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Gina Szanboti

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Everything posted by Gina Szanboti

  1. I've told this before, but I don't have any new stories since I stopped interacting with people. The hands-down weirdest thing that I can recall was when I was in Alice Springs in Australia. I was sitting in front of the Greyhound station, looking down at my maps trying to figure out what to do next, when suddenly I heard, "[my name]!" I looked up to see a person I couldn't recall ever seeing before, then looked around to see if I'd misheard and they were calling to someone else, but they were looking expectantly at me, and clearly knew me. Seeing as how I was 13,000 miles away from home in the literal middle of the Outback, I was so gobsmacked I couldn't even form the usual reply to such situations (like, "Excuse me?" or "Oh, hi, (whoever you are)."). Finally they reminded me that they were on the Katherine Gorge river tour I'd taken about a week earlier and 800 miles north, where I had managed to make myself, um...memorable. Still not sure how they recognized me with my face buried in a map. But for what felt like an eternity, it was the most Twilight Zone moment I've ever had.
  2. Well, obviously the one to shoot is the one labeled "Beware," duh.
  3. What I've seen so far (just c/p my ANN post with some edits, instead of rewriting it all): So Duck Sky was ok, though I think they misappropriated the word duck for their wordplay. Certainly good enough for me, since I've come to accept that apparently I have extremely low standards for sports anime. Having a Pillows opener and a fine cast that includes Yuki Kaji and Takahiro Sakurai just seals the deal. And the character designs are already growing on me. I just hope it doesn't become Cliffhanger Sky, as the first ep forebodes. Petshop Wrestler was interesting, but I think a little too...something, for my tastes. I think I might have liked it better if he didn't seem so brain-damaged from his wrestling or whatever his problem is. The puppy is cute. Over-prepared Hero didn't wow me, but I think I'll give it at least one more episode to see what it does with Chaos Machina, who right now strikes me as a Albedo-wannabe. Joro's Bizarre Love Adventure might be a keeper. I dislike Joro in a good way, and Sun-chan seems nice. The abrupt change in tone in the second half was fairly creative, and I got a chuckle out of whatever that vocalization was that Joro made when he saw the bench in the library. His two original targets kinda deserve him, but it's hard to say what Pansy's after, so I'll at least stick around to see what her deal is. Dice Club was more entertaining than expected, but I doubt I'll make it through to the end. Takoyakishiki is a bit too genki for me despite her exploratory nature, and Miki, while I appreciate her desire for solitude, is too big a crybaby to warm up to. More characters might help. I'll probably hang around to see what games they get up to. Bookworm Girl might have some potential, but I suspect it's going to bore me soon. Or maybe it will really pick up when she hooks up with the sorcerer we meet in the first minute. He was more interesting than she was. It gets one or two more tries to hook me. So far nothing is knocking my socks off. I was meh on the reboot of Legend of the Galactic Heroes' first part, so I'll check out the second part with low expectations. The original still stands alone and proud.
  4. I believe the illustration is self-explanatory.
  5. A gold Sharpie? Omg, Trump is stalking you! O.O
  6. Holy shit! Then you'll be Dr. Mrs.The Sponges?
  7. It's really nothing like Gravitation, but it's absolutely awesome. Its humor is low key (but still lol funny) and not mean-spirited, and its drama will have you in tears. It's often very languid in its pacing (which is an asset, not a drawback), but not in a foot-dragging way, and the plot unfolds with precision. The best show of the summer. Can't wait for the movie, and hope for a 2nd season too.
  8. I always did this until BDs started locking out subs with the dubs, which makes no sense at all. Why would having English subs with English dubs affect reverse importation in any way? It is always jarring when the subs say "No!" and you can clearly hear a "Hai!" in the Japanese track, because of the way the question was asked. One of the biggest differences I can recall now was in FMA when Mustang is talking to Hoenheim on the porch. What he says in English makes no sense, and is very different from what he says in Japanese. They're not even talking about the same topic. I wish I could remember it exactly, but it's been years since I've watched it, so nope.
  9. About the only thing I remember him for was seeing a couple of his fakour videos when he was pretending he was working out to go on Ninja Warrior. Otherwise I mostly ignored him, getting enough of the gist of his "teenage girls" persona from his post titles. I could be wrong, but those always struck me as being as fake as his NW vids. I've never believed a word that comes out of his head. I doubt he even has a job, let alone one at a school.
  10. Why? (also it's just No Guns Life) Series either get 3, 1 or no episodes to convince me to watch. But as for "it gets better"? I've had that happen a lot. It took probably a dozen episodes or more before I really fell for Ace of Diamond, though it was good enough to stick with it until it won me over. I don't think Monster really starts to get good until Episode 4. Sadly there are way too many series that start out great, until they have to wrap things up, and then just go to hell.
