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Everything posted by Tricolor

  1. We heard you the first time...
  2. Well, the Japanese official religion is Shinto, which states that all things have a soul and feel feelings and crap.So yes, trees do understand hand gestures and they feel pain when you flip them off. This is used to fuel your ninja magic,which you can then use to destroy motorcycle dudes, boxers and football players with.
  3. Food are people, too!Food lives matter!!!! Thats it, im calling Jeff Sessions
  4. Ninjas can do it, so im sure that we can do it.Just need a crap ton of training and flipping off trees and throw shit at other shit...
  5. Fuck it, i'll go with Vivid,since i live like 5 minutes from their offices...maybe i can get a tour of the place?
  6. Its an old ass joke, how is this making it as a meme now?
  7. I dont know.You tell me, Adolf
  8. Nah, they only show crab fishing and topless women from Uganda. I'm gonna have to go with an obscure Thai company for this one.Wish me luck!
  9. Wow!Flaccid?
  10. Oh, ok thats cool and shit....
  11. I'm into Slovenian monkey sex so whoever makes that...
  12. Sounds ducky
  13. Sooo, how does this work? Do you wine them and dine them first before you sexually brutalize them? I love the smell of burning rubber, thats why i use condoms over and over
  14. I meant the monster dildo
  15. Gotcha....street it is ,then. People get stupid when theres a little precipitation on the highway and well, i get really annoyed by that and i love to speed really fast in the fast lane.
  16. I was thinking the same shit. That and we got way the shit out of topic.dont want to get banned and shit.
  17. Sliding home on a cardboard box
  18. Thats racist
  19. I do the same with isopropyl alcohol
  20. You use your penis
  21. Sounds good! I think i just shit my pants with glee
  22. if its anything like me, you probably got beaten with the funny stick...the thick one...wrapped in chainsaw chains
  23. It should tell you on your dashboard the day that you joined
  24. The absolute shit...wait, is that good or bad? I dont know.Shit!
  25. That doesnt make you a weirdo, it just makes you a freak...that probably has leukemia and ass cancer..just messing with you,man!
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