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Gina Szanboti

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Everything posted by Gina Szanboti

  1. Childcare at a bowling alley. I'm not great with kids to begin with, and I haven't been able to stand the smell of baby powder since.
  2. I really hope so too. I don't think I've ever had headaches as bad as the one that started about a day after. Two solid days of head-splitting agony. The tap didn't hurt at all. Good luck!
  3. Did I mention it's sparkly? I mean, really, really sparkly. Like in every frame sparkly. Literally. Every frame. There was one episode much later on where it was like they forgot to sparkle, and it was really weird.
  4. I enjoyed it. It's super colorful! And sparkly! It's pretty brainless entertainment though. There are some hints of a deeper plot that looked pretty interesting, but ultimately they ran out of episodes without really digging into it much.
  5. Some random surfing led me to listen to Crosby Stills & Nash's Wooden Ships, which triggered an old memory. Back when I was traveling around the country living in my car, I was camping at some semi-swampland campground in MS or LA, can't remember where it was. It mainly consisted of a half dozen picnic tables among some grass that hadn't been mowed for at least a couple months. Surprisingly few mosquitoes though, despite it being near sunset. Anyway, there was only one other person camping there, so we struck up a conversation. He brought out his guitar, so I brought out mine, though I knew his level was waaay far out of my league. And he started playing Wooden Ships. And I just sang along with him, like we'd rehearsed it a dozen times, naturally alternating the two characters' voices, effortlessly blending the harmonies. I didn't try to contribute any guitar, but I did add some of the S.O.S. tones during his solos. It was magical. We jammed until after dark when the mozzies finally did come out to dine. I don't know how good my singing was, but for his part, he was really delighted to find someone who knew all the lyrics.
  6. Too many "sora"s this season (Ahiro no Sora, Hoshiai no Sora, Sora no Aosa wo Shiru Hito yo (movie)). Also too many titles that start with Ho. Honzuki no Gekokujou, Hoshiai no Sora, Houkago Saikoro Club.
  7. vape cuck mansplain mood antivax catfish shadowban
  8. Ya know, when I first read this, I just kinda skimmed over it, thinking I knew what you were going to say it was a reference to, i.e., 221B Baker St. I didn't even realize that was the bar's address!
  9. Companies? What are you talking about? All the ones I've seen seem to be individual creators posting their comics. If people like the comics and upvote them, they can monetize it. Nothing wrong with that (I have heard some complaints about Webtoons stiffing some of their artists though. Dunno if there's substance to that though). I'm following more than a dozen, and only about half are serials. It's not like it's costing you anything but your time to read them or not. I like them because they're usually in color and I can tell what's going on in the frames, which is not always or even usually the case with b/w manga. And the interface is pretty user-friendly for me. (time to shill for Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell yet again. )
  10. I can't go through 300 pages to see if this has been posted yet. Warning: Onion ninjas on the loose, have snot-rags on hand.
  11. Beastars. Yeah. That was different. Ok. I think I'll keep watching. I'm curious as to why the hippo sided with the carnivores when they split into groups. Also, I wonder if deer's penchant for killing and eating birds and small rodents will factor into this. >.> The wolf Legosi is pretty obviously a reference to Bela Lugosi. But I think the only role he had as a werewolf was in The Wolf Man, as the gypsy who bit Lon Chaney Jr. They should've named him Chaney or Talbot. Really liking Haru.
  12. They always treat me like shit. When I broke my leg backpacking, it was a Sunday when I finally got home and called my doctor. They said, well, it's been 5 days already, you might as well just go in tomorrow. When I did, they rolled their eyes and acted like I was being a drama queen for saying it was broken, until they saw the x-rays, and then were all, "Don't stand on it!" I was like, "you didn't have a problem with me walking across the room on my own a few minutes ago."
  13. Yeah, I got the 221 reference, but I still don't know why they felt they had to change it at all. Kabukichou Sherlock is a perfectly fine title. Case File BlahBlah says nothing. Now Rifle is Beautiful I can see changing to Chidori RSC to tone down the gun fetishism. But they should've just called it Mai Raifu. Ok, so the second episode of Maoh's Adopted Grandhuman was spectacularly hilarious. I had reservations, but I'm now in for the duration with this one. Loved the bit in Kono Oto about poor X and Y forced to hide their identities at birth and living in lonely isolation. Evoking sympathy for variables is quite a novel approach to teaching math.
  14. Me too. It was my fault though. Broke my collar bone and needed 6 stitches in my head. When the medical guys came it was like the decked-out fire dept. pickup that Mantooth and Tighe drove in Emergency!. They made me climb up into the cab by myself, which was kinda hard with a bad wing, and stuck me in the middle (no seat belt). Then they told me I'd need to be in a body cast for six weeks. I said that didn't sound right and they just laughed at me. I hope they had fun scrubbing the blood out of their upholstery. I was in the ER for about 12 hours and all they did was stitch up my head, take a couple of x-rays, give me a shoulder brace, and write a scrip for painkillers. The nurse got annoyed when I asked if I could get a sling, but it turned out that was because she didn't know how to put it on.