  11. Not Chop Suey. Sukiyaki! Or Sukiyaki Western Django. I do not know what this is, but it sure is something.
  12. Next time you're at work, let yourself be a little bouncing off the walls about this concert. Hum their songs. Exude obvious good mood. If she's the least bit interested, she'll ask what you're in such a good mood about. Tell her, "oh man, I can't believe this. I just found out about this concert and am so jazzed! How are all these great bands playing in our shit city in one night??!!!" She'll ask what bands, you tell her and she'll let you know if she likes them or not. If so, you can ask if she wants to come with to see them. If not (pay attention to her reason why not, it can be informative), you can say too bad, it's gonna be great, so, what bands do you like. And play it by ear from there. If nothing comes of it but some friendly conversation, great. If she wants to join you at the concert, really great. No pressure on either of you. Or you can seek love advice from the Great Duke of Hell. I think you'll identify with the main character.
  13. Los Tres Mosqueteros.
  14. You don't know what "genuine" means? oO Like real, heartfelt, not fake? When people smile out of joy, their eyes crinkle at the edges. See "Duchenne smile." When they're faking it, it's just the mouth, aka "botox smile."
  15. Any decent plot synopsis will be TLDR. So as short as I can possibly make it, orphan kid rejected by his village because his parents sealed the 9-tailed fox inside him when he was born wants to grow up to be Hokage (village leader) to get some respect. He saves the world and grows up and marries Hinata and becomes the 7th Hokage and fathers Boruto who hates his guts. So he kinda ends up where he started, still being hated when he just wants some respect. The End.
  16. "Ohayo sekai good morning world!" Former 'Haiyun. Escaped.
  17. That might be the best picture of you that you've posted. The smile is genuine and happy instead of posed, your eyes aren't looking off into space, or bugging out (I say as someone who also has Bette Davis eyes, which I've always hated). I'd go so far as to say you actually look cute in that pic.
  18. Radiant's terrible. It started off good, but then sidelined one of the best characters and traipsed off to shounenland, where it just dicked around doing nothing until the last couple episodes (I gather from the weekly reviews on ANN, since I dropped it about halfway through). Speaking of ANN, is anyone else getting Cloudflare host error "website down" when trying to access the forums? Sez Cloudflare and my browser are cool. There are a couple of odd backdoors to accessing some individual forum pages, but otherwise, everything leads to the Cloudflare message. Also Encyclopedia too.
  19. Did someone already do this and I missed it? https://anichart.net/Fall-2019 Tons of second seasons to keep me busy, but not much new looks very interesting. Maybe Assy McGee, I mean, No Guns Life could be interesting. Pet and Kabukicho Sherlock. I'm probably in for Ahiro no Sora (not to be confused with Hoshiai no Sora, though I may watch that too, or Sora no Aosa wo Shiru Hito yo) because sports. The Human Lost movie looks worthwhile. I'll have to see an episode of Shokugeki no China, aka, Shin Chuuka Ichiban! before I decide if I have room for two food wars at once.
  20. Actually, it was a lizard.
  21. So like, is Naoki Urasawa your dad or brother or something? I mean, it wasn't a random choice to use his work for your Rainman manga.
  22. Sabat isn't part of the suit. You know that, right? And no they didn't do him dirty. He got himself into this mess, with his own two gropey hands. One of the more interesting things the judge said, after updating them on the death threats, was this (emphasis added): I think there is a community out there, obviously, that is interested in this case. I think it might be -- I mean, this isn't a TV show. This is real life stuff. This isn't an anime cartoon or something like that, and I don't know if people can distinguish between the two. So what I'm trying to say is I think y'all may owe a duty to this community, since y'all's clients are a part of it, to try to get this case worked out. And in closing I just wanted to tell y'all in person, because I thought it was rather serious with regards to -- and I don't know what all is out there. That's just what I was given. And so there could be much more than that. I don't know. But just watch your back. https://www.dropbox.com/s/d6rw17b1fa0i7ky/2019-09-17 Mediation Order Hearing Transcript - Marked.pdf?dl=0 "Watch your back." Not something you expect to hear in a courtroom from the bench, huh.
  23. I wish. Beats not being able to get drunk at all before you start feeling the hangover headache and/or vomit it all up. I miss not being able to feel my nose.
  24. With that pencil moustache he looks like a 32 year old trying to pass for 10. (not a fan, don't watch the show, just absorb it from the culture by osmosis, but the new animation is butt-ugly)
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