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Everything posted by Tricolor

  1. Oh the humanity!!
  2. I think you can do a couple more inches in there...
  3. Cats are the best! Ever woke up to one clawing your crotch to shreds because she wants food?Best feeling ever!
  4. Are you shitting me? This is friggin cool...and shit
  5. I regret coming in here
  6. it was a drunk poltergeist....that i tea bagged playing checkers
  7. Its our business to know...like a less pervy Santa or god
  8. This shit 's killing me!
  9. I meant visually...im sure it tastes delicious
  10. I meant when they go to Raisins and the girls there are all named after cars......although i do know a girl named porsche....
  11. Its hard to clean that shit up(see what i did there?)Wink wink!
  12. You mean back to "dont walk outside or your eyeballs will freeze and roll out of their socket"?
  13. Looks like the ending to The Fly 2
  14. Her name is Maserati?!?!?! You mean to tell me South Park wasn't kidding? What else is true from that show? Is there really a weed smoking towel running around?Fuuuuuuhhhhh!!!!
  15. Tricolor

    So high

    Dont have sex with a pizza! Believe me, the blisters will heal but your soul...your soul...man
  16. Soooo, do i get a prize? Like a tin watch or something? how about a 5 dollar gift card to Romantix?
  17. Thanks,mang!
  18. Will you stop yelling at me?!?! It's stressing me out!
  19. Thank you! It was quite the ordeal getting out of that womb! Its tough coming out ass first...
  20. Well, on these boards. I was in the AS boards since 2004
  21. Thanks! But being horny gets me in trouble....horrible butt stuff trouble
  22. Tricolor


    I actually started to laugh uncontrollably at that scene...im a romantic
  23. Well, shes clearly putting up a front and she's really trapped in North Korea eating sawdust and pictures of Kim Jong Ill. This is a subtle code for american special forces to move in on Pyongyang and obliterate the regime,thus bringing freedom and pants to the poor people. The pic is clearly taken by her handler....
  24. is that Filthy Frank?
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