners, fuvk you!
  8. Here ya go, you sickos. Do with it as you please!
  9. Well, I recently bought a new pc for internet sex but my computer ain't come with a dick hole. Is that a separate peripheral or did I buy the wrong pc? Please help! My grandma keeps bugging me about it!
  10. Those girls dont look 8 years ol.....sorry, i cant keep going
  11. Gundam lolita sounds like something that shouldve happened a long time ago. What is taking so long,Japan?!?!?!
  12. "Put it in my pooper"...yeah,right!!!
  13. What about Gundams in balloon outfits while maiding? Is that a thing?
  14. Yes, it's called virginity
  15. She liked it rough!
  16. Sorry, i dont speak Lebanese
  17. Screw that! I get sore just thinking about working out....
  18. So you just beat people with your dick and yell"XTUBE STAAAAR!!!!"""?
  19. Time to start the apocalypse yourself then!
  20. O....k.......i dont know how to feel about this. But rule 34 will always be in effect i guess,no matter what.
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