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Everything posted by Tricolor

  1. Cool like the corpse of Robin williams
  2. Ummmm, ok.
  3. I lost my wallet last year. Was looking for it all over and i even went to the park in the rain to look for that shit with no luck. Found it later that night under my bed, where the cat had apparently knocked after jumping on my dresser.
  4. I hear good things about Oxium spray
  5. I feel like chicken tonight...
  6. Who needs an education, anyway? Look at me, I didn't graduate from high school and now I have a sweet gig cleaning park toilets with my tongue! Fuck all that noise!!
  7. Approximations?!?! So its something like a pizza, but isn't? Huh....
  8. I might just try this. Had some ice cream not too long ago and had shit my pants in my sleep. Thankfully, it was mostly liquid and the underwear soaked it up.
  9. Yeah, I still cant get hang of it myself. That one and wipeout for playstation. I guess I'm too old for them newfangled speedy game tapes.
  10. You can't fool me! Thats that actor, what's his name Obi wan Kenobi! Yeah, that it...
  11. Soooo...its good?
  12. I would create alts just to mess with people in the old boards...good times!
  13. I cant drink anything that smells like it came out of my grandmother's potpourri dish....ughhhhh!🤢🤮
  14. I can keep you company, with my jug of kerosene close by, reminiscing about old conquests from yon yesteryears. I remember this one time down in mexico, I was with a donkey and two midgets.....
  15. I'm good, bro....good luck!👍
  16. Fuck you, dude! I was gonna see them here in LA but the tickets sold out in minutes for both days. And now they have them online for 250 bucks a piece for the nosebleeds...ugh Have fun, though!👍
  17. If it has a tail, you know its bleeding.
  18. Dont do it! Kids are gonna bully him call the poor kid butt loader and junk
  19. Well that escalated quickly...geez
  20. You cant never be alone as long as you have cantaloupe
  21. Hey man, I'm not that kind of girl! Besides, my brother is the one with the cd shaped penis...
  22. I was gonna guess rape van, but that works too.
  23. Call the cops on them. Then break into their house and smoke all their weed and rape their dog, just for fun you know?
  24. Awesome, I didn't know we worked together !
  25. I've seen that stuff around my house and I was all like not today satan! Plus its all a lie, Canada isn't even dry.That bitch is covered in snow!!!
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