  15. All through Immortal Bladeworks I was getting such nostalgic vibes for Shigurui Death Frenzy and Texhnolyze (both of which it turns out he also directed) from the character designs and mood. Ridiculously over the top violence and depravity aside, I'm all in for this one. Loved the symbolism and oppressive dread of the water wheel punctuating the beginning and (heh) coming full circle at the end. I anticipate good stuff here. I agree that Assassins Parody may or may not be one, but it's amusing enough to watch until I start falling behind on everything. I was already -ing with the princess standing on the railing for no apparent reason, and then when worried Vampir was looking up her skirt, she didn't just jump backwards off the rail, but instead precariously tried to pull her skirt down until she dropped so daintily into his arms. I think they're gonna run out of flower petals before this is over... I'm sorry to say that I feel like Junichi Suwabe is slightly miscast in No Gun Heads. I think I would've preferred swapping him with Tsujida in Immortal, though I also hate to see the latter get typecast as the gritty gumshoe. But with that voice, it's kind of inevitable. Anyway, it looks weirdly interesting. I'm relieved the subtitles call them Extendeds, because just calling them Extends makes me think of penis pills, and I'd rather not. Speaking of Suwabe, his role in Kabukichō Sherlock (still looking for an explanation of the weird English title) just made me cringe the whole time. Given that the scriptwriter has such a good track record with me (91 Days, Bunny Drop, Haikyuu!!, Silver Spoon, et al), this is starting out on a seriously disappointing foot, but I can't help but like the Joker Game character designs. I give it another episode to do something that will allow me to tolerate this. Scars Align had me scratching my head until the end. It looked like a typical "genki sports boy incites unmotivated teammates to love the sport" story, but genki sports boy came off as really unlikable somehow. And childhood friend he wants to recruit seemed super nice and chill to everyone...until genki sports boy tries to recruit him, and then suddenly he turns into an asshat too. But then the light dawned, at least a bit, at the end, so I'm in. I feel like I've seen Chinese Food Wars before, but maybe not. It looks ok. I think I want a Silkie for a pet now, but the neighborhood cats would eat it. Funny that it airs almost back to back with Japanese Food Wars 4. Stand My Bishies was pretty much what I expected, though I kept waiting for the twist where they all turned out to be vampire boys. J/k, but they look like they just stepped out of Diabolik Lovers, and some even have the same voices. I was gratified (though not surprised, since it had been telegraphed repeatedly) when she fought back against the captor, but if you're going to put up such a half-assed defense and then just quit, why bother? Seriously, throwing up your hands in a "oh, no, don't hit me!" cringe was just sad. Will I keep watching? Oh, you betcha. This looks to be the only purely eye-candy series this season, and it seems ripe for MST3King. I haven't seen anything with this much potential since that Takoyaki Princess thing.
  16. Except for Babylon, I made 'em up. Most of the official English titles aren't direct translations either. Like Kabukicho Sherlock is a direct translation, but for some reason the official English title is Case File nº221: Kabukicho. I don't know where all that came from, nor why the 'o' in the abbreviation 'no' is a degree sign. Titles are weird anyway, so I play with them.
  17. Looks like schools of fish.
  18. Ok, I should have said, they don't have to pay you (unless you somehow earn 300 hours of sick leave a year). I forgot to factor in that you work for idiots. That said, at some point they may wise up and decide to quit throwing money at you. Or not. I don't care either way.
  19. FMLA doesn't require them to pay you, it just keeps them from firing you for being on leave. If you run out your sick leave, they won't pay you.
  20. Well, like Agent Orange, when you admit to the crime on tv and/or in front of a room full of witnesses, it's kind of hard to be exonerated. I just really love that telling of it, since none of it is much exaggerated - read the Lokasenna (from the Poetic Edda, not the Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson who had the best name evah). That's what the poem says happened. Norse mythology is great.
  21. Chuuniboys Harem is slightly too screamy for me, but I think I'll stick around a bit longer to see what they do with the "they're not delusional after all!" hints that were flying thick and fast. Speaking of screamy, The Demon Lord's Grandson is going to be a quick pass if they don't tone his cringing down at least a tad. But I enjoyed the first episode in spite of that, so we'll see how long I last. I really liked Special K 007 at the beginning. The OP was great. But the longer it went on, the more my interest flagged. I think it's still a keeper, but they're kinda on thin ice. I'll at least hang on until we find out how he didn't get shot and see what the point of the elves and vampires is, besides the cool-factor. I was hopeful for Non-Netflix Aggretsuko office hijinks, but I couldn't even make it through the episode. I noped out shortly after the train flashback. Singing Actors had some nice songs, I guess, but the field is just too crowded for them to prevail. Sorry boys. Babylon (not to be confused with Babylonia, which I was for a bit) is the best premier so far. I love the character designs, I like the story, it looks good to me, it has a nice OP, it's got Takahiro Sakurai, so I'm 100% on board for this. The funny thing was I was expecting someone to get killed throughout the whole episode, waiting for a bullet to come out of nowhere or a car to blow up for shock value. I'm not sure why, perhaps the framing of certain scenes or something. Whatever they were doing, it kept me on edge the whole time.
  22. Loki takes it just a little too far... HIDE YOUR WIVES AND DAUGHTERS SET FIRE TO YOUR VALUABLES LOKI IS COMING AND HE IS SWINGIN’ DICK SERIOUSLY SHIT IS ABOUT TO GET REAL THIS IS A MYTH THAT IS LESS A MYTH AND MORE A RAP BATTLE BETWEEN LOKI AND EVERYONE Go read it yourself, it's too long to post, but it's hilarious. Also too, see the term "flyting." Also, too, plus, many more Norse myths on that site, given similar treatment.
  23. Good to see they were cautious enough to leave the little red thingies on their guns so real cops wouldn't gun them down during filming.
  24. Aw, how can I be the first to post the definitive Halloween video? Well, enjoy!
  25. You know this isn't what people mean when they say, "Fuck cops!" right?
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